After receiving Wu Niu's radio signal, Long Yi finally felt at ease. As the commander in chief, no matter what the feedback of other operation groups is, as long as the radio signal sent by Wu Niu's group is received, the operation is successfully completed.

Long Yi stands up from his desk, straightens his clothes and drinks a glass of water.

It's time to meet Li Xiuxian.

Since Yingshuai has given full support to the star trace project and added its functions, there will be corresponding capital and manpower investment in the follow-up. Just like two days ago, Yamashita Xiumei has taken over the work of Anping and Andrew to provide comprehensive construction supervision of star trace.

It's also a coincidence that Anping and Andrew have something to ask for leave. Long Yi nodded without thinking about it.

After working for such a long time, people should have a rest.

Long Yi remembers the scene when these two people just arrived. Several people sneaked into his office and scared him back.

After figuring out whether Anping is Anping or not, they showed longyi a complete set of information about star tracks.

Long Yi was shocked that day. How can these people get all the information about the star trace?

After looking at this set of information in detail, the shock of longyi is beyond comparison! This data is not only complete, but also the construction modification data of the giant spirit God at that time! Even the signature of the supervisor at that time when they accepted the siege can be vividly remembered! In other words, this information is not the research material of the giant spirit God dug up by the action team from the ruins of Z City this time, but the backup information stored there and kept in the reference library when the giant spirit God was built decades ago!

Longyi can't help but look at Anping with new eyes.

But longyi is very clever and has no problem. Where does this set of data come from.

Lin Zicong trusted Anping so much that he had no need to doubt Anping.

Therefore, Anping directly replaced Lu Nan and became the general director of xingtrace.

Now, since Xiumei at the foot of the mountain has brought better construction commanders, many things will be easier to do.

Now longyi only needs to complete the legal procedures, and the star trace project can appear in front of the public without hindrance.

"General long, Alan wants to see you." Guan Tong steps into longyi's office sooner or later and informs him that someone is coming to see him.

"Oh? Who is it? "

"Alan! Did you forget? At that time, when you arranged for the star trace to be sent to engineer Anping, there was a woman behind him, and he was Alan. "

"Hey, yes, I remember. At that time, I thought these two names were very strange. One was kuiyin and the other was Allen

"Well, I'll let her in."

"Well," longyi had to sit down and see what Allen wanted to say.

I carefully recalled the situation when Anping met him that day. There were two strange looking people, one was kuiyin, the other was Allen. They seem to be perfect, but they don't look like normal people. They are... Like cloned people.

But since it's Anping who brought it, it's hard for longyi to say anything. Let's see what he has to do first.

After a moment, Allen enters longyi's office.

This is a perfect woman. Although she was wearing ordinary staff work clothes, she still couldn't hide her face.

With a smile and a twinkle, there is a touching feeling.

"You want me? What can I do for you Dragon Wing hands together, slightly rub, asked.

"I want control of the stars." Alan answered faintly.

"What... What?" Longyi felt that his chin was going to fall off.

Such a person, still a woman, asked him to control the star trace when it was still a semi-finished product!?

"I want control of the stars." The woman took a few steps forward, stood at the table of longyi, did not sit down, and repeated what she had just said.

Long Yi took a deep breath, leaned back on the main chair, then calmly said: "why do I want to give you the control of the star trace? You have to give me a reason first. Third, although Anping brought you here, I haven't figured out your identity. How can I give you control of such important facilities? If there is no particular reason to convince me, please don't think about it. "

Since Allen's words are so straightforward, there's no need to hide dragon wings.

"Well, I'll give you a reason."

The woman put her things in front of longyi. At a glance, longyi looks like a small box.

The small box was placed on the table, Didi rang twice, and then several rays came out of the box, casting a holographic three-dimensional image on the table in front of the Dragon chair.

Stereoscopic images are projected, and the image blocks are quickly drawn. After a while, the image becomes completely presented.

This is a finished star trail.

Long Yi has read the information of the star trace countless times, and he can see it at a glance.

Then, the image starts to move. This is the operation of the star trace.

The light-emitting module, which marks the energy, is aggregated from the energy storage device located several kilometers away, and then hovers under the base of the fort. According to the output power of each fort, the energy rushes from the base of the fort to the gyratory through different particle accelerators, and then rushes to the barrel with staggered electromagnetic catapults

This process is completely consistent with the final design that longyi saw.

When the shell is fired, the virtual projection scene immediately moves to the simulation picture of the mechanical city.

The shell of the mechanical city was broken when the shells hit the mechanical city. The explosion broke the outer wall of the mechanical city. A piece of debris the size of a warship fell directly from the mechanical city and disintegrated into countless pieces, large and small, or quickly left, or hit other parts of the mechanical City, causing a second explosion.

Longyi frowned and touched his forehead.

"Well. This virtual demonstration is good, and I believe the calculation of explosion equivalent is very accurate, but it's not the reason why I can give you control of the star trace. "

"You can keep looking." Alan was ready.

Long Yi sighed and felt that the woman was a little persistent.

She is a person long Yi has just met. How can she give such an important control to her?

But the following images make longyi nervous.

In the hologram, some important star trace design process nodes begin to mark some warnings.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at these warnings. If you look at them carefully, they are loopholes that can be attacked!

Long Yi didn't speak. He hesitated.

If we can get such clear information about the star trace, this guy has a good relationship with Anping. But if we can find out the defects in the design scheme of the star trace that Anping brought, it shows that this woman is really good at it. Maybe she is a master of weapons.

But it seems that there is not enough. If she has a purpose, especially if she is sent by someone like Leng Ling, and Anping is not strict with it, what should she do?

Alan looks a little impatient.

She went to the desk, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and then handed the phone to longyi.


Opposite is Yingshuai.

"Yingshuai, I have a man here. She called you. It's a woman, Ellen. Engineer Anping sent it to me many days ago. He said he wanted control of starmarks. "

Yingshuai did not hesitate at all and said, "give it to her."

"But..." longyi also wanted to ask why.

"Give it to her! If you have any questions, you can take a look at another person's information in the information she brought. We are on the same front. Me, you and her. "

Yingshuai hung up.

And holographic projection flash, a crystal composed of women appear in the projection.

"Hello, general long. According to your human name, I am the third node of the mechanical City, atriana. StarMark is a dangerous weapon, but it is also a weapon with the ability to fight against mechatrocity. However, with the ability of your human beings, this weapon has major defects. "

"The person who brought this message is my subordinate. She now has a human body. Now she has full power to entrust you to command her. But please give her the command of the star trace. Otherwise, mechatrocity will take the lead in attacking your underground base. Please believe me

Longyi was shocked at the moment.

This... This is the man of the machine city!

The third node, then the person in the image should be the third God of the mechanical city!

For some of the top managers of the mechanical City, there is a little mention in the long-term data, but with the decline of human beings, many of these data have been incomplete, so longyi only knows a little about them. But at the moment, there is a node really appeared in front of him, also issued a request to him, longyi in surprise at the same time, years of experience let him quickly make a decision, and her union!

The reason, an intuition told him, this opportunity is once in a blue moon.


Not because of the noble identity of the other side, nor because Yingshuai agreed with him, but from the demonstration just now, we can clearly see that the star mark is a very effective threat to the mechanical city!

Looking at longyi, the woman in the image didn't reply and said, "of course, I know this decision is difficult, so you can think about it again and then answer me. But this matter is urgent. My subordinates will wait for you for a day and wait for your reply... "

Longyi didn't wait for her to continue, and immediately replied, "don't wait, I agree."

"Do you agree?" This time it was her turn to be a little surprised.

"Yes." Longyi replied.

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