Do you want to follow the mechanical team to see what the situation is, or follow the established route to the seaside to see the winter sea?

Li Xinyan and Tong Liya are not sure about this.

But until the team passed, neither of them made a decision. Of course, they didn't do anything.

They have been holding hands. Li Xinyan feels the sweat of Tong Liya's palm, while Tong Liya feels Li Xinyan's fingers holding his hand tightly.

"I thought you would go out." Tong Liya said.

"I want to see the sea with you. I'm tired of seeing too many of these things. " Li Xinyan said, but what he said didn't match what Tong Liya said.

If there are mechanical forces passing by, there will be a road, which is a good thing for Li Xinyan and Tong Liya. After all, it's hard to walk on the ridge without road. With road, they can save a lot of physical strength. So, the next road is more comfortable for them.

But not long after Shutan, there was the sound of traffic in front of them. They immediately left the dirt road and found a rock to hide behind.

This time, the team is still a team of trucks. The trucks are as old as the last one. Even the tires of two cars have fallen off. As soon as the speed is fast, all the things carried on the cars bump up and fall back into the car heavily.

"Jingle" a crisp ring, an object knock on the car, fell in the middle of the road. The motorcade didn't notice at all and drove past with a roar.

"Would you like to go and have a look?" Asked Tong Liya.

Li Xinyan hesitated, shook his head and said, "No. What does this have to do with us? It's just the normal operation of the mechanical forces. There's nothing to see. "

Li Xinyan said insincerely, he said not to look, but his eyes looked at the object that had been pressed into the soil by later vehicles. The distance was too far, he didn't see what it was after all.

Near noon, Tong Liya happened to find a persimmon tree. She went up to the tree and picked some persimmons. Then she made a fire under the tree and made a flat stone to eat.

With persimmons, Tong Liya's menu has changed again. Persimmons are red in the wind and snow. Tong Liya roasts the potatoes, crushes the potatoes with persimmons on a stone slab, adds some roasted water chestnuts, and then roasts them on the stone slab again. The potato and persimmon cakes come out of the oven.

Out of caution, Tong Liya asked with a smile: "can you draw the taste of this potato persimmon cake this time?"

Li Xinyan looked at the slate, and then said slowly: "some sweet, astringent taste is a little bit, there are water chestnut to join, with potatoes together, it must taste soft waxy."

Tong Liya sent a small piece of potato persimmon cake to the mouth. It really tasted like what Li Xinyan said. She couldn't help opening her eyes and was surprised: "it's really like this. Try it! Well, although there is no flour, the hardness is high, but it's really soft and waxy, and some crispy cakes melt at the entrance

Li Xinyan can't help laughing, this taste is pure nonsense, Tong Liya actually believe, this is what IQ?

But it's full of fun.

Li Xinyan picked up a potato persimmon cake and swallowed it“ By the way, what is crisp? "

"You haven't eaten?" Asked Tong Liya.

"No Li Xinyan replied.

"Well. Poor you

At this time, there was another movement on the dirt road. It looks like another mechanical team is going through here. Tong Li immediately grabs Li Xinyan to hide behind the tree. As soon as Li Xinyan reaches out his hand, he grabs two potato cakes that are still baked on the fire. The potato cakes are too soft to form large pieces. He grabs them and immediately scatters them into small pieces.

Li Xinyan's hand stretched out in a hurry and held up the whole stone slab. Whether he was familiar or not, he carried it behind the tree.

"You're not hot?" Tong Liya asked urgently.

Li Xinyan, biting his teeth, rushed to the back of the tree, threw the stone slab on the ground, and cried softly, "if it's too hot, you have to fill your stomach!"

Tong Liya couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

But when I turned around, I found a problem.

No, the fire is still burning!

"No, the fire didn't go out!"

Li Xinyan looked out from behind the tree. It was true that the fire was still burning. Most of the mechanical life bodies are infrared eyes, which may not be very sensitive to other things. The most sensitive one is multi temperature!

On the main road, we can see the trace of vehicles from a distance!

Love can't think much, Li Xinyan put on the potatoes, yams and so on, immediately rushed back.

Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop.

Li Xinyan forgot that the fire had been burning for more than an hour, but it would heat the surrounding soil and melt part of the snow. Naturally, it became moist and watery. The wet soil covered the fire and immediately raised a white smoke mixed with steam on the fire!

Eight or 90 meters away, the mechanical team immediately braked and stopped!

What a tragedy!

Originally did not want to provoke the mechanical team, white smoke rising, but happened to be mechanical team from the front to see in the eyes!

"Get out of here!" Cried Tonya behind the tree.

Li Xinyan stamped his foot and ran to the back of the tree. Starting from the stone slab on the ground, they flew to the back of the hill along the crevice between the trees and the hill.

When they hid behind the hill and looked back, they found that the motorcade had no reaction at all, neither fired bullets towards the fire nor the mechanical animals came down from the motorcade.

What's going on?

Isn't the mechanical team equipped with mechanical beasts to defend the team?

"Is the slate still hot?" Tong Liya points to the stone slab in Li Xinyan's hand.

Li Xinyan loosened his hands and let the stone slab on the ground again. He put his hands over his ears and said, "hot!"

Although his body is mechanical, the nerves on his hands can feel the temperature!

"Fortunately, the food is still there, otherwise we will be hungry for this meal." Li Xinyan said happily.

Tong Liya looks at him with a smile on her face, pounces on him and hugs him, then sticks her lips to Li Xinyan's iron mouth.


A quarter of an hour later, half an hour later, the mechanical team never moved.

Li Xinyan was wondering if the motorcade had broken down by accident. The first car suddenly dropped a robot about one meter high from the front glass!

The robot's body shape is not a human shape, but a cylinder. Its feet are also old roller structure, and its body is rusty, just like the vehicles in the motorcade.

When the robot landed, Li Xinyan clearly heard a scream and a roar on the wireless channel.

The exclamation seems to be from the old robot, while the roar is the curse of machine language: "waste, if you can't do it, it's rubbish, it's damned rubbish. Since it's rubbish, then die."

Visible to the naked eye, a semi humanoid robot climbs from the rear of the cab to the driving position and starts the vehicle.

And where can the old robot stand the fall! Its wheels have been separated from the body, and it can't move on the way of the truck!

A monotonous metallic sound came out of the wireless channel: "help - help --"

As the old robot can't move, after the vehicle started, it ran over the old robot!

"Can robots cry for help, too?" Li Xinyan said quietly.

Tong Liya has been holding Li Xinyan's hand from just now to now, and the metal ring in her palm has been sticking to Li Xinyan's hand, so she has heard all the things Li Xinyan heard.

"Hr5008 robots will call for help. They are responsible for pipeline safety in the machinery City." Tong Liya replied.

"But how can they be here?"

In addition, they found that the mechanical motorcade didn't find the white smoke from the fire or the fire!

Leave or follow to see what's going on?

This problem is presented to Li Xinyan and Tong Liya again.

"I want to see the sea, take you to see the sea." Li Xinyan holds Tong Liya. Li Xinyan also has potatoes, yams and water chestnuts hanging on his body, but these do not affect his ability to say these ten words.

The mechanical motorcade did not stop. The following cars followed the first truck in turn, rolling the fallen one after another until it turned into a discus.

At first, the robot still had sparks. At last, the sparks of short circuit of wires disappeared, leaving only a discus in the middle of the road.

"Then we'll see the sea." Answered Tong Liya.

However, within two seconds of saying this, the sound of a flying aircraft skimming through the air suddenly came from a distance in the sky.

How can there be an aircraft here?

Looking from the horizon, a 20 meter long spaceship behind the mountains soared from behind the mountains and circled up, bringing out a curly white smoke in the air and sweeping straight out of the atmosphere. If you're right, its target should be the mechanical city.


How can there be a spaceship in mechatrocity?

Is there a mechanical city base here?

Tong Liya takes back her eyes and stares at the bluish blue streamline exposed from Li Xinyan's chest collar. She caresses Li Xinyan with her hand for a long time, and then knocks Li Xinyan's arm with hesitation.

"Why, do you want to see it?"

Li Xinyan speculated.

"Well.", Tong Liya nodded.

"I know that you don't want to fall into the battle of human beings or the mechanical City, and you want to take me to the end of the world. I like it very much, but since we pass by here and see these things, the mechanical city... Forget it, let's go. No matter what they are, we should still live our lives."

Tong Liya pulls Li Xinyan to leave, but Li Xinyan grabs her.

His eyes fell behind the mountains.

"Fool! I want to roam the world. Isn't this Tianya? The end of the world is not necessarily far away. As long as I let go of the obstacles and say goodbye to the past, the past is the end of the world before my eyes! If the highest will in your body jumps out and tells me that he wants to go to the end of the world, I will definitely throw her aside. But now you are curious about these things, I would like to say that the end of the world is behind that mountain. "

"Since the end of the world is behind that mountain, why don't we go and have a look?"

Tong Liya was surprised in her eyes and said with a smile, "well, this version of you is good at speaking."

"That's not your credit? Make what I make Li Xinyan road.

Now that the direction is decided, the rest is much easier for a mechanical warrior and a killer. Everything is like this, the difficult is always to make a choice, but the implementation is much easier.

Maybe it's because the mechanical base is in front of us. As we continue to move eastward along the main road, there are not only pairs of cars moving outward, but also teams moving eastward. Looking at the opportunity, the two men turned over a truck with a blank carriage, crouched in the carriage, and drove to the back of the mountains with the team.

"Coal?" Li Xinyan touched the black.

"How can there be coal?" Tong Liya also looked at her hands. Yes, both hands were black.

"That's just right!" Tongliya hands on the face, a powder face suddenly black.


"Lurking means lurking, doesn't it?" Tong Liya smiles.

Li Xinyan also laughed: "yes. You're a killer. Lurking, of course, has to look like lurking, but we are not a bit unlucky, how to touch a car to pull coal? "

After the motorcade bypassed the mountains, a plain appeared in front of it.

Plain, is a mechanical city!

At this time, the sky is approaching dusk. The sun behind us sprinkles the orange red sunlight from the West. The steel far and near reflects the light of the setting sun. It's like a jungle of steel standing on both sides of a river across the plain. People can't help but sigh:

When was this steel city built here?

Li Xinyan and Tong Liya look at each other. Both sides see only surprise in each other's eyes.

If you look closer, you can only notice the height of this mechanical City, but the truck that Li Xinyan and Tong Liya took happened to meander down from the mountain, so you can have a panoramic view of the vast mechanical city.

The mechanical city has a span of nearly 30 kilometers, and the edge is not far from the horizon. In the north-south direction, the mechanical city is more than 60 kilometers long, and even has two long tail structures, which extend to the end of the sight!

Li Xinyan estimates that even if they don't take the road at their feet but cross the mountains, they will touch the end of the city before they see the sea.

"Do you... Know this city?" Li Xinyan asks Tong Liya.

"I don't know." Tong Liya shakes her head“ When I left the holy city, I had never heard of such a city. However, 30 years is enough to build a city. "

Pinch refers to a calculation, from Tong Liya was Elaine with left the mechanical City, time has been 30 years.

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