Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1757 God only favors the brave

The retreat of the German army was very fast and not sloppy at all. It was so fast that even Lavrinenko, who was holding the commander's periscope, couldn't react for a while and couldn't figure out what the Germans on the opposite side were doing. read

And when Lavrinenko finally realized the problem and its seriousness, a bad curse came out immediately.

"These bastard Germans! Just send the vanguard to die, and then all the people behind will escape?!"

Judging the quality of a tactic is not the decision-maker of the tactic, nor does it have anything to do with the troops executing the tactic.

The most qualified person to evaluate the true quality of a tactic is the enemy targeted by this tactic.

Only when the enemy is annoyed, angry, and annoyed, and produces the most real and primitive negative emotions of human beings, and puts the enemy in a difficult and difficult situation, then this can be called a qualified tactic.

If this is the case, judging from Lavrinenko's current performance, the German army's tactics are undoubtedly qualified and can even be called the best under this situation.

After all, even if you are forced to a dead end and there is no other way out, there must be a distinction between high and low and good and bad, right?

The second echelon and reserve German troops deployed in the rear retreated so quickly that Lavrinenko was surprised when he saw it. It felt like the Germans had already prepared in advance and were always ready to grease their feet. Just running away. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Now that the enemy's plan of action has been discovered, what to do next is obvious.

How to stop the Germans from running away has become the top priority that Lavrinenko must solve as soon as possible.

"Third Battalion, you are the closest! Tear open the German defense line at all costs! Rush forward and intercept those bastards!"

The 3rd Heavy Tank Battalion located on the right wing of the offensive formation is the one closest to the German retreating troops and has the shortest straight line. It is also the only hope that Lavrinenko can rely on at the moment.

The commander of the third battalion, who received the order from Comrade Deputy Division Commander, responded quickly and dexterously. The third battalion, which had maintained a high-pressure posture against the enemy, immediately stepped up its offensive after receiving the order, and used all its abilities to attack without reservation. The German defensive rear troops stormed forward.

Among the entire combat force of the Third Regiment, the Third Battalion can be regarded as the main force with superior combat effectiveness, second only to the First Battalion commanded by Lavrinenko. There is certainly no problem in tearing open the German defense of the enemy in person. The only uncertainty is how long the whole process will take.

The huge IS6 heavy tanks roared and spewed black smoke, using their maximum horsepower and rolling forward. However, the German troops who were left behind did not give in and continued to fight to the death. Both troops seemed to have entered a state of red-eye killing.

"Load! Armor-piercing bullets, quick! Russian tanks are coming!"

"Machine gun, there is a machine gun missing here! I have bullets here, please come and fill in the position with a machine gunner!"

"Anti-tank fighters, prepare! Bring up the iron fist and chimney, quickly!"

The Panzergrenadiers attached to the Grossdeutschland Division can be regarded as the most elite infantry unit of the Wehrmacht. Whether it is fighting will, actual combat power, or personnel composition, they can be regarded as the elite of the Wehrmacht in 1944. The elite among them.

As one of the most elite troops of the Wehrmacht, the Grossdeutschland Division is naturally qualified to have the most sophisticated weapons and equipment and priority supplies.

Before he could enter the enemy's range and charge into the position at close range, the commander of the third battalion, who personally led his team to the front of the team, had already seen from his commander's periscope that the German infantry on the opposite side was holding long guns and short cannons. There are so many and so many kinds that it’s almost dazzling.

Not only did the German army have its own iron fist and that annoying new "tank killer" chimney, but it also had excellent eyesight. He almost became the commander of the third battalion of the fighter aviation force back then. He even saw that the German infantry opposite was holding his own Simon in his hand. Nov anti-tank rifle, this heavy infantry weapon that has been discontinued for a long time in the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division.

Perhaps the 5 mm special armor-piercing bullet of the Simonov anti-tank rifle is nothing to the rough-skinned and thick-skinned IS6 heavy tank, not even worthy of scratching it.

But this situation reflects from the side how abundant the anti-tank firepower of the German guys on the opposite side is. Not only can it be used by Iron Fist and Tank Killer, but Simonov can also be carried out and distributed to ordinary infantry.

Even if the captured Soviet-made weapon is just like scratching an itch, it is still much better than using a Mauser 98K to scratch the itch of the steel monsters on the opposite side. After all, tickling has its own severity, that's roughly what it means.

"There is no time, just rush forward! Deal with the German tanks first, let the infantry control the machine guns on the roof to suppress the German infantry, don't worry about the casualties! I stepped on the accelerator to the bottom before shouting stop, tore open the German defense line and went straight through !”

The roaring orders of the third battalion commander spread across the entire radio channel and were clearly heard by all the Red Army tank crews.

The infantry accompanying the third battalion's attack were also risking their lives, ignoring the bullets that were hitting their faces like a downpour. They hunched over and half-crouched behind the turret, holding the high-level dual-purpose heavy machine gun on the top of the turret with both hands. Fire wildly and recklessly.

In the storage box hanging on the back of the turret, there are boxes of heavy machine gun ammunition specially prepared for the infantry, which is enough to cope with a high-intensity and cruel battle.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

The water-splashing barrage of the Deshka 7mm heavy machine gun sounded like a drum. The unique heavy gunfire mixed with the crimson tracer barrage formed dazzling fire dragons, either crawling or squatting in the crater. The German infantrymen inside were sweeping back and forth above their heads, and the pressure was airtight.

There was a blazing tongue of machine gun fire above the head, licking Tianling Gai's scalp continuously, and the temperature of the scalding hot air seemed to be clearly felt through the helmet.

The ground beneath his feet was shaking regularly, and the broken soil was bouncing. The hot battlefield atmosphere was mixed with the terrifying atmosphere of death, and even the particles floating in the air were about to ignite and make people suffocate.

Leaning out to fire at the enemy under such circumstances is definitely an act of death.

But even if you don’t fire and continue to do nothing, the Russian steel monsters roaring and rolling up will still turn you into a puddle of flesh. If you risk your life and fight, you might still have a chance. The German division has never been short of desperate men who dared to risk their lives.

God will only favor the brave, and no battle from ancient times to the present is better than this, and it remains unchanged forever. The absolute truth of human war will be fulfilled again today, in this land soaked in war and blood.

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