The metal cabin of the mechanical city is shrouded in a weak red, which is reflected in the original green light. On the ground, there lies atlas whose life and death are uncertain. Akamuob is inside his body, and his life and death are also uncertain. The door of the mechanical cabin is closed. There are few people who have the right to enter the cabin. If atlas does not go out for a long time, it will attract people's attention. However, in terms of time, this is not the longest time atlas has been in the metal cabin, and no one has paid attention to it. Therefore, everything is the same as a few hours ago.

However, there is another reason, that is, tirathamis has been trapped here for nearly 30 years, and his attention has already been focused on other places. If atlas stays here for a long time, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to what's going on inside.

The weak red light of the metal cabin was not from elsewhere, but from the side of the metal table where tiratitemis was locked. The green flame is now surrounded by a transparent sphere, and the outside of the sphere is winding a red ball of light. If you look closely at the red light ball, you can see that it is not an ordinary light ball, but a flaming Firebird! Firebird is very small, but the fireworks are very strong, and the flight speed is very fast, like a meteor revolving around the green flame. Weak but tenacious red light is the color of Firebird.

Tirathamis's voice sounded a little tired and soft, or it became soft because of exhaustion: "for those of you who were born in the secondary virtual space, there are too many characteristics of the secondary plane, or the standard plane, so it is difficult to cross the barrier between the planes and appear in another place. Of course, in the secondary virtual space of the main city of the mechanical City, there are many strong people who can gather strength in a short time and penetrate the laws contained in the plane. There are also some breakthroughs outside the plane. They can take more properties of the plane to penetrate the plane blockade and appear in this world. But in the secondary plane on the platform that locks me up, Without a long period of accumulation, it is difficult to have such a strong power. Of course, even if it appears here, it will be completely destroyed by atlas. "

"In fact, I know that your original consciousness wants to come out first, and then wait until the plane is stable and the strength here is strong, and then find another part of consciousness back. But in fact, after you get rid of that consciousness, your consciousness will split into two parts, you are you and he is he. Different experiences will cause slight differences between you, Don't underestimate this tiny difference, it will determine your future road will go in different directions. However, there is no way. Your choice is correct, and it is also a simple consciousness. Because there are few rules attached to the original plane, it will be easier to be accepted by the world, so the difficulty of crossing will be reduced a lot. Therefore, this is also the reason why I bring you here. "

Tirathamis breathed a deep breath. The flame tilted toward atlas for a moment, and then continued: "I have a mark on my body. Once detected by the cell, it will trigger an alarm, so you can only go to the following things by yourself. I spent a lot of effort to bring you out, but also for myself. Well, but the power of your belief is really good. As expected, the more pure the world power is, the more powerful it will be. I don't think that's the result of that

The Firebird flew around the transparent sphere, making a small whistling, as if agreeing with the conclusion of tiratimus.

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you! Go ahead! First go save akhamob, then control atlas! If we are lucky enough, akamuob may still be alive. "

Firebird is a slender song, and then fiercely change direction, toward the world outside the green light curtain wings rush!

It's a wonderful process from inside to outside.

Within the light curtain, the actual situation that Firebird sees is not what it sees outside. What it sees is the scene that wind chime sees in a virtual space. A river of time is surging and flowing to the distance where you can't see the end. In the distance in the same direction as it, there are several rivers of time flowing incoherently in the parallel space. Every river here has its own characteristics, That is, every independent plane on the Fengling platform is flowing with the running data stream.

Tirathamis' voice can penetrate a layer of virtual space and ring out in Firebird's consciousness, while Firebird is the separation of the wind chime's simplified consciousness.

Separation can be presented as another state, because Fengling has fully understood the original power of the crystal world, so the state presented by his separation is a Firebird, a Firebird formed by God's anger.

As tirathamis said, without the characteristics of the standard plane carried by the body and consciousness, the resistance of the dividing point in the middle of the river of time to different planes disappears completely, and the Firebird breaks through the invisible wall of rules between the rivers of time and appears in the scope of another river of time.

But the Firebird didn't stop flying, passing by another river of time, bringing a piece of blue shock wave to the other side of the river of time. There is an invisible wall, outside which is the real world!

In the eyes of Firebird, distance is not something out of reach at all. When it hits the invisible wall, a light spot starts from nothing, then grows rapidly and spreads around. Then all the scenes are presented from the arc-shaped lines to the metal cabin of the mechanical city.

In the same process, seen from the metal cabin, in the green light curtain, the tiny Firebird in the plane block where tirartemis is located penetrates the barrier of the standard plane and breaks through the outermost green light curtain on the platform, appearing in the room air of the real world. And its shape, can see the shape of a Firebird into an orange red light ball, that is the structure of the sniffer.

The light ball came out of the light curtain and landed on atlas's body. On the surface of atlas's body, the place where the light ball falls lights up a circle of red light, and then everything returns to calm again. On the funerary platform, tiratimus looked at it quietly, breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly, "hoo, I hope it will be successful this time."

But in the empty Temple of the virtual world of the mechanical City, the paper that she had been quietly looking at gave a faint smile, raised her head, kneaded the paper full of lines in front of her and said with a smile: "hum! I didn't want to trap you. It seems that you are wronged. "

Tirathamis did not know that she could not hear what she said. She did not speak any more and gave up with a faint smile.

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