The IS6 heavy tank, which was only slightly slower than the T43s, reacted very quickly. It immediately stepped on the accelerator, passed by the retreating T43s, and rushed forward to take over the main attack task and stay at the front.

As the most powerful and best-equipped main tank regiment in the division, all IS6 heavy tanks under Kurbalov have been equipped with the latest composite armor upgrade kits.

The IS6 heavy tank, covered in thick composite armor and with a fat circle all over the vehicle, roared and roared up, shaking the ground beneath the ground under its tracks.

The German soldiers, who could feel their bodies shaking with the trembling rhythm of the ground, were still busy loading ammunition into the steel pipes they had just removed from their shoulders, preparing for the next firing attack.

The new weapons are indeed very effective against the Russian medium tanks, but what about these thick-skinned, heavily armored steel monsters?

The German soldiers were unclear and even more unsure. The cruel facts and lessons learned time and time again made them dare not believe that the new weapons in their hands could "cure all diseases."

Now, all I can say is that I hope that this steel pipe in my hand, which looks simple and tattered, but actually brings hope and surprise to people, can work again, directly destroying the giant tractors of the Russians amidst the explosion and rumble. Boom to the sky!

"Loading is complete! Hurry up, pick it up and aim! Hurry up and attack!"

"This thing is not that light, don't rush me!"

"The Russian tractor is coming!!!"

It is indeed very difficult to keep calm in front of the trembling ground under your feet and the huge roaring war machinery, and to perform precise operations without errors. Things that can be done.

After all, just the powerful visual impact that hits your face in the flying dust and gets bigger and bigger can make people almost suffocated!

What's more, the German army on the Eastern Front in 1944 was already a grasshopper after the fall. It no longer regained its former bravery and glory. The best description is that its combat strength still existed but also plummeted.


The iron pipes carried on the shoulders of the German soldiers opened fire again, and blazing white smoke and orange-red tail flames instantly spurted out and surged forward.

The commander of the IS6 heavy tank with a more special shape that rushed to the front was convinced that he saw something incredible the moment he opened fire.

But before he could say anything and react, a loud explosion and the shock of being shot suddenly hit his body. The instinctive reaction of the human body caused him to subconsciously close his eyes and lose his vision in an instant. .

But just one second after he was shot, Kirill, who was already an experienced commander, quickly recovered and returned to the fighting state that a commander should have.

"Report the situation! Are there any injuries?"

Kirill was convinced that the performance of his comrade's former car was powerful enough, and its indestructible protection could always give Kirill a solid sense of security in fierce battles. However, it was still impossible to face the unknown weapons and equipment of the Germans. Take it lightly. After the vehicle is shot, asking the crew members if they are injured is a basic operation that a qualified vehicle commander should perform.

If there are casualties, combined with the enemy's firing position, it can at least be judged from which part the enemy's attack penetrated, whether it penetrated the main armor belt, or was lucky enough to hit from the armor's weak spot. Details Judgment often has the greatest impact on the outcome of the next battle.

Fortunately, Kirill's confidence was not shattered by this oncoming German UFO, and the truth once again stood on the side of his loving father Stalin.

"The gunner is fine!"

"The loader's hand isn't hurt, I'm fine!"

"The driver is fine, that thing hit next to me, I can feel it! It's on the upper left side of the head!"

Even though the car in front of the division commander is the earliest prototype of the IS6 heavy tank, it is purely homogeneous steel armor without a rubber composite interlayer, and the main armor belt on the front of the vehicle body does not have new modular composite armor.

The solid and reliable frontal equivalent protection of the IS6 heavy tank has once again proved itself to be powerful and trustworthy.

The only result of the German UFO attack was that it ablated the outer armor and blackened the camouflage paint, leaving behind a black stain and smoky traces of blasting, with a small scattering unpierced hole in the center. Obviously, the equivalent armor that failed to fully penetrate the ballistic path was equivalent to a useless effort.

"Very good! It seems that our precious beauty can still withstand it, rush forward and tear open Fasis's defense! Davarisi! Ula!!!"


While all the big men in the car were shouting charging slogans, they were thinking about Kirill, who had just witnessed the unbelievable scene. In fact, there was one thing, not big or small, that he couldn't talk about right now.

Kirill was sure that he could clearly see the German soldier holding a cannon and firing at him on the position less than a hundred meters away at the last moment before he briefly lost his vision. Among the white smoke and fire that erupted at the moment of firing, another German soldier who probably happened to pass behind him suddenly flew out in a very funny manner for some reason.

Yes, Kirill was sure that he was not dazzled. The German soldiers passing by behind him did indeed "fly" out, and they were forcefully pushed away against the trench wall.

It was as if an invisible big hand clenched into a fist and struck his chest suddenly, because the flying posture and force were definitely not something you could achieve by just jumping on your legs.

"What's the point of this shabby German weapon? Will any of our own people be accidentally injured?"

Kirill couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have any extra time to think about it at the moment, but he also knew from this that the unknown new infantry anti-tank weapon of the Germans had a serious shortcoming that must be paid attention to.

Knowing this shortcoming is indeed useful. At least when your side captures this thing and uses it on the Germans in the future, you will not be disgraced and hurt friendly forces because of the same mistake.

It didn't matter whether the unlucky guy who was instantly sprayed away was dead or alive. In the short term, no one cared.

Even the two instigators of all this, the shooter and the loader, had no idea that this was happening. The two men were now even more stunned by the extreme shock of the scene in front of them.

"It's useless, it can't be penetrated."

"Damn it! Damn it! How thick is the skin of this Russian tractor!? Come again, this time hit its tracks!"

It takes a lot of time to reload the cannon barrel carried on the shoulders, and the reloading time is very important to the defenders who have been rolled over by the heavy tanks of the Red Army and are only less than 30 meters away. , apparently fatal enough.

Of course, this is fatal to themselves, not to the heroic Red Army who expelled the invaders from the motherland and fought against Nazi fascism.

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