Andrew didn't look worried about what tirathamis would do to him.

"Your Highness tirathamis, it's obvious that your highness DORO is no longer in your camp. Can't you see that? Otherwise, how could his highness Maitreya taolos snatch me from his highness DORO? " Andrew is petite and looks funny with his neck up. But what he says makes people laugh. The fighting on the ground is going on all the time, and the infighting in the mechatrocity doesn't seem to stop!

Li Xinyan realized something in a trance. The mechanical city didn't completely exterminate human beings, probably because there are some different voices inside it that have been resisting!

"To put it more clearly, before his highness maitretaolos robbed him of his body in the human world, he had successfully injected part of his consciousness into the brain of the leader of the dungeon base. Therefore, his highness son's experience is actually an experiment and an outpost in his attempt to control the human base."

"If this way can cause great lethality to the human world, then his highness vasetti's direct attack is a past tense. After all, the way to disintegrate them from within the human race is hidden and lethal, and the effect is better. His highness DORO has long wanted to do so. "

"Besides, his highness onomia doesn't really care about his Highness the son, because a pure human being can't cause great damage to the city of moonlight. Before his majesty fell asleep, he had transformed his Royal Highness the son into a human body. He was not well received by human beings. Human beings even wanted to inquire about the secrets of the holy city through him. In fact, his royal highness onomia knew this inner contradiction very well. But what if we turn him back into a mechanical life

"It turns out that his strategy is right. But just because of this, he carelessly let his highness maitretaolos have a gap, not only robbed me of the past, but also deprived his consciousness of staying in the brain of the leader of the dungeon base of the past. His highness DORO recently encouraged vasette to completely drive his highness maitretaolos out of the world in a virtual space, which is his revenge for his highness maitretaolos! "

"So, in a sense, at this time, his highness Maitreya Taurus, just like you, went down to the world. To some extent, the disputes within the holy city can come to an end. "

Andrew listened with ease, but the more he listened, the heavier his face became.

Andrew said, tiratimus has not had time to say anything, but Li Xinyan has reached a limit.

A chair flew to Andrew.

"It's really a conspiracy!" Li Xinyan broke out.

Before Andrew could jump away, the chair fell on him and broke into three pieces. Although Andrew is a mechanical life, not too afraid of the chair hit, but his body is a child after all, the chair hit, he was smashed to fly out, rolling out five or six meters away to stop.

"Am I human or mechanical! Can you decide? "

Li Xinyan roared.

However, after he roared out, everyone knew that he had no right to decide!

"I'm free or controlled. Can you decide?"

Similarly, after he roared out, everyone knows that he also has no right to decide!

So the rest of the chairs were broken.

Li Xinyan smashed them to pieces.

The crowd was speechless.

Li Xinyan began to walk out.

"Your Highness the son!" Elena wants to keep him.

Tirathamis suddenly held on to Elena“ Let him go. " He said. Irina looked at tirathamis in surprise, worried.

The sun can't decide his own existence, neither can Li Xinyan.

Li Xinyan wants to tear the world apart.

For a few days in the world, he has been trying to accept the past that tirathamis said before.

After waking up in the valley of silver, he has been trying to accept the confusion and logical conflict brought about by the fusion of consciousness, but when he was just able to accept these, tirathamis gave him a greater confusion.

He went to tiratimus to find out why tongliya was manipulated by the highest will, and why she was a puppet with the manipulation? He doesn't want to be a puppet, and neither does Tong Liya. He wanted to find out about it, and then put an end to it.

Since we can't find a gap in Tong Liya, can we find a solution in the LORD God?

But what tirathamis brings is another shock!

Compared with Tong Liya, his misery is not inferior!

The more he struggled in the inexplicable darkness, the deeper he found himself.

Maybe he didn't feel much before, but this time he felt great pain. This kind of pain is not only the semi vague pain and tearing in memory, but also the fear of the future.

He didn't know whether he would be killed and resurrected again in the future.

If you can't even save yourself or control yourself, how can you save Tong Liya?

So, he needs to see Anping.

He wants to know how he was manipulated by Lin Zicong last time.

Although he was killed by Herman for Lin Zicong!

He doesn't have much memory of being killed in the mercenary Corps. Although Li Xinhai is reluctant to mention that scene, he can draw a conclusion from Li Xinhai's casual and simple memory that he chose this road voluntarily. Because so many members of the action team have died, it's a fact that can't be erased.

He can't complain about voluntary death. It was his choice.

But for his own death, he could not bear it!

He wants to find the hand behind the scenes through Anping, but this hand is unexpected. It's not someone here or someone in the underground base, but DORO!

One of the 12 main gods of mechanical city!

At present, Li Xinyan is confused and agitated.

If DORO is behind the scenes, what kind of role did tirathamis play in it?

He created himself without actually asking himself, "would you like to be resurrected?"

No, not once!

If Li Xinyan's first life was killed by human beings, is it right to decide Li Xinyan's resurrection according to his own and highest will?

They didn't ask him about Li Xinyan!

Therefore, they are not necessarily good gods!

The light inside the factory was weaker than that outside. Just as Li Xinyan was about to walk to the gate of the factory, the door opened.

The door opened from the outside.

It was not nether who opened the door, but a young and graceful figure.

It's Tong Liya.

Tong Liya looks very haggard.

He looked at her, and he looked at her.

Neither of them shed tears, but both clenched their fists. Li Xinyan just understood everything, while Tong Liya finally arrived at this moment.

--------------The dividing line of silence-------------

When Ning Ding arrived, Li Xinhai was on the top floor of the bottom laboratory, holding the railing and scanning the separated laboratory room by room.

In the separate laboratory below, all kinds of robots are busy working. Li Xinhai feels very strange. In other factories, even if there are human beings participating in the work, he will feel that it is just an assembly line, but the studio here makes him feel that it is a workshop, and the mechanical people are the masters here. People are working creatively, not a screw on the assembly line, It's just a simple task.

For example, a small robot making engraving in a laboratory on the second floor below.

The robot has already made a section of engraving, and there are enough dark grooves on the metal shell according to the original design, but the little robot is still not very satisfied. He called out the overall design drawing and looked at it carefully. He also looked at the position of the engraving streamline on the shell in the future, and specially modified the direction of some grooves, The groove on the shell has been partly improved in position and shape, which not only does not affect the activity of the metal shell, but also has a distinctive feature.

It's a strange feeling. Never. They are not designers, but they make every mechanical component a little different.

Ning Ding leaned back on the railing happily, looked at Li Xinhai carefully, and said with a smile, "why, which valuable component are you considering to sell? Don't think about it. Those little mechanical dogs outside can eat you. "

"No, I didn't think about that. These things with feel heavy, who would be silly enough to carry to the underground city to sell? I have a strange feeling that all the little things here have their own... Personalities. "

"Well? Is that right? " Ning Ding turns around and looks around.

"I suddenly feel that these robots are different from those we saw before. The robots here have life."

Ning Ding has some doubts: "is there life? Of course, there is life. Robots are now called mechanical life bodies. No, they have life naturally. "

"That's not what I mean. That's a technical term. It's a manifestation of the complexity of the current robot manufacturing process. When I say they have life, I think they... Just like my kittens and dogs... And even like our friends, everyone has his own personality, has his own ideas, and looks at problems from different angles. "

Ning Ding said with a smile: "yes! When you say that, I seem to have the same feeling. It's like the service robot who delivered food to me these two days. I didn't say what I like, but this guy already understood my taste. He didn't even bring me any drinks. He sent me white water and said I wanted to eat some meat. It's too thin. "

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Ning Ding nodded.

"By the way, Adam's wound has begun to heal. The skin on his head has been changed, but it doesn't heal well. If he is burned by fire or medicine, there will be many scars on the back. Medical robots suggest wearing a mask. What do you think is good? "

Li Xinhai frowned and said, "can't he just choose for himself? He's not a three-year-old. He can't choose. "

Ning Ding's face was slightly red, but he didn't answer. He took a look at the machine that Li Xinhai had just pointed to: "well, I have an idea. Isn't it just right to let him carve one?"

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