Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1302 Veteran’s Moment (Part 1)

The fact that the Germans have an iron fist has always been on Malashenko's mind, and Malashenko has also carefully considered the solution. Although there are many feasible methods, there is no immediate solution at present. Either we need to talk to Ke Jing about further implementation countermeasures, or we need to spend some time to upgrade the existing tanks.

No matter which method is used, it cannot be said to be effective immediately. Don't expect immediate and powerful effects for the time being, but this does not mean that Malashenko will sit back and wait for death without doing anything.

Is Iron Fist strong? Of course, the powerful chemical energy armor-breaking power of this thing cannot be blocked not only by the T3485, but also by the latest T43 front armor. The frontal armor of the two new medium tanks is useless in front of this thing. Even if it is rubbed, it is absolutely foreseeable that the subsequent ammunition will explode or the vehicle will be destroyed and people will be killed.

Then Iron Fist has no weaknesses, only strength?

Of course not, there is no weaponry without weaknesses in this world, just like the humans who create the weapons themselves have not achieved perfection.

The biggest weakness of Iron Fist is that this thing only has an effective range of 60 meters. The accuracy of this disposable jet grenade without engine blessing is not very good, and the range is even longer. In terms of range and accuracy alone, even the eight-pronged slingshot is better than This rag is useful.

Malashenko naturally understands the principle of "snake hits seven inches". Only by understanding the opponent's weaknesses and making good use of them can he defeat the enemy with one move. The most critical part in dealing with Iron Fist is to start from the key point of range.

The current effective range of the primary Iron Fist is only 60 meters. This is a useless attribute that is even more awkward than a high-power pistol. Standard light weapons and heavy firearms can far outperform it without any problems.

In a street fighting environment with complex terrain, the fighting distance is forced to be infinitely close to the point of being close to the face. Indeed, there is no good way to use this annoying German fire stick. You can't stop fighting just because it is a street fight. ?

And now, on the battlefield of this highland attack.

The environment Malashenko faced was a completely opposite field situation, and he was still the attacker with absolutely superior troops and technical weapons, and had absolute initiative on the battlefield.

In other words, it is not up to the Germans to decide whether to engage in close combat or engage in long-range firepower. It depends on our Master Ma’s calculations, mood, and how he wants to destroy the Germans.

Aren't your German iron fists too short to reach, so you can only fight close to the face?

Well, I will play long-range heavy firepower with you and fight each other. We will distance ourselves and let you have a taste of what it means to suppress the Red Army's heavy firepower!

Want to destroy the tanks in front of the position and break the deadlock?

no problem! Give you Germans this chance!

Whether it is a heavy tank or a medium tank, they are parked here motionless and firing in place. Since you German guys are out of range, pick up the tank and move forward to close the distance.

If you want to destroy the tank, there is only one way. This method seems to be the only feasible strategy and the road to the dawn of victory. But in the blind area of ​​​​the invisible road entrance, there is Malashenko with a machete in his hand, ready to bleed and chop off the heads of Germans who dare to try at any time.

All tanks that rush to park in front of the position are not fighting alone. A dense cross-volley network of heavy firepower will be formed in a short period of time, and the symphony of machine guns and main guns will soon be connected.

Of course, this intensity of firepower is still not all of Malashenko's plan. The elite Guards infantry under Varosha's command that caught up later are the absolute protagonists in dealing with the German infantry.

Most of the main first battalion of the Varosha Infantry Regiment are Red Army veterans who have survived the hell on earth that is Stalingrad. Previous force composition surveys showed that the proportion of Stalingrad veterans in the main first battalion under Varosha actually reached an astonishing 30%!

What? You said 30% is too little! ?

Gan! These are fucking men who crawled out alive from the dead in Stalingrad! The number of corpses they have seen with their own eyes is more than 99.9% of the people on this planet will ever see in their lifetime! The huge cost of casualties of the entire Red Army in Stalingrad was exchanged for these elite veterans. No matter where they are placed, they are the meat and potatoes that commanders and fighters at all levels are clamoring for.

Malashenko is already quite proud of having an astonishing proportion of 30%. If he really wants to talk about it, he has to thank Comrade Lao Zhu for giving him so much face!

These "tank cavalry" lead their respective soldiers into the battlefield in tanks as battalion commanders, company commanders, platoon leaders, squad leaders, deputies at all levels, or simply as veterans. After getting out of the car quickly in front of the German position, he immediately trotted forward quickly behind his own tank with his waist bent, and his hands that could not carry too heavy infantry weapons were full of various light weapons.

With Malashenko's consent, Varosha gave these veterans who survived the Battle of Stalingrad a power.

As long as you like, you can choose any infantry light weapons that you can handle and feel comfortable in the armory of the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division. Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, which has achieved fruitful results and numerous meritorious service, not only has the best weapons from the motherland, but also all kinds of captured weapons can be seen everywhere, including those rare weapons made in Italy and Finland.

Yegorovich is one of the elite veterans under Varosha, just because he is too old, does not understand the culture, does not want to learn new things he does not like, and is relatively rigid. Therefore, even though many of his old comrades who fought in Stalingrad in bloody battles had at least become squad leaders, Yegorovich still volunteered to be an ordinary soldier.

"Don't let me take care of people! My mother has taught me since I was a child that I can't even take care of five sheep. When I come back from grazing sheep at night, there will only be three left. If you want me to be the monitor, I guess I can't even take care of them." I don’t even know the location, let alone find it.”

Not many people dare to speak with this attitude to Lieutenant Colonel Varosha, who has become the regiment leader. Yegorovich is one of the few, but this is indeed a rough and unreasonable truth. .

As a result, Varosha chose to respect Yegorovich's own ideas, threw the autographed order for his promotion to platoon leader into the trash can, and allowed him to continue to be an ordinary soldier and fight on the battlefield.

Since then, Egorovich has been given the new nickname "Kim the Fool", combining part of his name with derision.

Many people called it that, but Yegorovich himself didn't care.

Already 38 years old, he felt that as long as he could kill those German sticks, nothing was bad, and the rest didn't matter.

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