Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1227 Reunion

Although there are still mottled and dilapidated traces of the war, the huge trauma caused by the gunfire not long ago to this village seems to have been wiped clean. The white snow brings people only a scene covered with silver. Malashenko, who saw all this familiar yet strange sight in front of him, was fascinated for a while.

"What's wrong? Why are you standing here without moving? Haven't you always been looking forward to coming back?"

With this "two-person trip", her dream finally came true. After having a rather long period of alone time with Malashenko, Anya has become more calm than before to face this period of time in which she is addicted. Unable to extricate feelings.

Listening to Anya's questions beside him, he took a deep breath and seemed to still be able to smell the residual smell of gunpowder smoke in the air. Malashenko, who looked deep into the village in front of him, slowly spoke.

"I wonder what life would have been like for us, for the soldiers, for the comrades, and for those who didn't deserve to die, without this war."

"In this kind of weather, everyone can sit in the house warmly, have a drink and warm up, instead of preparing early to continue driving those damn Germans out."

Anya kept silent and continued to look at the man she loved deeply. The long time spent with Malashenko and his personal care had given Anya a better understanding of the man she loved. She knew Malashenko had something more to say next.

"We are only one step away from peace. One day we will drive all these damn fascist lackeys back to their own kennels. Let them also taste the taste of their homes being destroyed and displaced. Only the beasts will know Only when it hurts will you remember.”

Malashenko, Anya, and his fellow crew members were not walking very fast, and the crunching sound of the snow under their feet kept coming to his ears. There were not many passing footprints indicating that the snow should have started this morning. Or maybe it just rained last night.

"Comrade Commander, hey, Comrade Commander! Look! It's Comrade Political Commissar and the others, they're coming to pick us up!"

As a gunner, Iushkin's eyesight was certainly very good, but Kirill's eyesight was equally good. Kirill, who saw his uncle and his group coming towards this direction from a distance, was the first to shout. .

"After picking up the things, let's speed up."

Malashenko, who couldn't wait to ask Comrade Political Commissar how he was doing, involuntarily quickened his pace. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar and Lavrinenko, who were walking towards each other, were also trotting over.

When the two waves of people who were not slow met in the middle of the snow-covered road, Lavrinenko, who was walking at the front, was the first to be unable to restrain his emotions and rushed forward, with two big hands. The ground opened and gave Malashenko a big bear hug on the spot.

"Welcome back, my brother!"

Fortunately, Malashenko's already strong and strong body has fully recovered. Otherwise, it remains to be seen whether he could have withstood Lavrinenko's "Thunder Beast Charge". A wall of more than 100 kilograms of flesh suddenly hit him. But not everyone can bear it.

"Ahem, be gentle, the German bullets are not as powerful as yours."

Lavrinenko, who was forcibly amused by Malashenko in the first sentence of the meeting, seemed unhappy. After letting go of Malashenko, he immediately raised his hand and pointed towards Malashenko's chest. A light punch.

"Is that what you said in the first sentence we met? The skill with your words is better than the military rank on your shoulders!"

After hearing this, Malashenko smiled slightly and looked at Lavrinenko with a firm look that said nothing.

Men don’t need too many ways to express their feelings. Sometimes just a look can save a woman the trouble of coaxing her mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Of course I will come back. The Germans have not yet made a weapon that can kill me."

"Only with this sentence, I will always believe that you are right."

After chatting with Lavrinenko for a short time, Malashenko, who moved to the left, immediately set his sights on political commissar Petrov.

Compared with his last memory before he collapsed and lost consciousness, Malashenko felt that the current political commissar's face was more yellow and he was thinner.

All this is not an illusion. Malashenko, who is always thinking about this person who is extremely important to him, always feels vividly in his memory about the last time he spent with Commissar Petrov. It seemed like the next day, Malashenko was really afraid that such a memory would become a frozen eternity that could never be refreshed.

Fortunately, Comrade Political Commissar's eyes are still resolute and full of energy, just like in 1941, which can give people the courage to continue fighting and the motivational power bursting from the bottom of their hearts.

"You have lost a lot of weight and your face has become yellower."

Malashenko, who had mixed feelings in his heart, could only truthfully state his truest state of mind. In contrast, Commissar Petrov gave a calm reply after smiling lightly.

"I have been waiting for this day. Kirill's father's biggest wish during his lifetime was to become a general one day. Later, he gave this wish to me."

"I didn't have a chance to do it, but you did it, Malashenko, congratulations."

General, a very extraordinary and shining term.

There are countless soldiers who want to achieve it. Malashenko finally climbed to this position under the witness of the people who accompanied him all the way.

What he gained was enviable, but what he lost was something Malashenko did not want to bear again in his life.

Malashenko, who had said nothing, had only one thing left to say to Comrade Comrade Political Commissar: If Political Commissar Petrov really wanted to be a witness as he said, then Malashenko would also do the same. There is also one thing I hope to wait for his testimony.

"Promise me that you will persist until the day we win, otherwise you will not be a qualified witness."

Malashenko's tone was a bit stiff, like a command.

Political Commissar Petrov, who knew what all this was for, just responded with a calm but firm smile.

"We will persevere together until that day. No one can be left behind."

Malashenko also smiled. This feeling of unity among comrades makes people feel extremely cordial and joyful at any time. This is one of the reasons why he can return to the front line as soon as possible.

"Of course, let's witness it together!"

Winter snowflakes once again began to drift in the silent and cold sky, and the snow fell silently.

In the same season two years ago, Malashenko was beaten to a terrible state and retreated all the way to the gates of Moscow with his comrades, some of whom were no longer with him.

Today, two years later, the sky is also snowing and the world is covered with snow. Malashenko vowed to personally teach the group of German pigheads on the opposite side whose territory they are standing on, and it will be up to him to return to his hometown. Comrade Ma himself sounded the death knell.

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