The clothes for Tong Liya are still leather.

Tong Liya doubted if somronko knew the identity of her killer, but Li Xinyan patted her on the back and said with a smile, "this is a better figure." Tong Liya said nothing more.

Before getting up, Li Xinyan and Tong Liya lay on the bed and thought about the problem of the hidden line in the thousand birds Pavilion for a long time, but they didn't have any ideas. Now if the silver sea is long, it's not a problem to put it in advance.

As for the new topic why the bird was injured, the two people also discussed it for a long time, but there was no result. If the prisoners don't talk about it, they can't go deep. The reason is that if they want to stay in Yinhai, it's not a problem to put it in advance.

Considering the comprehensive factors, what Li Xinyan wants to do most now is to solve the problem of survival for those old machine people without labels, so let's put other things first and put this thing on the right track, and then talk about other problems.

Li Xinyan simply listened to somronko's report on the current preparations, and was secretly surprised at somronko's efficiency. In just one night, his "mechanical citizen administration" has completed 13 things, large and small, such as the layout of office space, staffing, security staffing, the establishment of overseas agencies, and the staffing of overseas personnel, and the scale of each thing is not small, which makes Li Xinyan look at this attendant with new eyes.

Li Xinyan has the illusion that the "lack of management personnel" mentioned by the prisoner is a kind of illusion, but it is not easy to doubt, let alone ask, so he secretly wrote down the relevant matters and left them to be dispatched when they are needed.

There are many things to do. After Li Xinyan got to know three subordinates dispatched from other places with somlanco, he first became familiar with the specific classification method of Yinhai machine citizen number.

Witt once told Li Xinyan about the robot level of Yinhai, but those were all seen by the outside world, and they were very rough. After hearing the reports from the three men, Li Xinyan realized that the evaluation standard of prisoner bird's level was as simple and rough as he said.

The most important way to determine the level of robot citizenship is nothing else, it is the amount of property this robot brings!

Property means tax. The robots who escape from the mechanical city will save some private property more or less in their life, which is not much different from human behavior. Since they register as citizens of Yinhai from the garbage station of the mechanical City, they will start to pay taxes on qianniaoge, so how much property do they have, It determines the level they have in the silver sea! This is the most important classification basis for old robots by qianniaoge.

In addition, the aging degree of the robot itself and the original work category are also some auxiliary grading reference conditions, but Li Xinyan can see that everyone knows that money can buy better parts, so these grading standards are actually useless foil.

"Problems that can be solved with money are not problems in most cases." Li Xinyan remembers this sentence. But change the sentence here - "if you can buy grades with money, then nothing is a problem."

Judging from the labels, if you have enough money, it's not difficult to become a new aristocrat in Yinhai. The property standard line of the nobility is five million yuan. From yesterday's fighting situation, those n-class robots not only obtained the noble status, but also established private armed forces with the initial funds in their hands. With these armed forces, they began to capture non numbered robots other than citizens to get money!

This is a vicious circle!

But for them, it is a virtuous circle!

After listening to all the reports about the grading system. Li Xinyan was silent for a long time.

This is an important system with defects, but it can not be broken at present. Because at least this is a system in line with the growth law of Yinhai. Without it, Yinhai may be more chaotic, but with the current scale and conditions of the management organization, it can not be completely improved.

At least, Yinhai does not have the complete police force, special operations team, law department and other structures as the underground city base, nor does it have a set of codes that have been established there for many years to guide the various structures to work according to law!

And it's basically impossible to create a whole set of codes at present.

Therefore, at present, there is no good way, only let this system continue to run.

However, this does not mean that there is no starting point.

Li Xinyan raised his head and carefully scanned the three mechanical civil servants provided to him by somlanco.

Recalling the 48 mechanical guards that he commanded in the battle yesterday, Li Xinyan could not help but secretly scold himself: "do you think too much? If you want to establish a reasonable human rights system for robots here, why do you want to classify them first? Who is higher than who in front of you? If this is the case in front of you, how can you guarantee that what you build is suitable for them? "

Li Xinyan touched his face, but slapped himself in the head.

For aesthetic reasons, the non combat mechanical life working in qianniaoge is gold-plated or silver-plated, so the three PS Level robots standing in front of Li Xinyan are very valuable. Li Xinyan thought for a moment and pointed to the machine on the far left: "ps2588, you are in charge of information. That's right. You can find a blue suit to wear, preferably a military uniform. I'm used to military uniform, so I hope you have clothes to wear. It's not suitable for your condition, but I hope you can make a difference. Besides, the red / naked / body is too bright, which makes my eyes a little colorful. "

"All right. General Ps2588 answers.

"Ps2643, your duty is to register. Green may be suitable for you, so you should get a green military uniform. Ps543, you are quite old and need to deal with all aspects. Don't wear military uniform. Find a suit to wear. It looks capable and compatible. "

"Ah, by the way, your numbers are pinned on your chest, which conforms to the rules of Yinhai, but it's not easy to remember. Ps2588, you can call it "Shancun" from today on. Ps2643 is called... "Shanji", ps543 is called "Shanjian". This is your name. Engrave it on your badge. "

"Yes! "General," the three robots answered at the same time.

Li Xinyan added with a smile: "in fact, independence and dignity exist both in human beings and in mechanical life, and name is the first manifestation of independence and dignity. The first purpose of naming you is to tell you that you are independent and dignified, even if I am your life and death snatcher, This principle is also unchangeable! "

"The second purpose is to tell you that every intellectual consciousness you come into contact with is independent and dignified. If you violate this principle, then the first thing I have to deal with is not others, but you!"

"Yes! General The three robots answered again.

However, ps543 continued: "general! We can still remember the scene of you tearing up n8762. If we violate your principles, we don't mind you tearing us up like you did with n8762! "

Li Xinyan was stunned immediately.

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