Li Xinyan had never thought of traveling in the world, but from the moment he stepped out of the gate of Elena's factory, he decided to travel in the world.

Not for anything else, just for the heart that can not be resolved.

It was easy to make this decision because he suddenly felt that he could put everything down.

What Saint son, go to his grandmother's, what team leader, go to hell, Li Xinyan is Li Xinyan, the team leader who can only drink and practice Kung Fu in 766 base, nothing else!

Sitting in front of the fire, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking back, Tong Liya slept deeply, breathed evenly, and her lips moved slightly. Maybe she was talking to the person in her dream. Li Xinyan threw a piece of wood into the fire and pressed the flames, hoping that he would not be affected and have a good sleep.

Li Xinyan doesn't need to rest, but she can't. She's an organism.

There are three layers of branches under Tong Liya's body, and there is a light red shade on her body. As long as the branches under her body are not cold, and the infrared rays of the campfire scatter into the shade, he should not feel cold.

The principle of the wind shield is very simple. If the nitrogen in a certain range around the equipment is vibrated, they will form a layer of interlayer with a thickness of only 2 cm. Under the control of microwave, the nitrogen will constantly impact the air molecules outside the interlayer, causing them to change their way. In this way, a pure transparent nitrogen interlayer will become a mask that can keep out wind and rain.

This is Anping's little invention.

The equipment was stolen by Tong Liya from Anping a long time ago.

Suddenly, Li Xinyan raised his head and said to the side of the mountain road, "come out."

A figure came out of the darkness.

His figure was covered in a robe. He could not see who it was, but his steps seemed hesitant and walked slowly towards the fire.

"It's Her Highness Elena. You don't want her, do you? She is no longer a child. She has her own ideas. Since she has decided to go with me, you can't stop her. " Li Xinyan picked up a branch, folded it into three sections and sent it to the fire one by one.

Someone took off the hood. It was Elena.

Irina sat down with a stone and sighed helplessly.


"Don't you believe I'm not angry?"

Irina said with a faint smile: "when I was thrown out of the second floor virtual space by tiratimus, I was also very angry. Besides, this damned guy is far more powerful than me. He put Tong Liya into my stomach

"I'm a goddess of life, but I... where did I have children?"

"I was thrown to a place where he didn't know what it was! I groped in the dark for a long time, as long as 10000 years! At last, a man appeared in front of me, a Rubik's cube

"Although I am a God who only knows the structure of life, I know that this magic cube is the end of my original plane!"

"Rubik's cube is very strange, he has the divine power that I have never talked about, he can hide some space! He can solve problems in both the virtual world and the real world. So I was sent to a very unique room by him. "

"There are seven or eight bodies lying on the metal platform in the room, which belong to human beings, and I was written into one of them by him!"

"My God, what a feeling it was! When I think about it now, I feel like I'm going to split! "

"But I can't."

"I cursed the God who threw me out of my original plane thousands of times, but the cube told me directly that his name was tiratius. And the cube itself is called Maitreya taolos. "

"Yes, I can't. I can't die. Because I am the God of life! If the God of life even gives up herself, where is she qualified to be the God of life? Moreover, in all kinds of pain, I can clearly feel her little hand caressing me from my body. She knows my pain, but she can't help it

"I suddenly feel that her life is my life, and if I die, she will die."

"Ha ha, besides, outside, on the edge of the metal table, there is a magic cube at a loss trying to save me!"

"I don't know how long it's been, one day? Two days? Or ten days? I fainted in pain and woke up again. I woke up and fainted again. There was a mechanical soldier in the middle. No matter what, just take a tube and inject nutrient solution into my body! "

"Ah... At last, it's all over. The little one in my stomach is coming out! "

Elena's face became soothing and her tone became soothing, as if she were in heaven at that moment.

"And I died of dystocia."

Irina had a smile on her face and a grim truth in her mouth.

Li Xinyan looked at her without expression.

He didn't know what to say, but there were only two words on Elena's face: "happiness".

"Sometimes it's easy to die, especially for organisms. Their physical strength is not enough, and they are easy to die in many cases, such as excessive blood loss, end of circulation, external force damage and so on. For many reasons, they can die quickly. But just because it's so easy to die, organisms prefer to live when they don't want to die. "

"It's a contradiction."

"When I grope in the dark, I want to die, but I can't die. When I lie on the metal platform, I also want to die, but I can't die either. That mechanical warrior would like to let me eat three meals at a time, and my stomach would be stuffed slowly, and I can't even die! Ha ha ha... "

"But when this little life began to cry, I didn't want to die."

"But, contrary to my wishes, I am dead!"

"Ha ha."

Li Xinyan also smiles. He's infected with Elena.

This damned goddess of life.

Li Xinyan scolded in his heart.

"Is death free? Perhaps in most cases, death is free, but my death is not. Guess what? The Rubik's cube took me out of the human body at the moment when I was in a coma

"Oh, Maitreya taolos, although he is not a master of creation, he is a master of space operation. I learned later that it was nether who told me that I was only connected with the woman's body, but I didn't enter her! And those bodies, originally, are the spare unconscious bodies created by tiratimus! The time there is even more exaggerated. The painful ten days I experienced are actually ten months of the real world! "

"Ten months! Continued to be tortured on the metal platform for 10 months! "

"Later, sometimes I thought, if you give me a chance, I'll let them taste the torture I've suffered in the past ten months, but when I see her, Tong Liya, I can't be cruel."

"I'm the goddess of life, not death. I don't have that right."

Li Xinyan did not comment, but took another piece of wood to tear. It's cold in winter, and he can't sleep. Tearing wood is the only thing he can do now.

Irina turned her head and looked at Tong Liya for a long time with a smile on her face. Then she continued to tell her story.

"I never thought about who I was, because from the moment I lost my fight with tirathmis, I was actually a failure. Losers, hehe, no matter in which space, plane or era, losers can be tools, but tools may not be losers. Because losers may not even have the right to be tools. "

"Many losers will only come to death and become a soul whining in Anping's hands. Anping and I have worked together in the virtual space on the second floor of the mechanical city for thousands of years. We have seen thousands of souls and given them thousands of lives again. How can we not understand the truth? "

"So whenever I look at tonleia, I'm glad that I've become the tool that tirathmis likes. Because in thousands of years, I have never had a child that belongs to me, and I never thought of having one. Because I am God. He broke my world, let me see what life is from another angle, it is a kind of creation, and the one who created this new life is actually myself as the goddess of life! "

"How amazing it is

After a pause, Elaine suddenly turned back to Li Xinyan: "Oh, of course, this is my own view of my own experience, which has nothing to do with you. Everyone's happiness is his own, and mine is no exception. "

"But no matter who it is, there is only one truth, that is, only when you gain happiness through these experiences, will you feel that what you have experienced is worth it."

Li Xinyan is still silent.

Elena did not speak. She sat silently in front of the fire, as if still immersed in the memories of the past.

It's normal, too. Perhaps before Li Xinyan, she had never told anyone about this experience. Now, it is also a release for her.

Ah, no, it was a happy time for her.

It took quite a long time for Elena to return to reality from her memory. She looked up at Li Xinyan and said, "there are many people in the valley. I can't nag you about this, so I followed you along the hundred Li mountain road just to say that to you again. Don't let hatred blind your wisdom. Do you remember? "

Li Xinyan still ignored her.

Mechanical city and human use him as a tool. How can Li Xinyan swallow this breath? This is not a simple yes or no can solve the problem!

Elena thought it was too simple.

Irina laughed.

"No? It doesn't matter. Anyway, this sentence has entered your ears. I just wait for it to germinate and blossom. All right, I'm going. I wish you all happiness. "

With that, Irina said to go and left.

Li Xinyan watched her disappear into the night, but somehow her eyes were blurred.

Li Xinyan's eyes also have lacrimal glands.

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