Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1303 Veteran’s Moment (Part 2)

Yegorovich is qualified to choose his favorite weapons, and to some extent, his personal preferences are similar to those of their regimental leader comrade Varosha.

The thing Yegorovich finally selected from the armory was an anti-aircraft modified German MG42 general-purpose machine gun with an ultra-high rate of fire of 1,500 rounds per minute.

After it was selected, it was modified by Yegorovich himself. The ammunition supply installed was a parallel double drum magazine that was difficult to obtain even on the battlefield. It had an absolutely large ammunition capacity. In order to facilitate waist-firing and shoulder-aiming shooting, a somewhat epoch-making vertical grip was specially installed. Yegorovich, who knew a little about carpentry, found a piece of oilwood and cut it out by himself.

After all, you can only know clearly what things are comfortable to use by yourself. This is the same as how only you can know whether the shoes are comfortable or not by wearing them.

After such a complex transformation, a terrifying war machine emerged that carried 150 rounds of ammunition, had an ultra-high rate of fire of 1,500 rounds per minute, and could be fired from the waist or from the shoulder at any time.

Many people who heard about this for the first time thought that Yegorovich, the "idiot Kim", was trying to eat shit. Do you want to shoot the German cloth tearer over the shoulder? Dream on, comrade.

But for those who knew Yegorovich well, they didn’t think so.

Yegorovich, who is nearly two meters tall, is a taller man than Malashenko. The first time you look at him, you will immediately get the first impression of "Wori! This guy is definitely suitable to be a machine gunner!"

Of course, this is indeed the case. Yegorovich was not only a real machine gunner, but also a man who could hold a Maxim heavy machine gun in one hand, grab a few boxes of ammunition in the other hand, and hang a few strings of bullet chains around his neck. An absolute macho man in a hail of bullets.

In his own words, at the age of 12, he was a strong man who could carry a sheep. Is carrying a heavy machine gun a big deal?

Sometimes we have to admit that some people's genes are similar to "natural powers", just like Yegorovich.

The MG42, which was famously modified and processed by his own hands, is very suitable for him, but it is not suitable for others. Even if we look at the entire Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, he is probably the only one who thinks this magic modification thing is so good and easy to use.

The protracted and desperate fight enabled the Red Army to seize a large amount of German standard-caliber ammunition. Yegorovich did not have to worry about the problem that the guy in his hand had run out of bullets and had no place to replenish it. Now he just wanted to deal with the group of tanks on the opposite side. The German sticks trembled under the cannon fire and rained down death fire.

"Egorovich! Come here, your machine gun! Use your machine gun to tear those Germans apart!"

The person who shouted loudly to Yegorovich was his squad leader. What was more funny was that this squad leader, who was less than thirty years old, was a recruit trained by Yegorovich when he first joined the army.

Now the apprentices have become squad leaders, but the master is still an ordinary machine gunner, as always.

However, the young squad leader still did not dare to be too presumptuous towards his former master.

Right now, you would only dare to yell so loudly on the battlefield. In normal times, it would be an inversion of the squad leader feeding the soldiers, it was so real.

"Got it! Come here, right now!"

Yegorovich, who was walking as fast as he could, was holding the MG42 barrel cooling sleeve in his hand as easily as he was holding a mop stick. His movements of throwing away his two long legs and running wildly did not look like he was carrying a heavy object in his hand. The big guy.

The young squad leader was greeting him from behind the nearest T3485 tank. Yegorovich, who knew where machine gun fire was needed, ran to the back of the tank in just a few breaths.

"Machine gun! Quick! Set it up right here!"

The squad leader waving his arms pointed to Yegorovich to the place above the tank engine hood. Generally speaking, it is best to use this place as a machine gun shelter for shooting.

But the tall Yegorovich obviously had his own ideas.

With an extremely fast movement of three steps and two steps, he jumped directly onto the engine compartment of the tank. Holding his hand directly behind the turret, Yegorovich peeked out to see the battlefield situation, and then he lifted the gun in his hand. Turn the MG42 upside down, with the muzzle facing up, unfold the bipod smoothly, drag the middle part of the gun body forward with your left hand and lift it up, and the erection is completed in an instant.

Dong dong dong dong dong dong——

The rate of fire of the basic MG42 when firing is so fast that it is almost indistinguishable. The rate of fire of the anti-aircraft MG42 after a special upgrade to strengthen the rate of fire is so fast that it can be connected directly. Before the previous gunshot was heard, the next bullet had been burned out of the barrel instantly, and the hot warheads formed a bright green tracer barrage, which was like a meteor trajectory!

Yegorovich's priority target was very clear: those German soldiers holding unknown stick-like objects who were running around in the traffic trenches and trenches looking for opportunities to get closer.

Yegorovich didn't know much about the new anti-tank weapons of the Germans. He had never even seen them with his own eyes. He only heard that the mysterious shit-yellow "stick" had the ability to kill tanks with one hit, which was a great threat to tanks. As long as he sees it on the battlefield, he must prioritize and resolve threats to tanks. This is the actual mission goal Yegorovich received.

Although Yegorovich, who is skilled in marksmanship, holds a large weapon, he never wastes bullets. The seemingly continuous firing is actually a burst of 5 to 10 rounds determined based on visual conditions. It's just that the firing rhythm is very fast and the MG42 itself has a high rate of fire. At first glance, it looks like it is pouring water and firing continuously.

The German soldiers, who were suppressed by the powerful and invincible firepower and were worse than mice, really didn't know what was going on on Yegorovich's side. They didn't know that the enemy was using their own weapons to turn around and kill them. But the real and terrible pressure can be truly felt right now.

This bright green unknown tracer barrage is like it has eyes, jumping around and following the real-time trajectory behind the person's buttocks.

A German soldier holding an iron fist in his hand was stooping forward in the traffic trench. When he just passed the corner, his head with a steel helmet on his head was accidentally exposed. What happened next was a series of blazing warheads hitting him head-on. Almost at the same time, three 92mm projectiles tore open the front of the helmet and penetrated his brain.

The rest of what happened can already be guessed. The German soldier, whose head was damaged and half of his head was missing, fell down in the trench on the spot, leaving only nervous twitches.

What has to be amazing is that it only took less than 2 seconds for Yegorovich to go from searching for the enemy to discovering to locking and finally firing and pulling the trigger.

And the rapid fire shooting based on the instantaneous reaction of nerves only requires a short burst of 5 rounds to kill the target, without any unnecessary pull of the trigger and waste of firepower.

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