After entering the T3 security gate, an old corridor appeared in front of Alan jowan.

Due to the age-old relationship, the walls here have been corroded by groundwater. Some roots come out from the top of the corridor and fall down in the air, masking some of the lights in the corridor.

"Well, it's time to sweep, please." Alan ruowan looked up, reached out and pulled down a root, then looked at the roots and went to the other end of the corridor.

At the other end of the corridor is an elevator, which looks very old. There are scratches on some parts of the elevator wall. Alan ruowan stroked the elevator wall, looked at his hand, and said to himself, "well, these should be changed, too."

Close the elevator door, the elevator quickly sink down, and then not long, but changed the direction, toward a flat slide for about half an hour, this just stopped.

"Ding" sound, the elevator to the station, Alan ruowang went out.

Outside the elevator, there is a very spacious room with bright lights, but the equipment and seats are also full of the sense of age, and even some of the equipment are rusty and aging.

Most of the staff here are robots, about 40 or 50 people, and a few humans who occasionally pass by in a hurry are very different.

These people seem to be absorbed in their own work and ignore Alan jowan, who ignores them and rushes to the left end of the room.

Go to the end of the room, push open a small door, Alan ruowang walked into a room with only about 40 square meters.

Just like the outside, the room is also full of various instruments. The difference is that in the center of the room, there is a metal platform, above which are hung electronic tools.

On the metal platform, there is a mechanical soldier. The charging equipment on the metal platform is hanging down from the top and inserted in his body. The colorful streamline on his body is flashing constantly, marking his state.

Alan ruowang stepped forward, looked at the state of the bird, said: "General Li is ready to start."

The prisoner opened his eyes and lay on the metal platform for a moment in silence. He said, "it's time to do it after such a long time."

Alan ruowan looked worried, even the pink streamline on his body was a little dark. "Although the great highness Kevin didn't pay much attention to the situation of the silver sea, if there was a large-scale conflict here, it would still cause the eyes of the gods on the other side of the holy city. If it would damage the brilliance of the great highness Kevin, I'm nothing, It's no big deal. It's just going back to the holy city to serve my Lord God, but you and Haijiang may not be so lucky. There is no place for you in the glory of the gods

Hearing the words, the prisoner sat up, removed the charging equipment from his body, walked down the metal platform, walked slowly back and forth in the room for a moment, sat down on the metal platform again, and then said, "to tell you the truth, I haven't appreciated you for hiding us for so many years! I really want to thank you for taking care of us all these years! "

"It's a small thing." Alan ruowan is concise.

The bird chuckled with an electronic voice and said, "from the garbage, the guardian who has been cut into pieces can be reassembled into two complete bodies. In fact, the creative power of the great highness Kevin is not inferior to the great tirathamis. And sew together the consciousness that has been destroyed like water spray, and splice it into the main consciousness of Haijiang and me, and also let us retain part of our memory. How powerful is the divine power of the great highness Raven! "

"Although we do not belong to the order of angels, and even if we are in the realm of the gods, we should not even exist, because we are specifically the glorious traitors of the gods, but we understand that the great highness Raven did not create us out of the divine power to show his strength, nor did he sympathize with the great tirathamis, Hope to be able to leave something to do his memorial, but not hope to redeem our souls to complete the meaningless retention. He wants to borrow our existence and do something he can't do, but he can't help it! "

Alain jowan's brilliance suddenly flashed, and he seemed to understand something.

"For those of us who are bathed in the glory of the LORD God, death can only be a blasphemy to the will of the LORD God. Therefore, I dare not stop moving forward one day, and I dare not be lazy for a moment, because that not only blasphemes my own life, but also blasphemes the glory of the LORD God! So, even if we are destroyed by the gods, fighting to the last moment is our only choice. Death or finding a place in the glory of the LORD God is never our choice. "

The prisoner gave a cool smile. Some bleak, but also very natural and unrestrained.

"In this world, there are two kinds of existence that can be described as greatness, one is God, the other is hero. The reason why God is great is that he gives people faith, which is an invisible light. Bathed in this light, even in the dark, our hearts will never sink and degenerate. And the reason why heroes are great is totally different. "

"They use their bodies to pave the road to the other side of glory, they use their wisdom to cut through the thorns, let us see how to cross the danger and difficulty, to reach the other side of glory, they use their courage to encourage us to cross the fence that we never seem to be able to cross in front of us!"

"And the current General Li Xinyan, Li, is the one I've been looking forward to for a long time!"

After a pause, the prisoner said: "I created the silver sea, but it has brought the coast to a bottleneck. This bottleneck is not geographical or demographic, but institutional. This is the first problem that Yinhai can continue to live, and I can redeem these robot people who have been eliminated by the mechanical city for his great highness Kevin

"Once the hierarchy system is established, it is very difficult to break it. Even I am a part of the system! If I break it myself, then I admit the failure of this system. Once I lose the aura of success, I'm afraid some people will immediately question the rationality of my management of Yinhai. Those nobles, everyone has a private arm, but they have always coveted the first position in the silver sea! At that time, the silver sea will be in chaos immediately, and the next struggle for power and profit will turn this place back into a dump and ruins! "

"So, I can't break this problem, or even become one of the members of this system! General Li is a new comer. He has no burden. If he breaks this system, the silver sea may face some shocks, but it will not form complete division and civil strife! "

"General Li also saw this, so he did not start the system itself, but hoped to complete the change of basic situation through the exchange of interests. Therefore, he became the fifth aristocrat of silver sea in the shortest time I can understand your worry, and everyone can imagine that if we fail, we all face a overturning ending, but none of us can avoid it! If we hide from the glory of the great highness Kevin, I'm afraid we will never have our place again

"Another problem is time." The bird got up and began to feel a little anxious.

"The time that General Li came to Yinhai is too short. This is a problem. The recent changes in the mechanical city are too unexpected. This is the second time problem. "

"When he came to Yinhai, he had a short contact with several aristocrats at the upper level, and it was difficult to have a deep understanding of their character and attitude. In order to make up for his shortcomings, I will try my best to give him the resources I can provide. It seems to the outside world that I am very interested in some of his management methods and those formulas, but in fact, I am releasing my resources to him. And our common resources will be the future public resources of Yinhai. Through such vague treatment, I hope to completely nationalize qianniaoge without anyone knowing about it! "

"Because only after nationalization can we begin to realize the equality of citizens and get rid of the present hierarchical system!"

"Obviously, General Li also knew this, so he accepted all the resources and help I provided without reservation, and used the method of receiving the eliminated robots to strengthen his strength as soon as possible. In order to take people's eyes away from me and reduce the pressure I face, he even used means to achieve the purpose of publicity. On the one hand, it can make the numbered machine people who are floating outside the silver sea have a home to return to, on the other hand, it can strengthen his strength, and at the same time, it can prevent other nobles from taking the opportunity to pick things up. "

"Which of the nobles, big or small, did not make a fortune by capturing slaves in the enclosure?"

"If they object to General Li's action, they will be cutting off their own road to growth."

"However, the change of the mechanical city in the sky shows that there must be drastic changes in the mechanical city that we don't know about, and after this great change, the LORD God will surely notice the dump they once had! So, this will lead to the second question of time, how much time do we have to prepare to resist the inspection of the mechanical city? "

"Finally, the question of how to proceed."

"As far as the current situation of Yinhai is concerned, the hierarchical relationship has taken shape. The guys at the upper levels have been used to being domineering to the robots at the lower levels. In their view, the hierarchical system is to protect them." The prisoner hit the metal platform with a fist, "but where is my original intention to establish the hierarchy system!? Therefore, for General Li, how to start is a difficult point. "

"If we start with these systems directly, I will be the first to jump out, because I am the biggest beneficiary! If I don't jump out, they'll make me jump out! "

"... but at present, General Li let himself appear in front of you as the fifth aristocrat, but no one can say anything, because those aristocrats are still waiting! They don't know what the purpose of General Li's doing this is, and I will save the trouble of being entangled by those nobles every day! "

The prisoner laughed a few times.

He added: "General Li has not changed the system at present. At the beginning, I didn't understand him, but now I can see that he is accumulating strength."

"The robots abandoned by the mechanical City, the robots abandoned by Yinhai, the wild robots in Yinhai, the robots captured by the security system, and even the private soldiers under the nobles who can buy and sell. If these forces are combined into one force, I'm afraid that even if I want to fight against General Li, I have to weigh his power before I face him, What's more, the nobles? "

"I can see that he understands that power is the right to speak."

Alan ruowang seemed to want to ask something, but he opened his mouth and swallowed it. After another hesitation, he asked: "but... You haven't asked or even inquired about General Li up to now. Are you so relieved of him? Now I know that you don't want to turn the silver sea into your private property, but how can you not know his details and put everything on him? "

The prisoner turned to look at him and said with a smile, "as I said, heroes use their bodies to pave the way to the other side of glory. They use their wisdom to cut through thorns and thorns, so that we can see how to cross dangers and difficulties to reach the other side of glory. They use their courage to encourage us to cross the fence that we never seem to be able to cross. So, Behind all their actions, we have to see one thing, that is "faith!"

"Only when we see this can we understand where they are going."

"He's a hero. Why don't I want to be a hero?"

"So, after seeing his direction, I can be sure that we are the same people!"

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