"Mr. bird, your arm is bleeding again." Tong Liya pointed to the bird's right arm.

Prisoner bird is a mechanical fighter. His blood, like Li Xinyan's, is colloid flowing in the streamline of his body.

When creating this technology, tiratimus referred to the legendary interpretation of gods and angels. The blood of angels is golden, so the blood in his mechanical warrior's body is designed as a luminous energy colloid. Tong Liya is familiar with this technique, so she knows that the bird is injured.

The bird raised his arm and looked at it, ignoring it, while somronko came over and re dressed the wound for him.

The prisoner continued: "General Li, as you can see, what I lack most is not only talents, but also high-end managers. I know that high-end managers may not be S-class robots, but now, in fact, it is a luxury for me to find some n-class nobles to help me manage this mechanical city."

Li Xinyan has no objection to being called "General Li".

Li Xinyan knows that prisoner bird should be a straightforward person. Yinhai has many things to do. He has to arrange all kinds of things. Naturally, he is very busy. What he says at the moment is his arrangement of Li Xinyan's condition. Since prisoner bird does not object to his idea and starts to arrange specific landing matters, then the cooperative relationship between them has been determined.

Therefore, what Li Xinyan is called is no longer important. The important thing is that the prisoner agrees with his ideas and begins to support him to realize them.

"You can see things clearly today. In fact, Yinhai is in a state of chaos. There is no way to do it. When the pool is big, there will be all kinds of birds. What comes from the sky and grows out of the ground are all life and mechanical life. No one can say who should stay here or who should leave here. So for these robots who are willing to come to the silver sea, as long as they can survive here, the silver sea is attractive to them. "

Another way is for the prisoner.

"But with the rapid expansion of so many people, chaos is inevitable, so order is the basic condition for silver sea to survive. Whether I set up the citizen classification system or the garbage collection system, or the defective citizen classification system as you can see now, it is actually to establish a systematic order to deal with the current chaotic situation. "

"Unfortunately, the expansion speed of Yinhai is too fast! In this case, it is actually a helpless move to allow the mechanical aristocrats to expand themselves. "

Li Xinyan agreed to this.

For the rapid expansion of the silver sea, there is really no good way to control the order, and the best control is to let these successively arrived robot citizens establish their own hierarchical social relations.

The following words of prisoner bird verify what Li Xinyan thought: "in an ideal situation, the expansion of Yinhai should be somewhat like the process of human social establishment, from primitive society to tribe, then to kingdom, finally to centralization, so as to realize the reasonable management of society. In fact, the process of establishing social hierarchy is to make the society orderly. However, the expansion speed of Yinhai is too fast, and this process will become very dangerous. "

"Where is the danger? The reason is that the natural development process of human society is progressing at the cost of blood and life. Human beings have time and can bear the loss in the change, but Yinhai has not so much time. Drastic changes may not only cause war and urban division, but also lead to the destruction of Yinhai. I don't think the machinery City would like to see its own garbage treatment plant become a battlefield! "

"The mechanical city in the sky will not sit and watch the silver sea develop independently out of their control! Although the human society is at war with the mechanical City, once they know the existence of the silver sea, they will not let the silver sea develop! Because for them, if the silver sea develops, their space of existence will be squeezed from the silver sea, and they will certainly strangle this possibility. "

"So, I need to solve this problem! That is to say, before the mechanical city and human beings notice the existence of silver sea, we should build an integrated and powerful mechanical City, so that it can face the threat from the mechanical city or human beings, so that all of us can survive! "

Li Xinyan also patted the table: "yes! That's what I think

Over the past few days, Li Xinyan has thought a lot. He carefully recalled what he had learned before his resurrection and what happened to Tong Liya. In fact, they didn't have freedom, and what happened to these old robots who were eliminated by the mechanical city was even worse. They didn't have freedom, and even their living space was squeezed out. They were treated as garbage in the mechanical city, And it's impossible for the human world to let them build a city on the ground.

As the prisoner said, this kind of pressure exists continuously. Moreover, before the mechanical city and human beings notice the existence of the silver sea, the silver sea still has a strong window period. If the silver sea can establish its own defense system and a complete social structure during this period, when human beings or the mechanical City notice it, Silver sea has a great chance to live, if not, it will only perish!

"The power of one person is limited, but how to make Yinhai, a mechanical City, establish an independent urbanization process with my own efforts, so that the mechanical life here can develop into a powerful kingdom, is a problem I have been studying and practicing."

"But no matter how to deal with it, the problem will always come back to a core problem: most of the things coming from the sky are old robots, or 99% of them are rubbish. How can we make up for the lack of upper class members of the silver sea? So, I opened my mind. We not only welcome robots with superior ability to come to me, but also welcome human beings with management ability to come to me as a part of the management system! "

"Human!" Li Xinyan and Tong Liya look at each other. Sure enough, the prisoner's idea is just as they guessed, and the prisoner is not only learning from human behavior, he even goes further!

"Do you mean that there are human beings involved in the management of Yinhai?" Asked Li Xinyan.

"Yes," said the bird! People like Mrs. Li. "

"I let them participate in my management team, and they are willing to participate in my city management team!"

Li Xinyan was silent. This is really a new idea.

For a long time, the mechanical city and human beings are incompatible. The two sides in the state of war never thought that there would be a third day. The mechanical city thinks that human arrogance is an unforgivable mistake, while human beings think that the uncontrollability of machinery is an intolerable defect. Even the code of the independent resistance organization strictly forbids the establishment of mechanical Corps without permission, However, the prisoner bird is in a place that neither human nor mechanical people pay attention to, and is building a green zone where human and mechanical city can live together!

"So... How many people live in the silver sea now?" Asked Tong Liya.

"There are 1462 people, including you, Mrs. Li. There are 1463 people in all." Answered the bird.

"Then... There is another question. If these people are managers, how do they restrict their robots?" Asked Tong Liya.

As soon as she asked, the prisoner immediately said with a smile, "Mrs. Li asked a lot. We'll see something later, and you'll understand. But before that, we can have a wonderful dinne

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