Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1350 The road far ahead

Accomplishing something often does not depend on the difficulty of the thing itself, but on whether you have the courage to take the first step and the courage to dare to turn it into practice.

If you don't even have the courage to put it into practice, how can you talk about the possibility and confidence of success and failure?

Malashenko did it. It’s hard to say that it was truly emotional, but he did say something that could appeal to the truth in his heart at a suitable juncture. For both warring parties who should be incompatible with each other, in this way.

The German army completely surrendered because of its absolute disadvantage in terms of strength and technical equipment. In this encounter in the wilderness and snowy field that was destined to end from the beginning, it encountered a complete defeat and a complete defeat.

The German infantrymen walked out of the battle craters and bunkers one after another with their hands raised high, dragging their exhausted and war-torn bodies with heavy steps, and every step seemed very difficult.

It was the same scene with the King Tiger tanks whose hatches were opened outwards. German armored soldiers who received surrender orders from the radio one after another got out of the vehicles. Their expressions were tired, their steps were shaky, and even their posture when walking in the snow was very swaying and a little precarious.

But even so, those armored soldiers of the National Defense Force who are in slightly better physical condition and physical condition are still supporting their bodies, carrying their comrades in worse condition on their own shoulders, and standing and walking side by side without falling down. On top of this snowfield where the smoke has not yet been exhausted.

"The moment the horn sounded, I almost thought I heard it wrong and there was something wrong with my ears."

"After I recovered from the brief shock, I was thinking. Is this little guy Malashenko crazy? He dared to suddenly persuade the enemy to surrender when the battle was at its fiercest and he was about to win, without any warning or warning. No preparation. Based on my past experience, I even think that this will not succeed at all. What kind of enemy would choose to give up at this last moment? "

"Until the moment you hear the horn sound, all their performance is to fight to the end and prepare to die. This is a strong and respectable opponent, at least in terms of combat performance."

The political commissar found Malashenko as soon as the battle was declared over. For what Malashenko had just done, the political commissar who had been by Malashenko's side and watched him grow little by little felt in his heart. There was really an indescribable surprise mixed with joy.

"I'm glad to see you succeeded. This is a breakthrough that even I didn't expect, let alone expected.

"Perhaps for some enemies, we should look at them differently and from different angles. Ever since I met Winter, I have gradually realized this. If the battle cannot be ended by force and fighting alone, This result cannot be better, and it is of great benefit to ourselves. ”

Political Commissar Petrov, who was able to see Malashenko put his science to use and even outperform his master, and who was also a father, a friend and a mentor, felt extremely happy in his heart. This was a sincere wish for Malashenko. Feel happy and gratified to learn, progress, grow, and even achieve transcendence.

Faced with the sincerity and truthfulness of Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, who was not absolutely sure at first but finally decided to give it a try after much deliberation, just looked at each other and smiled and chose to speak calmly.

"Don't praise me so well. What I think of at the most critical moment is still the things you taught me."

"Before I was a division commander and a major general, I was a glorious Red Army soldier. And my soldiers willingly chose to trust me, put their lives in my hands, and entrusted me with their lives. Even if it sounds unrealistic, I still want to We must do our best to live up to their trust while completing our tasks.”

"Every mother hopes that her son can come back alive from the battlefield. Although the status is different, the feelings and longings are definitely no less than Natalia's feelings for me. You can't turn a blind eye to all this just because a general is nobler than a soldier. "We are all comrades united under the same red flag and fighting side by side for the same ideal. I will never forget this."

Political Commissar Petrov, who was leaning against the side armor of the huge IS4 heavy tank No. 177 with Malashenko and holding a cigarette in his mouth like the division commander, thought for a long time, but did not say a single syllable.

When the fire burned down to the cigarette butt and was about to burn his mouth, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar took the cigarette butt out of his mouth and gently threw it into the snowdrift. Finally he smiled again and spoke.

"I did worry once, even if it wasn't much, just a little bit, but it did exist."

"But now, I can face the end of my life calmly, without any regrets or worries, even if it will come in the next second. I have taught you everything I can teach, and you The growth and performance have exceeded my expectations and imagination.”

"As an old party member and an old Red Army member, I have completed the task that I value most. This is a report and answer sheet submitted to you and the party, Comrade Division Commander."

Being too serious is not a good thing, at least in front of the political commissars, Malashenko hopes to show his truest self, just like a child in front of a teacher.

"Don't say die so early. You still have unfinished tasks, Uncle Peter."

"Watching the red flag planted in the heart of Berlin is your wish. To realize this wish and then complete the mission, this is the task assigned to you by the division commander and general comrades, comrade colonel. You have to wait until this moment, just like a teacher who wants to correct a student's As the homework goes, I will lead our soldiers to complete it, and you just need to follow everyone to witness this moment."

"Then, remember to tell me what you thought at that time. To me, this means the teacher's comments and grades."

It is not easy for men to talk so much in a conversation, especially for two people who can communicate with each other. The end of the conversation is just a smile that understands each other.

Now, Malashenko still has some things that he is very interested in doing and needs to be implemented immediately.

First of all, he went to visit the German armored commander who accepted his suggestion without much hesitation and finally ordered the surrender.

Although he was an opponent and enemy not long ago, Malashenko now respects this powerful opponent and even has some small gratitude in his heart.

After all, how many stubborn enemies are killed is only a number to report the results of the battle, but how many living soldiers can see the sun tomorrow, have more hope and opportunities to survive this war, or go home to reunite with their relatives , this is the most important thing that is placed in front of Malashenko's heart.

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