Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1758 Armor Penetration

call out--


"I was shot in the head, but it didn't penetrate! I'm still alive!"

"Keep driving if you're still alive, and the coaxial machine gun will tear that German scumbag apart for me!"

"Die, Fasis!"

An 88mm rocket flew out of nowhere and hit the upper front of the IS6 heavy tank. The warhead charge exploded with a bang, instantly releasing a metal jet that sprayed forward and a wildly spreading blasting power. , so powerful that it is like a flower of flame that blooms instantly. ReadМ

Unfortunately, this rocket, which is powerful enough to penetrate the frontal main armor of most tanks in the world today, cannot do anything to the rough-skinned and thick-skinned steel behemoth in front of it.

Even without the addition of new modular composite armor, the thick and heavily angled homogeneous steel armor on the front of the IS6 heavy tank's early batch production models is absolutely enough to withstand the frontal blast of tank-killing rockets and remain standing. fall.

Even with newer and stronger tank killers, it is still unrealistic for the German infantry to penetrate the main armor belt of the IS6 heavy tank from the front, which is no different from wanting to eat shit.

Realizing that the frontal attack was ineffective, the German infantry responded quickly, and the frontal direct-aiming shooting soon turned into mutual covering fire of crossfire.

You hit the enemy tanks in front of me, and I'll help you deal with the Russian steel monster in front of you.

This change in tactics caused the Soviet tanks to be hit from the main armor belt on the front to the most vulnerable side and rear armor.

Even the Red Army soldiers who were following closely behind their own tanks and half-crouched behind the turret to control the machine guns on the roof had tried their best and used all their skills to cover their own tanks and move towards the German troops who were about to fight at close range. The infantrymen opened fire wildly.

All kinds of automatic firepower have basically reached the maximum firepower output that seriously consumes their lifespan, but this still cannot stop those Wehrmacht armored grenadiers who also choose to fight to the death.

Flying out from all the places you can think of, or from unexpected corners, these German rockets and anti-tank grenades flying in full fire are simply better than the Chinese New Year's Eve fireworks. It’s a hundred times more exciting.


Another 88mm rocket hit the lower part of the side armor of the IS6 heavy tank. The modular composite armor hung on the side of the vehicle in the form of skirt armor to protect weak points had an effect.

The bolt-fastening structure connected to the upper part of the side armor of the vehicle body could not withstand the strong impact force. Together with the modular composite armor hanging below, it was blown away directly from the side of the vehicle body and could no longer protect the tank. .

But this one-time defense has consumed most of the armor-breaking chemical energy of the metal jet.

After one shot blew away a composite armor plate, the remaining metal jet of the tank-killing rocket had been severely attenuated and almost exhausted.

The final result of continuing to advance along the ballistic trajectory is that the basic armor at the lower end of the side of the IS6's body is burned black, and it is no longer possible to even drill a hole in the vertical homogeneous steel armor plate. arrive.

The composite armor with a sandwich structure of "armor plate + rubber sandwich + armor plate" has a severe attenuation and weakening effect on the chemical energy metal jet. This can be seen from this.

"Continue, come again! Hit the weak spot where the armor plate was blown away with another shot. Quick!"

After successive defeats and useless efforts, they can still maintain a high fighting spirit and the courage to continue fighting. This is probably the biggest difference between elite troops and conventional troops.

These Wehrmacht armored grenadiers who didn't know what to give up were still fighting. The 88mm rockets loaded from the tail of the launch tube were pushed into the chamber again and were ready to go.

The sturdy German gunner carrying such a heavy cannon barrel on his shoulder was trying his best to aim. Through the huge square flame shield gap rear sight in front of him and the lateral sight at the muzzle position, he quickly aimed at the black muzzle again. Hit the target and the same part that you have hit once.


call out--

The 88mm full-caliber rocket that was instantly ignited by the rocket engine roared straight out of the muzzle. The scorching air waves caused by the huge tail flame blast were completely offset by the flame shield and did not harm the gunner who was very close.

The tank-killing rocket that hit the target was indeed quite accurate. In other words, the German gunner who repeatedly attacked the same target and the same part was really good, even if he was really unlucky. .

All in all, when this tank-killing rocket crossed the shooting distance of two hundred meters, it went straight through the side protection gap where a large piece of skirt armor was blown away, and directly hit the IS6 body on the side. When the vertical armor was on, a terrible catastrophe was inevitable from now on.


After penetrating the fragile vertical side armor of the vehicle body without any suspense, the hot metal jet ablated and licked the reserve ammunition rack stored in the chassis of the vehicle body. In just the blink of an eye, it became irreparable. terrible disaster.

The power of the huge ammunition explosion instantly overpressured the entire internal space of the tank, giving the flat and huge turret an irresistible upward force, and it flew straight away like a rocket.

The machine gunner operating the roof-mounted machine gun, the Red Army soldier following the IS6 heavy tank, and the car full of four crew members

The huge firestorm instantly swallowed up all the living creatures around it. The body was annihilated in just a blink of an eye, and then there was a death storm that was mixed with the rapidly spreading shock wave, metal fragments and bloody wind. .

"It worked! You did it, Enrique! Well done!"

This kind of Russian heavy tank, which has a huge and seemingly bulky size and extremely high maneuverability, is really difficult to destroy. So much so that after expending multiple rounds of continuous fire with rockets, the result of finally destroying one was a great victory and encouragement for this German anti-tank team, enough to inspire them to continue fighting after they had been technically abandoned.

"Car No. 113 was destroyed! The ammunition exploded. Sherovsky and the others are finished!"

"Car No. 112, get on top of me! Don't worry about the losses, just keep charging! We are about to break through! Ula!!!"

"It was hit! The right track was destroyed and we can't move!!!"

One after another, the IS6 heavy tanks were either destroyed, or their tracks were damaged and they lost the ability to move and were forced to withdraw from the battle.

With the increase of combat experience, the German panzer grenadiers have gradually found their feelings and countermeasures. They have figured out that the joints between the upper and lower ends of the side of the Russian heavy tank body without the square box armor and lack of protection can be used. The tank killer penetrated it with one hit.

Although this area that is hardly considered a weakness is too small and difficult to target, it is still better than not having any weakness at all, and it is enough to give people hope in despair.

The fierce and brutal battle has already left wreckage everywhere and numerous casualties, but even so, this meat grinder-style close-quarters fight that has consumed flesh, blood, and steel has only just begun.

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