"Captain, go up and tie up this mechanical wolf?" Guo Tianming said.

Wu Kun waved his hand: "tied him? Do you want to carry him back to ask for credit? If our action team cared about such merits, it would not have been like this for a long time. No, don't move. Li Xinyan suddenly passed out. It seems that there must be something involved with the action of this mechanical wolf. Last time we saw it in the castle, the situation was almost the same. Otherwise, we would not pass out like this. If we tie this group up now, none of us here knows what will happen. We'd better wait and see. No one knows what he's going to do. It's better not to interrupt him. From the previous infighting, it seems that the mechanical lone wolf is not under the command of the mechanical city. For us, this may not be a bad thing, maybe it is an opportunity to take advantage of. Let's see first. "

"So... Let's just keep looking?" Guo Tianming asked.

"Yes! Keep looking Wu kundao“ Take turns guarding Li Xinyan, others sleep! " Wu Kun, with his hands akimbo, looked at the mechanical wolf beside the campfire from the trees. He lost a piece of wood far away. The wood just fell into the fire, and a flame mixed with Mars floated into the air“ His grandmother's, the world is in a mess, the robot will be baked Wu Kun murmured.

In a daze, Li Xinyan enters a world full of light. In front of him is a round pipe that can't see the end. He slides forward in the pipe. The tube wall of the passage is made up of innumerable flowing fire. The momentum of the flowing fire is amazing, surging like the tide, converging in the distance and disappearing in the sight. Looking out through the flowing fire on the tube wall, you can see the endless starry sky. There is a beautiful blue planet floating.

Li Xinyan felt that his pipe was pushed forward by a huge thrust. In front of him, there was a faint blue virtual image. The virtual image was his shell, or a shield. He stood still in front of him and flew forward with him. The virtual shadow is like a person's back, which can only be distinguished from the shape. It's a big figure, and the rest of the faces are not clear. It's not so much that Li Xinyan's consciousness follows him as it is that the virtual shadow leads Li Xinyan to gallop in the pipe.

Li Xinyan looked down, his body disappeared, nothing.

The sense of time disappeared here. After Li Xinyan looked at the blue star for a while, without warning, a starlit space city appeared in front of him almost instantly. The space city is shaped like a cross, and its huge long arm is hundreds of kilometers long. The stars above light up countless luminous areas, and slowly flutter on the background of the light blue planet. Some of the luminous points of the huge long arms are flashing, some are space gates, and some spaceships are flying in and out of them with discipline. Before Li Xinyan could take a closer look, a metal door several people high appeared at the end of the fire. The door was surrounded by more than ten golden lines, which looked like a gate into the starry sky from a distance.

The metal door looks very solid. If it doesn't stop, it will smash on it. Li Xinyan's consciousness follows Xu Ying and has little choice. He stops and stands in front of the door. The golden lines on the door seemed to sense something appeared at the door and flickered one by one regularly. The golden light in the lines on the door released dozens of golden cubes composed of pure light, which passed over the virtual shadow in front of Li Xinyan in turn.

Then a lonely voice came from the void: "who do I think it is? It turned out to be d566 mechanical command module. How can we have information to report so soon? Huh? Not quite. What's the tag that comes with you? "

Mark? Does it refer to Li Xinyan's consciousness? Li Xinyan is hanging on the virtual image in front of him. From the image, the "mark" of the voice may refer to Li Xinyan. Li Xinyan suddenly felt a burst of uncontrollable panic, but this panic does not seem to be his own panic, but from another consciousness. The virtual shadow in front of Li Xinyan looked up slightly, looked at the golden grain on the door, and hummed coldly. It seems that the feeling comes from the virtual shadow, which seems to have its own will.

"Well! Have the great nodes forgotten the existence of our pioneers? The newly built x communication module can't even remember the logos of us old guys? Or... Yes, you were created later. Did you not read the pioneers' data into your memory when you were created? Hum! If it had not been for his highness tirathamis's instructions not to resist when he left, we old folks would have torn you useless things to pieces long ago! "

"... are you a member of angel team?" The lonely voice in the void was slightly flustered.

"Well, no one has mentioned it for a long time." Virtual shadow way, hear this name, his manner once softened a lot.

"Why do you have the communication token of d566 mechanical command module?" The lonely voice in the void calmed down and asked a difficult question“ Hum! Yes? What's wrong with a useless guy taking some of his parts? " Xu Ying said with a smile. Li Xinyan can feel the emptiness in his heart, but this... Tone doesn't look like emptiness.

The voice in the void was not very happy: "in the star city rules, there is a ban on damaging combat units without permission. The communication token of d566 mechanical command module you obtained belongs to the core of d566 mechanical command module. If you obtain it, you will kill a d566 mechanical command module. Do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"Of course." The empty shadow tone is a little weak, indifferent way.

"Your core program will be locked up in the third three-star domain of the ice waiting for review."

"Of course I know." The empty shadow lightly answers a way, as if the words that the guy says in the empty space have nothing to do with him.

"Even if you are a member of angel team, if the core program is locked in the third three-star domain, you will die." The lonely voice in the void restored the feeling of loneliness, and seemed to regard himself as a judge in the court, declaring the crime of virtual shadow.

Xu Ying felt as if he had enough time. He felt on his body, twisted a red light ball in his hand, and stretched out toward the Golden Gate: "before accepting your punishment, I have something to show you. I've been on the ground for so many years, and recently I've received such a thing. I don't quite understand what it is for, so I'll show it to you. "

"What is this?" The voice in the void was confused.

Xu Ying seemed to be flattering: "you have so much ability that you can see that I stole the communication token of d566 mechanical command module on me, so you should have a look at it. I can't understand it anyway. To tell you the truth, I stole the communication token of d566 mechanical command module and came to see you here because I really don't know how to use it. I want to ask you something. As you know, it's hard to live in exile. It's like a long time not to find two interesting things... "

"Well, take a look." The golden light on the door outlined a desk framed by golden light in front of the virtual shadow. Behind the desk sat a man outlined by golden light. The man sat in a chair, but his face was dark.

Xu Ying gently put the red light on the desk, and then backed back with confidence. She seemed to know what would happen. She stepped back a step more, and then had a friendly smile on her face.

"This is..." golden virtual shadow stretched out his hand and picked up the red light ball with his fingers, but as soon as his hand touched the red light ball, a burst of smoke composed of light rose from the red light ball.

Sniffer The sound of Jin Xu Ying's panic made Li Xinyan's ears ache. Even the heavy metal door seemed to shake.

"Yes, sniffer." Xu Ying took a long breath and said coldly that everything before was for the red light to be put on the golden table.

The Golden Shadow let out a scream in pain, and there was no time to say anything else. The red ball of light, like a tarsal bone, intrudes into the body of the Golden Shadow in an instant. Everything made up of the golden light almost rises from each gap at the same time. With a bang, everything in the golden light becomes a sea of fire.

At last, the flame gradually shrinks, and condenses into a ball of red light on the ground again. The virtual shadow goes forward and puts the ball of light into his arms again. At the same time, there is a crisp sound on the door outside the metal door, and the golden lines fall to the ground like broken jade, falling into a ball of powder on the ground.

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