At noon, Tong Liya set up an induction cooker in Li Xinyan's office. They cooked hot pot in Li Xinyan's office. Hot pot is very fragrant, but no one can smell it except Tong Liya.

Every time Tong Liya adds a seasoning, Li Xinyan's virtual laboratory will add a parameter to the taste formula, so Li Xinyan's nerves can know what the hot pot will taste like.

They both enjoyed themselves.

Li Xinyan looked at the door and confirmed that the door was closed. While blowing the dishes just picked up from the hot pot, he asked, "do you have a good understanding of the human situation? Who are they? And those lines. What are they for? I don't think the prisoner bird is a bad person, but the extraordinary things have extraordinary uses in the end. I don't want his things to be harmful to most people, although I rely on him to gain a foothold in the silver sea. "

"Well." Tong Liya was eating very well. She sighed at her mouth stimulated by pepper and said, "I understand. Let's talk about those human things first. Taking advantage of your busy schedule, I have learned about those human beings. Most of them are technicians, and many of them wander here. Some of them came from the center of South Asia's a816 thoroughfare, while others came here first and then from some human settlements around them

"They come at different times, but their form is not bad at the moment. Most of the people registered under the prisoner's hands are those who have some advantages. Although some others have some advantages, they are not urgently needed by the prisoner. The prisoner's greeting to some of them is actually to enhance their own strength. In addition to these people left by the birds, other people are scattered in all parts of the silver sea. For example, two days ago, I met a doctor who was proficient in human medicine and electronic circuits. "

"In order to find out the situation of these people, I not only went to the market side, but also visited some people's families. What I know about the world now is that there are about 10000 scattered residents in other parts of the silver sea!"

Li Xinyan was surprised and said: "ten thousand people!? How could there be so many? "

Tong Liya put down her chopsticks, relaxed her shoulders, sighed and said, "yes! Ten thousand. For them, the human strongholds, big and small, around here have been broken down by the mechanical city one by one. It's a helpless choice for them to stay here if they die or flee. "

"According to what I learned from those insiders who went to the market, at least the robots here can't complete the industrial production of the whole industrial product chain. Some of them still have to entrust human beings to intervene, so it provides them with living space. Therefore, they are more likely to survive here than in the human reserve, The quality of life can also be better. "

"What's more, according to what I've investigated, at least in terms of how these robots get along with each other, so far they haven't caused too much problems. The place where they live is basically mixed with Yinhai's robots, and there is no large-scale place exclusively for human beings

Speaking of this, Tong Liya suddenly said with a smile: "one of the things is very interesting. Do you know why the mechanical city does not fully accept the robots exiled from the mechanical city? In other words, the proportion of non acceptance is still on the high side? "

"I don't know." Li Xinyan shook his head.

Tong Liya said with a smile: "in fact, in addition to the fact that some low-level and not intelligent robots are ignored by Yinhai, another reason is that there are human beings participating in the editorial board that has just designated the assessment criteria."

"Ah?" Li Xinyan also found it strange. It seems that the prisoner bird is really bold and different.

Tong Liya continued: "with the participation of human beings, when they specify this standard, they add some evaluation standards for human beings, understanding of biology and friendliness. Therefore, some of the robots that are not accepted are actually brushed off when they receive the assessment in this respect!"

As the director of the Civil Administration Bureau, Li Xinyan saw the assessment criteria provided by Shanjian. At that time, he just thought that these items were more friendly and conducive to the internal unity of Yinhai, and did not consider the deep-seated reasons. Tong Liya said that, he suddenly felt that these examination items did have such considerations.

However, the design of these projects is very smart, and the purpose is hidden and implicit. If it wasn't for Tong Liya's explanation today, he would not have found these hidden purposes.

For example, one of the inspection items is, when one's body is damaged, what will be the first way for the examinees to think about body repair? The acceptable options include "grab one from the nearest robot", "buy from the nearest shop or find a professional shop to repair", "if the condition is not allowed, make do with it first, and wait until the condition is allowed to change it", Reasonable choice is the last two.

For another example, when examining the communication ability, the acceptable options include "I have wireless communication equipment, I only use electronic signal communication through wireless communication equipment", "I have sound equipment, I also have wireless communication equipment, generally I communicate through wireless communication equipment", "no matter what equipment I have, in most cases I only communicate through voice equipment.", The right choice is the last one.

These topics seem to be safeguarding the equality, freedom and safety of citizens in Yinhai, but putting human beings in it is like determining the safety of the robot to be tested for human beings!

Therefore, it seems that this way, Yinhai is more inclusive, so it seems to have a good explanation that more than 10000 people can live in Yinhai.

"Go Ignoring Tong Liya's explanation of another problem, Li Xinyan put down his chopsticks and stood up, pulled Tong Liya to the door.

"You... What do you do? And not to be eaten? " Tong Liya is not happy to say.

"Well. The question you mentioned makes me feel that my original arrangement this afternoon is right. It's afternoon now. I can't wait to see someone. You can come with me. Maybe you can help more. "


Forty minutes later, Li Xinyan and Tong Liya appeared in the office of the director of Yinhai Security Bureau.

Yinhai Security Bureau is not in qianniaoge. It seems that it was established earlier to maintain an old steel house in the center of Yinhai.

With the cooperation of fighting n-class mechanical giant, the machine guards here have already known the name of s11112. As the director of the Civil Administration Bureau, these security robots will light up the green light on their chest as soon as they see Li Xinyan. Some mechanical guards even say: "Hello, general director!"

Tong Liya said with a smile: "Mr. director, they all know you!"

Li Xinyan said with a smile, "well. Yes, they are my comrades in arms. If we go out to fight together, they will follow me. "

Specifically, the office of the director of Yinhai Security Bureau is actually the same room as the working rooms of the regional directors. The room is very big. The west wall is about 50 meters long, and there are all kinds of indicator lights on it. There is a window on the south wall, and sunlight comes in. Although the room is full of robots, it is not cold inside.

There are many robots in and out of the office, including tall, short, fat and thin format robots. Some of them are even huge and can squeeze in through the door and walk carefully through the corridor. Some of the busy mechanical police officers are talking with the outside world, some are sorting out information, some are in meetings, some are on the phone, and the room is no more clean than the market.

"How can there be so many people? Isn't this a mechanical city? " Asked Tong Liya.

There are two meanings in Tong Liya's words. The first one is in Tong Liya's heart. It seems that the police station of mechanical city should not be like this. This should only happen in the human world. For the mechanical city that can communicate information wirelessly, such an office environment seems too backward.

Yinhai belongs to the mechanical City, so the communication of the guards should be able to break through the space limit, so their office should be similar to a control center, no one is in and everything is handled properly.

Li Xinyan hands a spread: "probably is the prisoner bird has no money."

As soon as I heard this, I knew that Li Xinyan had never thought about it. If we follow Li Xinyan's words to explain this problem, there is only one possibility, that is, prisoners are not willing to spend money here. Tong Liya looks at Li Xinyan and smiles. She doesn't seem to object to his saying so.

The second meaning of Tong Liya is "Why are they so busy?"

As for this question, Li Xinyan gave a serious answer: "I have asked PS100 director before. Recently, the number of unmarked robots captured by them is increasing explosively, and there is even the phenomenon of robots robbing robots! This is not unusual. Some robots not only rob materials, but also begin to rob other robots. They have to unload their arms and legs! "

"There are not enough security guards on duty at the bottom. As a result, their tasks are even heavier. They can't manage some places, so they have to manage some important places first, which is reflected here. To be honest, it's more crowded than the market! "

Two people squeeze more than ten meters distance, this just slightly send faster.

Li Xinyan added: "just now when you said human beings at dinner, I suddenly feel that my work plan must be speeded up. Otherwise, before the management situation rebounds, we may be drowned by the wandering robots!"

"Is the situation so critical?" Tong Liya doesn't know why.

"After meeting with the PS100 director, I will tell you in detail that you are also involved."


Finally "squeeze" across the corridor, in the back part of the office, sitting in front of the desk is a mechanical guard with a big badge on his body. This mechanical guard is the same as the ordinary mechanical guard. It has a square barrel body, infrared eyes and electronic eyes on both sides of the head position alarm, organic / gun holes on the lower part of the body, and two crawler wheels on the legs.

The body of the director of the mechanical guard is slightly larger than that of the ordinary mechanical guard. At a glance, we can see that the integrated function of the body is stronger than that of the ordinary mechanical guard“ General Lee! Here you are Li Xinyan just appeared in his field of vision, the director of mechanical security said hello to Li Xinyan.

"Yes! We have an appointment. I'm ahead of time. I didn't disturb you, did I? " Li Xinyan exchanged greetings according to the rules of the human world.

"Of course not! I'm waiting for General Lee The director of mechanical security pulled off the connection between his body and the computer system and came to Li Xinyan. The mechanical arm pointed to the chair behind them and motioned Li Xinyan and Tong Liya to sit down.

"Ps8978, pour two cups of tea."

It seems that the director of mechanical security is familiar with the hospitality of the human world.

"You see that, too! When you came to me a few days ago, it was not so crowded. Now it's what it looks like! If it goes on like this, my guards will probably collapse! " PS100 director said.

Although he is an electronic voice, his voice is the same as that of human beings who complain about too busy work.

It seems that the humanized scheme of prisoner bird has been embodied in the police station.

"So, I'm here today."

Li Xinyan and PS100 laugh at each other.

No matter they are human or machine, the problem to be solved at the moment is the same!

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