Inside atlas.

There is no light here. Countless channels are black, and they hide in the dark when they can't see the end. These channels were originally the lines on atlas's body, but now without energy, they become dark channels.

Sniffer is the spherical lightning created by tiratimus. It uses ionized particles in the air. After special modification and programming, these particles can become the program carrier in the state of motion. The consciousness inside is to maintain the original existing structure on this basis. Sniffer needs energy, and it can also store energy. But when it is in atlas, sniffer can recognize that the environment is suitable for the existence of consciousness, and it will be broken naturally. The Firebird is a part of the consciousness of Fengling.

When Firebird plunges into atlas' body, most of the energy in the broken sniffer does not completely disappear into Firebird's body, and a small part goes into atlas's vein. Atlas's body, centered on the landing point of the sniffer, quickly waves out and swings out a circle of electric flowers. Firebird's speed can be improved with this energy, It turned into a light and ran to atlas's brain.

From the perspective of Firebird, a huge network is constantly extending in front of Firebird, and all kinds of pipelines are on and off in front of it, passing and going away quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, Firebird appeared in a steel forest. This is the destination of Firebird, the core of atlas control.

Everything in the steel forest is in a state of solidification. The connecting pipelines remain in the state of just being connected and not being connected together. The splitting pipelines have not been disconnected and remain in the state of cracking. All the light disappears and the network structure is in a state of stillness. If you look at it from a larger perspective, a circle of broken and continuous steel waves, centered on a certain place, will solidify in this endless steel forest.

The Firebird went straight through the gap in the steel grid and hit the center of the steel wave ring without a sound.

There was no flame or sound in the place of impact, and a circle of red lightning flashed quickly across the whole steel forest. At this moment, the steel forest suddenly came to life, the unbroken pipelines began to break again, and the soon to be united pipelines began to merge with each other, but different from before, all the pipelines were not yellow or cyan, but red.

At the center of the impact point, a red area rapidly expanded and occupied the whole steel forest. Finally, a bright red mass gathered in the area once controlled by the yellow light mass, where the steel pipeline was uniform and stable, but it seemed to burn and melt.

As the red light flashed, everything here was rapidly reversing, and the burned and melted parts were repairing themselves. The red light continuously seeps out from the pipeline and slides from here to atlas' chest like blood.

That's Atlas energy control.

When the red light reaches the energy control center, the control center is still flashing a weak light, but it seems that before long, it will finally go dark. The blue and yellow lights are interspersed with each other, fighting for the control of the energy control core.

It's no exaggeration to say that the energy control core is almost becoming a piece of scrap iron. The originally evenly distributed metal pipelines here have become different in thickness. After repeated and intense fusion, the same pipeline is torn apart again before it returns to its original state, and becomes a waste pipeline full of bumps and turns, In other places where the competition between green and yellow consciousness is more intense, the pipeline is twisted into a needle shape, protruding toward the inside or outside of the control core, forming a thorn shape, and starting to destroy the overall structure of the energy control core.

There are many kinds of battlefields, but most of them have only one result, which is to destroy all normal things.

Although the cyan light gained an overwhelming advantage in the core control area of atlas, the yellow light near destruction, that is, Atlas consciousness, destroyed the core control area of atlas with destructive tactics and forced to rush to the energy control core.

Akhamob had to fight. After the two sides moved the battlefield, all the advantages of akhamob were overthrown.

The core of energy control is important for both akamuob and atlas. If it is destroyed here, the energy in atlas will eventually be exhausted. Fortunately, the consciousness of atlas and akamuob will remain in the core control area torn apart by the war and fall into a state of storage, Waiting for the next energy input, I wake up and fall into a bitter struggle again. But if the storage fails, the two consciousness will disappear and be completely erased from atlas.

Atlas is not reconciled. He was deceived by tiratimus.

He was deceived by a God.

He decided that he could not live any longer, so destroying everything was the only thing he could do at present.

Akhamob is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die at the moment. From the time tirathus brought him to this world, he knew that the crystal plane was just a virtual plane, and he would be destroyed by this world at any time. In order to save the crystal plane, we must help tirathus complete the escape plan, otherwise, when atlas restarted the platform, he and his original world would no longer exist, Including the Supreme God who has been thinking hard for thousands of years!

Therefore, even if it is to fight to death, it is necessary to prevent atlas from self destruction!

In addition, behind him is tirathus, the God of creation with infinite power!

All the time, the energy control area is in the struggle between the two consciousness. The spikes of the destroyer atlas energy control core even extend and rotate to the control area itself, like a screw into the control area, cutting off some pipelines that were still in use.

There are only a few blue and yellow light electric awns left on the pipeline, but they still complement each other, attacking and annihilating each other at the top of the spikes.

Red light like a bright flame, without any stay, directly into the ruins of the war. Red diffuses every corner of the steel pipeline, and the powerful and gentle force does not extinguish the flashing of the blue and yellow light one by one, but surrounds them, isolating them and preventing them from meeting and colliding again. But atlas's original power is not so easy to be suppressed. He is in conflict and agitation, trying to break through the encirclement of the red power. As a result, the energy core begins to vibrate violently, which has the momentum of bursting!

The energy core vibrated violently several times, and then stopped moving. The fight between atlas and akhamob has destroyed the energy control core so much that even if there is still electricity in the battery, it is difficult for them to extract it. Now the battery store is nearly exhausted, and no one can extract enough energy from it. Atlas failed to complete its own destruction in the end. Everything was not damaged or repaired. Instead, it was contained by the red light and solidified instantly.

"Your Highness! Here you are at last Akhamob's consciousness outputs a message, and the yellow light outputs another message: "originally, death is this feeling..." when the message comes out, both consciousness fall into silence. Standing in the center of energy control, no joy, no sadness, the red light sends a message to tirathamis: "Your Highness, I have control of atlas."

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