The banquet hall of thousand bird Pavilion is very busy, but the garbage dump of machinery city is still quiet.

It's getting dark. On the airport, the leopard class garbage ship of the mechanical city has been launched. In the twilight, the huge figure of the warship slowly goes away in the snow and fog, symbolizing that the day of the garbage dump is coming to an end in the last chaos and survival battle.

The mechanical guards of PS100 have arrived on the road 100 meters away from the dump. The mechanical guards have all turned off the lights on their heads, and the silence begins to spread to both sides of the road. Not long after, the wireless communication channel signal of the guards came. Under the cover of night, all the front and rear doors of the airport were blocked by the mechanical guards from the outside. The people inside, whether they were old robots fleeing from the mechanical city or private soldiers of the nobles, had no response at all.

They had no idea they were surrounded.

Between the twelve gates, there are scattered guards and robots in different shapes, marked with "Li". They are fighting against the wall to prevent people from jumping over the wall in the airport. Li Xinyan's private soldiers made up for the lack of security forces. In the end, in front of the main gate, only about 200 mechanical guards and about 30 private soldiers led by Tong Liya were left. They will be the main force of the night.

Tong Liya looked at the time. It should be time for the nobles to enjoy the wine. She nodded to PS100. PS100 immediately sent an instruction on the wireless communication channel: "attention, all units, turn on the signal interference."

Silently, all the lights on the heads of the machine guards around the airport were lit almost at the same time, and a red and blue flashing line appeared in the wind and snow along the five kilometer long outer wall of the airport. When the alarm light is turned on at the same time, there is signal interference from the wireless channel.

When the signal interference is turned on, the garbage dump immediately explodes. It's not the citizen registration office or the machine people struggling to escape from the garbage heap, but the private soldiers in the "goods" room!

From the outside of the courtyard wall, only a part of the private soldiers could be heard shouting in each "goods" room: "Hello! Who's going to see how our external network is broken? P56998, go to see if the microwave equipment has been damaged by this damned weather! " Most of these private soldiers are in charge of the unmarked machines that will be captured, and they are in charge of the robot for registration. When the wireless signal is interfered, they can immediately feel that they can't communicate with their families simply.

Then a number of private soldiers began to quarrel: "p4453, can you hurry up, I have a low battery here, maybe the route has stopped. I'll give you three minutes to fix it, or I'll hammer you into a piece of discus! "

And there are robots shouting in voice: "what noise! Someone's jamming the signal! My head is going to explode! " This robot has wireless communication function, whistling and scurrying around.

More robots began to complain: "p28822, hurry up! Hurry up and have a rest! Why are you so useless? If the weather is bad, I'll lie down! "


A moment later, dozens of private soldiers ran out of the "goods" room. The goods rolled their wheels and looked around. Or they climbed up the roof of the simple room to check the microwave equipment. But then a private soldier pointed to the gate and cried, "look, there are many people outside! Who is that? "

"Those won't be escaped robots, will they?" There are private soldiers guessing.

"No! The garbage without number is either here or in front of the house in the civil registry. They can't get out! "

"That... That is..."

Just at this time, Tong Liya said to PS100, director of mechanical security, "give a warning!"

In a flash, a warning from the airport rang out from the high pitched horns of the guards: "private soldiers, you are surrounded. Please lay down your arms and do not resist, or you will be attacked. Private soldiers, you are surrounded. Please lay down your arms and do not resist, or you will be attacked. "

"Open the door, let's go in," said Tong

PS100 grabbed Tong Liya with his inflexible arm and said, "let's wait! It's not clear what's going on inside. Let the guards go first. They have guns on them. You can suppress the private soldiers who are not very safe first! "

Tong Liya turned back and said: "the signal can't be blocked for too long, otherwise the noble families will doubt what happened. I've made preparations, and I have to reform the signal transmitters so that all the information collected from Yinhai on this side of the airport can be released in an hour or two at night. You lead all the people to suppress the private soldiers who resist. Don't let them spread the information. As long as we can hold on for an hour or two and let General Li finish what he wants to do, we will win! "

PS100 took a look at Tong Liya's transformed mechanical killer, hesitated for a few seconds, and then let her go. Although nothing can be seen from his appearance, he is not a cold machine.

"Good! Come on PS100 let go. And is a moment of delay, mechanical guards have swept by Tong Liya's side, the first to rush into the moment has begun to chaos up the airport.

Different from the beginning, it is not the robots on this side of the "goods" room that are in chaos at the moment, but the numbered robots lining up at the door of the "customers" room.

Some of the private soldiers were surprised by what happened on their own side. However, most of the private soldiers originally existed for the purpose of robbing the numbered robots in the mechanical city. They were group robbers, so they just watched what happened outside, and then continued to control the numbered robots who were still struggling under their hands. It seemed that their mentality had been fixed for a long time, So Whoever robs will not cause much trouble.

But the numbered robots in line at the door of the "Ke" room suddenly seemed to see another group of wolves, and suddenly ran around for fear of being caught by the mechanical guards. As the nobles and the foreign robots of thousand bird pavilion have already reached a tacit agreement, the numbered robots who escaped from the garbage should have been in a safe area at the door of the "guest" room, but the appearance of the mechanical guards completely flustered them.

PS100 has a plan. Thirty or forty mechanical guards were divided into two rows, two hundred between the "Ke" room and the garbage dump. The alarm lights were turned on. After a simple site guard, they did not enter the area of "Ke" room at all. Soon, the area of "Ke" room was quiet, and the numbered robots gradually gathered around the cordon, Look over to the "goods" shop.

At the moment, "goods" brand room here is a hot battlefield!

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