"Now, I order!" Lin Zicong on the phone seems to have gathered all his strength and slowly stood up. Although he bit his teeth, he was firm and incomparable. Instinctively, all the people in the conference room stood up straight“ All 12 teams, follow my orders! From now on, we will immediately find our own targets and carry out surprise attacks on the targets that the enemy can attack. We do not seek clear targets, but seek substantial results and give the enemy retaliatory counterattack! Let the enemy pay a considerable price for their actions! "

"Yes Everyone answers to the holophone. This is a recorded phone call, not a real-time phone call. However, everyone's behavior is the same as Lin Zicong standing in front of them. With a beep, Lin Zicong's phone is turned off, and the recording of the phone is here. Some people can guess that Lin Zicong's physical strength is here, but more people's minds are not here. Their minds have already flown out of the conference room and are already floating on the vast battlefield.

The crowd sat down, and the room of action group 12 was still quiet. Everyone is silent, but silence contains a kind of surging power.

"So we have a new mission?" Yang Botao first broke the silence and asked. There was a tremor in his voice, a tremor of excitement. The last task was to train Li Xinyan. At first, it seemed to be a depressing task, but now it seems to be a completed task - Li Xinyan doesn't need to be trained, and his ability is far higher than that of ordinary players. Now that the previous task has been completed, the next task will naturally become the content of the action to be started.

"New task, of course. But there is no specific goal for the new task! " Guo Tianming's voice is full of vitality. It doesn't sound very happy. Wu Kun knew in his heart that for an unclear task, it would be very difficult to estimate the logistics. How to carry out the task determines how to prepare equipment, food, treatment and other complicated things. The more vague the task is, the more difficult these things will become. Naturally, he would have this kind of tone. Wu Kun looked at Li Xinyan. Li Xinyan looked up at the ceiling and didn't know what he was thinking. Wu Kun didn't know why he would look at him. He secretly scolded himself: "why do you look at him? Fool, is he better than you? He's just better than you at climbing on the plank road! " Then think about it, press a few buttons on the holographic phone, and a vast map emerges in the air.

This is a vast three-dimensional map of Southeast Asia, from the Kunlun Mountains to the sea of Japan, from Siberia to the Philippines, showing different light and dark. On the map, different spheres are marked according to the size of individual strongholds in this area, and the numbers and names of each stronghold are marked in the void. Of course, the verified strongholds of the mechanical city are also marked on the map, but the strongholds of the mechanical city are marked in blue, while the strongholds of the forward humans are marked in red.

"This is the overall situation in Southeast Asia. Since the general requires us to take the initiative in this mission, our first priority is naturally to determine the target to attack!" Wu Kun said in a deep voice, "for this mission, I think this is the way to go. Everyone puts forward a goal, and we vote on it by a show of hands. In the end, what everyone agrees with the most is naturally the goal of this action."

"Agreed!" A few people answered.

Li Xinyan is not included. Damn, Wu Kun looked at him again. He still looked up at the ceiling.

Wu Kun first said: "from me, I'll start. As far as I know, the most recent and the most recent large-scale attack of the mechanical City happened in this position! " Wu Kun refers to Sanmenxia area to Luoyang area“ Although the loss of our regular troops in this campaign reached 8:1, in absolute terms, the number of mechanical attack animals lost in this campaign reached a record breaking 350 according to postwar statistics. As we all know, the largest attack team of mechanical beasts has never exceeded 1000. This battle plus the loss of mechanical beasts scattered in this area before, the loss of this mechanical beast unit should be about half. It's a great opportunity for us to get close to this robot team. And another rule is also known to all, the mechanical beast forces generally have a central command. If we can take advantage of the weakest opportunity of this mechanical animal team to enter its stronghold, seize the central command of this mechanical animal team, see what they are, get such a sample for our scientific researchers, and let them find out the weakness of the mechanical animal team, it will be of great significance for our future combat. That's my suggestion. "

"Next, talk about your suggestion."

Next is Zhao Xiaogang. He shakes his head and says he has no suggestions. After Meng Hongxing seems to be impatient: "my suggestion is that we go to see where all the spaceships that fall from the mechanical city fall, and we'll blow them up!" There was a burst of laughter. This wish is good, but everyone knows that a mechanical spaceship is often hundreds of mechanical animals watching or up and down, so the action team has no chance to get close, let alone realize the glorious dream of blowing up the spaceship.

After Meng Hongxing, Feng Weiting said slowly: "in fact, I have summarized our fighting process with the mechanical animals. After various analyses, I found that in fact, the personnel loss rate of our human fighting with the mechanical animals in the plain area is much higher than that in the mountainous area, You may all think that this is because the mobile ability of the mechanical beast in the plain area is not as convenient as that in the mountain area. However, after my analysis, I found that this is not the case. In fact, if we exclude the mechanical soldiers and giant self-propelled guns who can attack from a long distance in the plain area, the mechanical leopard and the giant self-propelled gun are actually not so good The killing ability of close range attack animals such as mechanical dogs has slightly decreased in mountainous areas, rather than greatly decreased, which is difficult to explain why the loss of our fighters has changed so much. So in fact, the biggest difference in lethality between the two terrains is that in mountainous areas, there is not much room for the long-range arms of the mechanical beast forces to play! Why is there no room to play? This is because it is very difficult for the long-range units of the mechanical City troops to move in the mountainous areas, and their stable shooting ability will deviate greatly in the mountainous areas. "

"So... What's your proposal for action?" Wu Kun asked.

"A perfect cooperation with the group army, using the distributed combat mode, the mechanical beast forces will be decomposed in the mountainous area, long-range first and then close attack, and divided into different types of attack!" Feng Weiting said that at the same time, he hit the table with a fist, which was very impressive.

This idea is very bold, but people listen to it very seriously. Indeed, those regular troops with ordinary combat power seldom do tactical research, and seem to only know how to fight with flesh and blood. This has become a big reason for the loss of regular troops. Yang said with a smile: "Oh, it's a good plan, but it seems that we need a drill to implement it. But what we need now is a quick raid. Is it a little slow? Even if the cooperation with the regular army is successful, the other operation teams may have completed their tasks and returned long ago. Besides, if the regular army is willing to change, will it wait until now? "

"What's your suggestion?" Feng Weiting asked.

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