Yang Botao rolled his eyes and said, "in fact, my idea is similar to Meng Hongxing, but my idea is not to blow up those spaceships. My suggestion is that instead of fighting on the ground, we might as well go inside the spaceship, go up to the mechanical City, and then directly damage the mechanical city there. As we all know, the mechanical city is the command center of the mechanical forces. In addition to the fact that before the war broke out, when the main human forces were still strong, our forces once occupied a spiral wall of the mechanical city, Over the years, no one has ever been able to go up, and no one has caused a certain threat to the mechanical City, so the mechanical city has become more and more reckless. I think that since no one has been up for so many years, the machinery city must be very lax in its prevention of human beings. Taking advantage of its unpreparedness, we directly blow up there. Even if we all die in battle, it will certainly have a significant impact on the war process! "

Yang Botao was very excited, but everyone was stunned. It's a grand plan, it's also a bold plan, but it seems that it's also a plan that is difficult to implement. If you think about it carefully, it's not impossible. If you can really get on the spaceship, the rest can really be achieved. At least it's not a problem to help people.

"Well, that's one of the suggestions. Next, go on." Wu Kun motioned to continue to make suggestions.

Yang Jun spread his hands: "I have no suggestions. I listen to you. " Yu Zhigang said in a deep voice: "I suggest that we can go through the current fighting areas, project our strength behind the mechanical forces, and build a new stronghold in the mountainous area of Southern Jiangxi. Although the South Asia a816 thoroughfare center of Fujian Province was captured by the mechanical forces, the mechanical forces in the mountainous areas will not guard for a long time. For them, there is no use value and the operation is not very convenient. I can't find two flat places to stop a spaceship or anything. Therefore, as long as we can establish a stronghold there, we will be able to gradually restore the a816 hub in South Asia. If we can restore the a816 hub in South Asia, then... Hum, our operation team must be the first one to establish a stronghold independently! "

As for this plan, perhaps the previous proposal is too fanciful. No one opposes it, no one agrees with it, and no one even shows interest in it. Or maybe we are still wandering in Yang Botao's plan. If we don't understand Yu Zhigang's plan, there will be no big reaction.

"Good, not bad. Next, Xiao Jian and Bai Tao, talk about it." Wu kundao.

Xiao Jian and Bai Tao are two guys who even have to get together to eat and sleep, so it's very easy to ask him two questions only one person can answer them. Xiao Jian touched his ears and chuckled. He was quite proud and determined: "have you ever thought about what modern wars are fighting? Energy! No matter we or the mechanical forces, in fact, we can only rely on energy. Our particle guns need energy, while the attack animals of the mechanical forces also need energy! Where does the power of the mechanical force come from? No one knows this problem! A small mechanical animal has neither a place to eat nor a place to digest food. How do they supplement energy? As an action team, we should explore how the mechanical forces make energy and how they provide it to the mechanical animals! If we understand this problem, then our war will have a target of attack, that is, as long as we attack their energy sources, we can completely reverse the situation of being passively attacked, and even begin to counter attack! "

"Good!" Several people clapped at the same time. This seems to be a very feasible plan. The operation team itself is a secret service force, so investigation is of course not a problem. If intelligence can be obtained, and it is the intelligence that determines the war process, the operation team will naturally be able to play the greatest role. On the other hand, to a certain extent, this kind of operation relying on investigation to obtain intelligence will also have the least casualties The action with the least cost is the most popular task of the action team.

"But... What if these sources of energy are not within our operational area?" Yang asked.

Xiao Jian was stunned. Suddenly, he was a bit like eggplant beaten by frost. Indeed, if the target is not within the combat area, then the action of the action team is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The scene was silent again.

Wu Kun sighed, not only sighing that there was no goal for such a promising plan, but also sighing at everyone's ideas. To be honest, if he hadn't spoken in a democratic way this time, I really didn't know these guys could have so many suggestions. In terms of the contents of the proposals, they are not totally useless. The wild proposals are even more creative than his proposals. The biggest problem of these proposals is the lack of necessary conditions. But can't a proposal without conditions work? That's not necessarily true. Conditions can be created, but the creation of each condition is related to opportunity and cost.

"This proposal is also reserved." He looked at Li Fengyu. Li Fengyu shook his head, then looked at Li Xinyan who was still looking at the ceiling. He obviously had no idea. Hong Lei and Liuzi seem to be more interested in Li Xinyan, and they also look at him.

"Li Xinyan, what do you think?" Wu Kun asked.

"I'm thinking about another question. Well, Xiao Jian's idea is actually very good. " Li Xinyan said.

Yang Botao turned around and looked at it, but his face was full of spitting.

"I have been in base 766 for six years, but sometimes I think about the same problems as Xiao Jian. It's true that energy is really the problem we need most. There has always been a fort on my base that I am reluctant to dismantle. That fort is extremely efficient, because it is made of solid bullets. When dealing with the mechanical beast of short-range attack, its explosive lethality can wipe out any moving machine within 50 meters in diameter. But later, because of the lack of filling shells, we had to use particle guns. Although the particle gun will produce a powerful explosion when it hits the target, the thermal effect of the explosion is not as good as the destruction effect of single chip concentration. So since we are so short of energy, how can the mechanical City supplement energy? A clear understanding of this issue will naturally provide the strongest support for us to effectively attack the enemy. "

"Another question that came to my mind when I was studying these two days is: what is the purpose of the mechanical City attacking us? Is it just to destroy mankind? Historically, all wars basically have a purpose, either to obtain land and living space, or to fight against an unbalanced attack. Otherwise, it is a war for a certain right, so what is the purpose of Mechatronics attacking human beings? The reason for destroying human beings is obviously not appropriate. With the capability of Mechanical City, it is the most direct way for them to destroy human beings with ultimate nuclear weapons. It is not that they can not build nuclear weapons, but they did not. What is the reason? So if there's no reason to explain, I don't think mechatrocity wants to destroy human beings. "

"But the current situation obviously does not exist that human beings have oppression or imbalance on the mechanical city. Then, there is only one situation left. The mechanical city is acquiring land and space through war! Why acquire land and space? What do they want this for? If they want to acquire land and space, there will be plenty of outer space! "

"Considering all the problems, the purpose of launching the war must be closely related to the construction they are going to carry out! Only when we understand what the mechanical city wants to do, can we really find a way to defeat the mechanical city! "

"So?" Wu Kun asked. Everyone is looking at Li Xinyan. Obviously, everyone is very interested in studying this task.

"Therefore, we need to cross the front, break through behind the mechanical City, and go there to see what is the real reason that drives the mechanical city to launch the war."

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