Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1349 The Real Red Army

Malashenko, who was so courageous, jumped out of the car and ignored the loud shouts and dissuasion of Iushkin and others in the car. The only thing left was "Wait for me in the car, okay?" My orders are not to follow you."

There are only a few IS4 heavy tanks in the entire Stalin Guards Tank Division, and they are all prototypes. Malashenko's communications and command-enhanced division commander's car is even more conspicuous and easy to identify. The large, elongated and thick communication antenna is the most striking feature of the appearance, so the "horn truck" called by Malashenko on the battlefield accurately arrived at its destination in a short time.

"Is the power on?"

There were two people driving there, an ordinary soldier in the driver's seat and a lieutenant in the passenger seat. The person who answered Malashenko was the lieutenant comrade who had already gotten out of the car and been busy for a while.

"It's connected, everything is ready, comrade division commander! The microphone is here and can be used immediately!"

Using existing materials at hand, Karamov ingeniously transformed this "speaker car" into a unique design that uses a wired microphone to produce sound, and then uses a large vehicle-mounted speaker to amplify the sound and broadcast it.

This was originally done so that Malashenko could speak from a far enough distance so that his ears would not be damaged by being too close to the car. But now this long wired connection is still equally useful when placed on the battlefield where war is still raging.

What happened next was Malashenko's sudden "battlefield preaching" mentioned before.

This is the first time that Malashenko directly asked the enemy to lay down their weapons and surrender in battle. In the past, Malashenko would only become more powerful against those Germans who were as smelly and hard as stones in a pit. The offensive will completely crush and destroy it. In other words, if you don't fucking surrender, I will kill you! I'll do it until you surrender!

Special circumstances naturally require special measures, and Malashenko does not mind setting an unprecedented precedent.

Moreover, in the future, we will inevitably encounter more and more German troops who can be recruited and surrendered. The entire war situation after 1944 will be foreseen to have fundamental changes. Malashenko also did this out of his long-term future plans and plans. Consider.

After getting used to seeing huge casualties again and again, Malashenko, who can now see the dawn of final victory, sincerely hopes that the casualties of his troops will be less and less.

They are not only the best soldiers, the elite of the Red Army, but also the irreplaceable ones in the lives of their parents, wives, children, brothers and sisters.

Malashenko regards his life-and-death comrades as beings of equal value to his own life, and he never wants to lose any of them in this war.

Thinking about it from the perspective of swapping positions with each other, wouldn't it be the same for every warrior who has a heart and feelings and is made of flesh and blood?

A general's success will lead to ten thousand bones. A general must have the perseverance and courage to coordinate the overall situation, focus on the overall situation and victory, and even be ruthless when necessary. Those who are indecisive and procrastinating will never be qualified generals.

But a general who does not do to others what he does not want others to do to him, and who blindly regards casualties as a cold number, can hardly be called a flesh-and-blood soldier. He is more like a politician sitting behind a desk talking about strategy.

Malashenko learned a lot from Commissar Petrov. This old Red Army and Communist Party member, who was like a father and a teacher, taught Malashenko something that is always worth remembering.

No matter what position you hold or what your military rank is, before you are a high-ranking general, you are first a glorious Red Army soldier. Don't forget the first years and things worth remembering. Don't let this war turn a living person into a cold-blooded monster.

The distorted thing has nothing to do with faith and spirit, let alone a true communist fighter.

The voice from Malashenko was amplified by the electric loudspeaker and turned up to the maximum volume. It was enough to briefly cover the fierce sound of the fighting on the battlefield and resounded through the sky, causing the German armored soldiers fighting in the steel body to also panic. Heard it clearly.

"Armored soldiers of the National Defense Forces, stop fighting, stop resisting and struggling in vain! I am Malashenko, the major general commander of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, and I promise you a chance to survive because of your heroic fighting! But there won’t be a second time, this is your ultimatum!”

"For the lives of the soldiers on both sides, I ask the commander of the German armored forces to consider my proposal carefully! You have fulfilled your responsibilities and fulfilled your oath to your motherland and military flag. I expect you to issue the correct order. "

Malashenko is familiar with German, has already mastered it, and can speak it fluently.

When they heard the sudden sound of the battlefield, many German armored soldiers who were fighting desperately like machines stopped their movements in unison.

The Red Army soldiers who were familiar with the tone of the division commander stopped their attack, and the IS6 heavy tanks, which were huge and almost indestructible to the German army, temporarily stopped their advance. Soldiers and tanks are waiting quietly, waiting for the final moment to come, whether it is the resumption of war or the surrender of the opponent, they can be accepted calmly.

There was an incredible "Christmas ceasefire" incident on the Western Front battlefield during World War I. There was no prior agreement between the top leaders of the two armies and there was no communication between the two armies. It was just a spontaneous act and response by the frontline soldiers. Many historians in later generations expressed their confusion about this and did not know how to explain it. In the end, they could only say it was a miracle.

Some people say that such a miracle ended in World War I, and it was even more impossible to happen in World War II, which was unprecedentedly bloody, especially on the Eastern Front battlefield where two people fought to the death and fought for life and death between two different ideologies.

But impossible judgments are often used to break down

It is not Christmas, nor is it a special day worthy of celebration between two completely different ideologies. However, because of the same passage and different reasons, two elite armies that are completely opposite to each other finally chose to temporarily cease fire and fight against each other. Looking at each other, all the soldiers are waiting for the final result to happen and arrive.

Finally, on the turret of the King Tiger tank, which also had a thick star antenna erected on the butt of the vehicle, the heavy hatch was rotated and slowly opened and moved to the side. A lieutenant colonel, wearing a Wehrmacht armored uniform with a radio headset on his head, got out of the car and stretched out his upper body.

And after a brief two or three seconds of hesitation and silence, he finally raised the thing he was holding in his hands and raised his arms in the air.

"It's unbelievable! It worked. These Germans really surrendered! Artyom! Is it just because of these words?!"

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