Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1226 Big Mouth Iushkin

When he was about to leave the station, Malashenko realized that it was actually a stupid move to not notify anyone to pick him up in advance. The brothers, carrying a lot of luggage and items, stood directly at the door of the train station, messy in the wind. Now, is it possible to take the Didi Express in this cold weather?

"Gan! You don't even have a car to pick me up. What kind of bullshit general are you talking about?"

Malashenko, who only cares about complaining, will not care that the reason for this is all his own doing.

But it was not a problem to walk back with big and small bags on such a cold day. Anya beside her was shivering from the cold. The cold wind was blowing really hard today.

"Go to the waiting hall and wait for me. I'll find someone to ask for a car."

He took off his general's coat and put it directly on Anya who was standing aside. The autumn clothes that Anya wore when she was admitted to the hospital obviously couldn't withstand such horrible weather. After finishing all this, Malashenko strode straight towards the direction where he could borrow a car, presumably going directly to the station master's office.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Doesn't Comrade Commander have a fiancée? Why do I feel, uh, you know what I mean, it's been a long time, right?"

As long as there is no war, Iushkin's mouth rarely stops, and it is the same now, not to mention that his strong curiosity has been aroused.

"Iushkin, you have never even been in love. You have to know that in college, it is normal for girls to worship heroes, not to mention that Comrade Commander is not really married yet."

Talking about other things, Kirill may lose to Iushkin.

But when it comes to love, Kirill, who was popular with girls in college because of his sunny and handsome appearance and his beautiful harmonica, can really be regarded as a teacher for Iushkin. level.

"Don't lie to me. I read a lot. I went to the Tank Corps Academy."

Iushkin did not believe in evil, but Kirill looked disdainful.

"Then let me ask you, are there any girls in the Tank Corps Academy?"

Iushkin was speechless for a moment, but still did not give up.

"Yes, why not! There must be!"

"Then tell me."


"Alena, the one who cooks in the cafeteria, already has three children."

Seeing that Iushkin, who had been holding back for a long time, ended up saying such a nonsense, Kirill, who was quite helpless and speechless, could only shake his head.

"Hey, I suggest you go fall in love first, and then I will teach you more detailed techniques. Then you can become my apprentice."

The time for the awkward chat passed quickly, and soon Malashenko came back with the good news that the car was about to arrive. It was a GAZ small jeep that belonged to the stationmaster.

Although it is a bit old, at least it no longer has to face the cold wind, and it can return to the place where Malashenko longed for more quickly.

"Go and drive, Iushkin, I can't wait to go back, hurry up."

Being able to drive is considered a skill these days. Malashenko, who often takes Iushkin with him when he goes out, has become accustomed to treating Iushkin as his personal driver, so that he can only focus on gunnery and conquering German sticks on weekdays. Iushkin also loves the feeling of touching the steering wheel.

Men are always unable to resist powerful machines that roar and roar, not including sissies.

The small GAZ Jeep with two people in the front and three in the back was obviously a little crowded. Malashenko, who was accustomed to sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly thought of taking Anya with him when he opened the door, so he put the little girl aside. It doesn't seem right to be squeezed together with two big men in the back row.

Malashenko, who had to squeeze in the back row with Kirill and Seryosha, fully felt the terrible feeling of having his butt smashed along the way. The off-road conditions and the shock absorption system of these days' cars are really not good. It was so painful that Malashenko even felt that staying in a heavy tank that kept churning was much safer than this broken vehicle.

The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division was stationed at the starting point of the final battle. The village that was smashed to pieces by artillery fire was not only a legendary witness to the standing of the Stalin Guards 1st Heavy Tank Brigade, but also a place for the new era. A new starting point for the 1st Guards Tank Division compiled by Stalin to continue the legend.

Malashenko, who was stumbling and bumping along the way, finally felt the car stop. He raised his hand to cover the window glass that was completely covered with breath, and then saw the busy scene of snow outside.

"Station of the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division, please show me your ID, comrade."

No one knew that the man sitting in the back seat of the car was the comrade who had just returned from the division. The guard who set up the card check carried Bobosha on his back and looked at the cab with the window rolled down. He did not look back. He was obviously right. The girl wearing a military coat in the passenger seat was a little puzzled and curious.

Before Malashenko could interrupt, Iushkin, who was good at tidying up, took the lead and spoke to the guard with a smile.

"Comrade, are you new here?"


The little warrior, who was about the same age as Kirill, was a little confused and felt that everything was not that simple.

The driver in front of him sounded like he was making fun of himself, but he really didn't know how to answer for a while.

Iushkin, who took a peek at the back seat to make sure the situation was okay, became even more enthusiastic, and then smiled at the little soldier outside the car window and spoke again.

"Call your division commander and tell me that Comrade Iushkin, who can scare the shit out of Germans, is waiting to see him. Hurry up."


Iushkin's loud mouth became more and more outrageous, and even Anya, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but snicker.

Malashenko, who could only express his speechlessness at Iushkin's bad taste, reached over the driver's seat, patted Iushkin on the shoulder to signal that it was time to stop, and then opened the door and stepped out of the car. .

Iushkin was right about at least one thing, this young warrior was indeed new here.

After the 1st Stalin Guards Heavy Tank Brigade was severely damaged and almost completely wiped out, the newly formed Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division was just added to expand.

Although I don’t know Iushkin, since I can join such a legendary heroic unit, it is impossible not to know Malashenko.

The news that Comrade Commander won the second Hero of the Soviet Union award and was promoted to Major General has long been known to everyone. In school, Malashenko was always regarded as a hero in brochures and newspapers, and he and his classmates regarded Malashenko as a hero. The little soldier cut out Co's newspaper portrait and pasted it into his notebook to look at it every day. Almost in shock and astonishment, the little soldier recognized the smiling man in front of him at a glance.

"It's comrade division commander! Comrade division commander is back! Quick, go and inform comrades political commissar and the others!"

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