There was no movement in the smoke. After a while, the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, and the mechanical animals who did not participate in the battle did not move. They did not fear, but seemed to judge that they did not need to go on or protect the mechanical deer. They sat in the same place. The mechanical wolf came out of the smoke and slowly approached the mechanical leopards around the mechanical deer.

"Get out of the way!" The order of the superior can not be doubted, and the tone can not be violated.

Mechanical leopard's own simple judgment, and then give way to a road. Just now, the team leaders have admitted the status of the superior of the mechanical lone wolf, and they are right to obey the orders. From this point of view, they seem to have some wisdom. However, on the other hand, the lethality of the mechanical wolf's electric discharge seems to be a great pressure to frighten them.

"You're from the L fight series? Which combat sequence is it, sir? " The voice of the mechanical deer sounded like a noble without any ability in the human race. It was elegant and aloof, but without any strength support. There was a good feeling of self in it. The mechanical leopard let it open, but the mechanical deer didn't panic. The mechanical animals are not protozoa, and they will not be bloody to the point where they are directly predatory. At most, they are recruited and transferred from one army to another. No matter who they follow in the mechanical team, they are fighting. Therefore, the mechanical deer does not seem nervous, and even has a stupid sense of superiority that can be snatched by the superior.

"It's not something you care about." Mechanical lone wolf eyes flashing blue, staring at a head held high mechanical deer, said.

The mechanical deer was stunned.

Then something happened that people didn't expect. The mechanical lone wolf pounced and pressed a mechanical deer on the ground. The mechanical wolf didn't seem to give anyone a chance to react. It was very fast, and several mechanical deer behind didn't even have time to dodge. But they don't need to dodge. Obviously, the mechanical lone wolf can only subdue one mechanical deer at a time. The mechanical beasts were very surprised. They didn't know what the lone wolf officer was going to do. A few mechanical wolves even moved forward strangely and sat down to see what would happen next. Is a robot officer going to eat another robot? But how does he eat it? Robots don't have the digestive system of protozoa, and steel... Doesn't seem to digest it.

The mechanical lone wolf bit on the neck of the mechanical deer. One paw was in the middle of the back of the mechanical deer's neck. With a flash of blue light under the paw, the mechanical deer lost its vitality without a cry.

The following things dazzle everyone and the mechanical beast. The front paw of the mechanical wolf seems to be the matrix of all kinds of tools. It changes constantly. One is the cutter, the other is the welding joint, the next moment is the opener, and then it is replaced with a wrench. The left rear part turns into a measuring device flashing blue light. With every change and almost crazy operation speed of the mechanical wolf, The body of the mechanical deer is like the object of the anatomy experiment under the hands of the surgeon. Each part is decomposed into original equipment modules or metal blocks of different shapes. Like a fountain, the body of the mechanical deer flies out and falls on the surrounding ground.

A moment later, only three things fell on the front paw of the mechanical lone wolf, the rest scattered around. One of these three things is a multi antenna electronic module, and the other two are two metal blocks with unique shapes.

The onlookers didn't run away. They were already looking silly. Since they came out of the production workshop, they have never seen their comrades in arms being directly disassembled into parts. At least they have never seen them being disassembled into such fine parts.

The mechanical wolf swallows the three parts into his mouth, then ignores the mechanical beasts' eyes, turns his head and goes away.

"Ha, what a fratricidal fight." Wu Kun said with a smile. Everyone opened their eyes. It's the first time that human beings have seen it“ But what does he want these things for? " Asked Li Xinyan. Wu Kun shook his head, saying he didn't know“ But there's a way to know what he's going to do. " Yang said.

"What can I do?" Several people asked coincidentally.

"Follow me." Yang said, holding his hand.

So ten members of the action team started tracking the mechanical lone wolf.

When it was getting dark, the mechanical Unicorn looked around. There were calls of wild birds in the dense forest, but there was absolutely no shadow of a mechanical animal. The blue lines on the mechanical lone wolf's body, the flashing blue light slightly brings some blue light, which can have some lighting functions. Such a mechanical beast, in addition to the mechanical beast, seems to encounter no too strong enemy in the dense forest.

The mechanical lone wolf picked out a clearing in the forest, and two of them rolled over and cleared out a flat land. He looked around and picked up some dry wood. His paws changed. A flame gun appeared at the front of the paw. The mechanical wolf poked the wood with the gun, and the fire started on the head of the wood. A small fire was built.

The mechanical lone wolf first put the mechanical deer parts in his mouth on the ground, and then thought about it. When his front paws swayed, he unloaded his wolf's head!

The onlookers looked at each other in surprise. They had seen the corpse of the mechanical beast, and they had never seen any place to unload it. However, the mechanical lone wolf did not cut or use any violence to unload its head easily. There's only one explanation. This guy's body structure is totally different from other mechanical animals! The mechanical wolf that removed the wolf's head didn't die, which seems to be the difference between him and other mechanical animals. Other mechanical animals are like a whole. As long as the head is broken, it seems that other places can't control and die.

Inside the mechanical wolf's head, there is a faint blue light. The mechanical wolf carefully finds a wire from it, and then inserts the multi antenna electronic module into it. It doesn't matter if he inserts it. Li Xinyan's mind explodes like a frying pan, and countless messages rush in like the sea water. Without a cry, Li Xinyan looked up and fell back.

Surprised, they went to help Li Xinyan and put him on the ground. They felt his pulse and breath, but it was normal. The mechanical wolf obviously had a hard time. As soon as his body tilted, he fell straight to one side as if he had been struck by lightning. The blue light in the wolf's eyes began to shake around with the rotation of his eyes uncontrollably. It seemed that some mechanism had impacted his central finger nerve, and the mechanical wolf's eyes were uncontrollable, Even the blue lines and the faint blue light inside the wolf's head became a little unstable, flickering big and small.

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