Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1705 Until the end

Kulbalov originally thought that the iron pipes that could be carried on his shoulders were surprising enough. The Germans could always come up with new weapons faster than expected, even though these new weapons may not be very easy to use and cannot be used. It just works.

But what happened next proved once again that Kulbalov had oversimplified the problem.

The German army put new weapons into actual combat very quickly, but it was not as fast as Kulbalov imagined, but at an even faster pace.

The new iron gun barrel is just one of them. After the IS6 heavy tanks tore a hole in the German position and arched it up, the Red Army soldiers who followed them jumped into the trench one after another, holding the steel guns in their hands. At this moment, an unexpected situation suddenly happened immediately.

Da da da da da——

"Lie down! Watch out for machine guns!!!"

"Bah! That thing is not a machine gun, it looks like a new submachine gun. I haven't seen it before."

"Sukabulet! Why does that thing look so similar to our gun?"

I thought that the firepower configuration of the German infantry squad remained the same. Taking advantage of the powerful firepower in their hands, the Red Army soldiers had just jumped into the trenches and were preparing to kill. However, they never thought that the Germans on the opposite side also had new weapons in their hands. It's a gadget, and it has very powerful firepower and can shoot fully automatically.

A hail of bullets hit their faces. The entire row of Red Army soldiers who were the first to jump into the trenches were hit by this unexpected and powerful water barrage before they had time to react. Sweep it to the ground.

Almost every soldier who was lying on the ground or fell head-on was shot several times, with projectiles entering from the chest and passing out from the back.

The cavity effect caused by the warhead rolling inside the body left a shocking and horrific wound. Veterans who were accustomed to life and death on the battlefield only needed to take a look at this wound to know that the German's nine-millimeter round-head submachine gun bullet could Incapable of producing such a wound effect, the only thing that can cause such horrific wounds is pointed rifle bullets that are prone to rollover and instability.

"The Germans also have weapons similar to ours! Similar to our assault rifles, comrades, be careful! Suppress with grenades!"

The platoon leader who was the first to rush into the trenches was very experienced. The truth that facts speak louder than words made him understand that there was a high probability that the Germans also had new weapons similar to their own AK44 assault rifles.

If you suddenly encounter an unprecedented weapon, this may be more difficult and difficult to deal with.

But the good news is that the Red Army was equipped with similar light weapons earlier than the German army. It has already figured out the performance, advantages and disadvantages of such light weapons, and is familiar with them.

With the weakness of "Snake Strikes Seven Inches", it is not difficult to restrain and deal with the group of Germans with new gadgets in their hands.

Past combat experience makes these Red Army soldiers who have upgraded to new assault rifles very clear. It is definitely not a wise choice to fight this kind of small weapon that can shoot fully automatically at close range. Even if your own side has the same level of firepower as the Germans, you must not do this unless it is a last resort.

Comrade Division Commander once said that the lives of Red Army soldiers are the wealth of the motherland, and the life of every soldier is worth cherishing. Don’t compare the lives of the fascist pigs on the opposite side with the lives of the Red Army soldiers. Those bastards who are inferior to pigs and dogs are not worthy of it. Commanders and fighters at all levels in the division must not base victory on deliberate sacrifice at any time. On the basis of the lives of the soldiers.

"If the victory of our division can only be achieved at the expense of the lives of the soldiers, then I would rather not have such a victory. The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is an elite division that is good at fighting. It is our indestructible force that defeated the Fascists. Faith, the fighting will that becomes more and more courageous, and the indestructible cutting-edge equipment are not just the corpses of soldiers one after another!"

The above words were not said by Malashenko in private, but were mentioned repeatedly in front of all comrades in the division at the division mobilization meeting and pre-war propaganda.

Malashenko knows that many Red Army commanders and fighters these days like to risk their lives to win. Problems that can be solved with human lives are not considered problems.

From a macro-strategic perspective, as long as victory can be won, such a price does not seem to matter.

But Malashenko is a front-line field commander, and even a major general is a major general who personally directs the battle on the front line. He is not someone who sits in the rear headquarters drinking tea, making phone calls and sending a few telegrams to solve problems.

Malashenko, who stays on the battlefield and on the front line all day long, cannot tolerate the existence of incompetent people like his men who risk the lives of soldiers to achieve victory.

Yes, it may sound better in terms of results. After all, you win and the victory belongs to you.

But in Malashenko's view, with such luxurious equipment and such good troop supplies of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, if you still leave me here to take human lives to win, then this is complete incompetence. !

If you are so incompetent as a grassroots commander, then take off your uniform and get out of the leadership division. Go wherever you fall in love. Anyway, I don’t want this stupid pig here.

Under the guidance and guidance of this core idea established by Malashenko, the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division was organized from tank crews to infantry, from regiments to battalions and then to companies. All commanders and fighters, even squad leaders, will exchange various combat experiences and post-war summaries. Commanders and fighters at all levels are proud of their mastery of higher tactical skills, and use the strong in this field as role models.

Similarly, the soldiers also have the right to speak freely. No one is allowed to silence the soldiers, not even the regiment leader. If someone dares to pretend to be the boss or what I say, he will do it. Malashenko welcomes anyone, even the cooks in the cooking class, to come and report to him. Once the investigation is confirmed and it is true, you can see what the brothers do. If you don't mess with him, it will be over.

Under the influence of this good atmosphere, the overall combat effectiveness and tactical literacy of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division continued to rise. Even Political Commissar Petrov, who has been in the army for many years, highly praised Malashenko's actions. He especially praised Malashenko's unruly general attitude and his example of setting a good atmosphere for the whole division to work together.

Although there have been too many praises for Malashenko, there are still some words that Comrade Political Commissar cannot hold in his heart, and he must say what needs to be said.

"Do you know? Our division is the most cohesive unit I have ever seen in all the years I have been in the army. You are not only the leader of your comrades, but also a relative that they recognize and respect as their own. I have been with you for a long time I have never seen a comrade, a division commander, lead the troops with such an attitude.”

"To be honest, many soldiers in other troops look at the general with awe. They don't even dare to talk to the general for fear of making mistakes. It's better to do less than to do more. But you are different."

"I guarantee from my perspective that almost every comrade who knows and is familiar with you is sincerely willing to follow you. This is your leadership charisma and the shining point of your unique personality. Remember, no matter where you go in the future, Don’t forget this no matter how far you go, and keep it until the end.”

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