At the same time, the banquet hall of thousand bird Pavilion is also very busy.

Yinhai has its own trading platform, which is the financial system of qianniaoge. All the nobles have gold in the Treasury of qianniaoge's financial system, so all kinds of investment only need the service personnel here to keep an account. Qianniaoge will transfer the funds from one account to another account to complete the transaction process.

Li Xinyan proposed to build an energy battery production line in the form of shares. This kind of constructive industrial idea is very novel. The nobles never thought about it, and no one has ever done it. Prisoners let their own cooks do energy batteries just for the convenience of entertaining guests, not as an industrial thing. Now that Li Xinyan industrializes the energy battery, the nobles do not have to put in force to obtain it, and they do not have to worry about the storage and sales of goods. They can also earn money. Naturally, one hundred of them are willing to give some money to do it.

In terms of investment category, Li Xinyan's new battery factory is a kind of consumable. It's unnecessary to think about these things. It's bound to be a kind of investment that will quickly become popular in Yinhai. Now that they have decided to invest, these nobles are very active in participating and looking forward to getting a share of the profits of the battery factory, So they called on the waiters to sign the investment agreement and transfer the funds to Li Xinyan. After all, the basic strength of being the fifth aristocrat of Yinhai is guaranteed. After this period of attention, everyone knows that there is a prisoner behind Li Xinyan, which is a guarantee of Li Xinyan's reputation.

Li Xinyan looked at the busy banquet service staff and waved. Shanjian came over and asked, "general, the amount of money recruited has exceeded eight million."

Li Xinyan nodded and asked, "has the airport already started?"

"It's already started." Shan Jian nodded and lowered his voice.

Li Xinyan tapped the glass with his finger, estimated the form and said, "then we can start the next program."

"Good!" Good see promise.

With a good start, it should strike while the iron is hot. Li Xinyan has prepared enough programs to attract the attention of these nobles.

Of course, the last recruitment failed. Li Xinyan summed up that the reasons for the last failure were various. First of all, he lacks influence in Yinhai. He has just arrived in Yinhai, has just won the trust of prisoners, and has not been recognized by the nobles. It's like taking out silver from their pockets. He is a little too anxious, and the nobles are naturally full of doubts. Second, for the nobility of any world, identity equivalence is the basis of the transaction. Li Xinyan was a newcomer. He had no fixed private territory, no sufficient funds, no identity, and rashly went to do business with others. Naturally, these nobility looked at him with distrust.

Through more than one month's foreshadowing, Li Xinyan has successfully owned his own private territory, and also positioned himself as the "official merchant" position of the fifth aristocrat of Yinhai based on the "citizen administration bureau", which made him immediately have the corresponding trading terms with the aristocrats, and the aristocrats naturally began to treat him differently.

And more importantly, he began to monopolize some basic resources of Yinhai!

Among other things, his action of recruiting robots without numbers is obviously to take in "refugees" that Yinhai has never done! The nobles didn't look up to the garbage in the garbage at all, but after Li Xinyan's operation, they found that these "garbage" were constantly emerging from the dark, and their number was increasing! If they are disassembled into basic steel resources, their number is no less than the number of unmarked robots accumulated in the garbage dump for several months! This is an easy money!

In this way, it is only a matter of time before Li Xinyan's strength can be enhanced. For such a noble with both background and future, which noble does not want to make an investment with him?

Li Xinyan's goal this time has become clearer than before.

He wants to strengthen his own strength, gain a foothold in Yinhai, and then carry out nationalization transformation!

It's not his ultimate goal to win over the finance and subdue the nobles. It's his goal to build a strong army to protect the silver sea!

Shanjian waved, and the half meter projection box was sent to the center of the banquet hall by the service staff.

Li Xinyan stood up and waved, "ladies and gentlemen! Everybody! Just now, the item of energy battery is just an opening piece for me today, and the next item I will solemnly push out today! "

Li Xinyan stepped down from the main seat step by step. His military uniform looked firm and full of hope“ As we all know, the expansion of the silver sea is accelerated. For our mechanical life, energy is the basis of everything. Human beings have to eat, and we need to supplement energy to do everything. The first project recommended by you just now is a new product developed based on this idea. It allows us to replenish energy anytime and anywhere. The next project I will introduce is a scheme for replenishing energy in Yinhai. "

With Li Xinyan's introduction, the projection box in the center of the banquet hall was opened, and the hologram on the projection box was projected, which turned out to be a model of a small hydrogen nuclear fusion reactor!

Li Xinyan pointed to the model and said: "during the initial construction of Yinhai, general prisoner bird has actually reserved space for energy expansion, a medium-sized nuclear fusion power station, but the development of Yinhai is too rapid. Now, this power station can no longer meet the needs of Yinhai. Even if it works at the maximum load, Yinhai is still short of electricity!"

"In this case, I designed a small hydrogen fusion power station! This kind of power station is not big, it only needs to cover 20 square meters, which is the size of a room, but! But it can be built in large quantities! "

Li Xinyan's voice suddenly raised eight degrees, and the stress was put on the word "a lot of construction". The nobles were originally very interested in what Li Xinyan said, and these words made them craned their necks and looked at the model!

Everyone knows that if it can be modularized and sold as a general product, will it become a product that ordinary people can use?

"But! If this kind of thing becomes market-oriented, then is energy free? " Someone suddenly discovered a new problem.

Then the nobles sensitively felt the doubt and began to talk about it.

"Everybody! Everybody Li Xinyan seems to have a mind. He said with a smile, "please listen to me! This friend is right. If this kind of equipment is popularized, our Yinhai will have enough energy and the energy will be reduced. But I said, isn't this the result we want? If the price of energy is reduced, there will be more things we can do? Now that I'm talking about this, I'll give you my ultimate plan! As long as I tell you about this plan, you will find that our chances of making money are not less, but more! "

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