Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1760 The bloody battle comes again (Part 2)




The magnetic mine instantly captured the sound of metal hitting the engine tail compartment, the roaring sound of the warhead charge detonating instantly, and the harsh mechanical sound of the IS6 as it suddenly slowed down and completely stopped after the power system was severely damaged. Scratching sound.

This thin panzergrenadier succeeded. He did what he insisted on doing until the last second when he was conscious: blasting through the fragile armor of the rear power compartment of the IS6 heavy tank with an anti-tank magnetic mine. The board, blowing up the internal diesel engine on the spot and completely destroying it, caused this behemoth with a total combat weight of more than fifty tons to slowly paralyze on the spot.

The price is that he paid for his precious life, which everyone only has once.

The furious Red Army soldiers fired randomly and were beaten into a hornet's nest on the spot. With bullet holes all over their bodies, they fell face to face into a pool of blood, with eyes wide open that they could not close until they died. Completely lifeless.

"These fascist scum! They are all crazy and they are trying to kill us!"

"Shut up! Is there anyone who will not risk his life in the war? This is the true strength of the Germans. Have you forgotten our days in Stalingrad? Such Germans can be seen everywhere.

Even if bullets are flying around you and rockets are flying around you, you can still follow your own tanks and complain and chat at will.

This has nothing to do with cynicism. Those veterans who were able to crawl out from the pile of corpses and survive the disaster all had more or less unique problems and habits. But this doesn't mean that they don't know the proper tactics and tactics on the battlefield. On the contrary, hidden behind this seemingly random move are the most skilled tactical skills and combat experience.

When it is time to have a casual chat and relieve the pressure, when it is time to concentrate on the battle and stay vigilant, these veterans know clearly in their hearts and do not need anyone to teach them.

With terrible curses, they stepped over the corpses of German armored grenadiers that were full of bullet holes and were still warm, and sought cover behind the crippled IS6 heavy tanks. This group of Red Army infantry continued to charge. There is one last thing that must be done: rescue and cover your comrades.

"What should we do? Go in and save people?"

"It's not necessary. It's not that the turret was blown through and the engine was destroyed. They can come out on their own. Protect this place with fire cover and don't let those Germans get close!"

The bearded squad leader who led the team rejected the squad soldiers' proposal and issued the order. The powerful small arms firepower network composed of AK-44, Bobosha, SVT-40, and DP light machine gun instantly exploded to maximum output. The bullets were fired at all the surrounding German soldiers who looked suspicious of approaching, as if they were free.

The two German infantrymen, who were holding iron fists in their hands and wanted to take the opportunity to get closer, were accidentally swept into a hornet's nest and fell to the ground.

The rest of the German infantry who were planning to continue advancing immediately retracted upon seeing this, and then several more M24 grenades flew over with hissing smoke.

"Grenade! Watch out!"

Upon seeing this, the Soviet squad leader leading the team quickly called on his comrades to lie down and seek cover with the huge body of the IS6 heavy tank.

Boom boom boom——

The grenade thrown hastily without a field of vision was a bit inaccurate. After several loud explosions, it almost exploded next to the body of the IS6 heavy tank, and it did not even have the slightest scraping effect.

The Red Army squad leader, whose head was buzzing from the shock, knew that he was fine. If something happened, he would not be able to stay conscious. His body would have been torn apart by several grenades that exploded at extremely close range.

"Grenade! Give Fasis a taste of the power of the Red Army!"

It's not polite to reciprocate. You can throw a grenade in front of me, which means I can also throw a grenade in your face.

It's not like fighting on sloping terrain where you are higher than others, and you are better than others. If you dare to use grenades to bomb others at the same level, you must be prepared to be bombed in advance. But what will happen to the German army without this huge steel body to cover? how? There is no guarantee that it will be exactly the same as the Red Army soldiers.

All the soldiers, including the squad leader, each had a lemon grenade in their hands. They aimed it at the position where the two Germans who had been killed had fallen, and threw it out. That was where the subsequent German infantrymen hurriedly evaded.

Boom boom boom boom——

Several more loud explosions that were muffled in the trench were heard continuously. What was thrown up by the explosion were not only large pieces of broken soil and fly ash, but also large lumps of minced meat and firearms mixed with scarlet color. Wrecks, rags, and even an M42 steel helmet that had obviously been deformed by the explosion, like a deflated basketball.

The Red Army soldiers hiding on the other side of the IS6 heavy tank's huge body did not see the scene where the Germans were blown to pieces, but such a thing is no longer important now.

What's important is that the IS6 heavy tank that was being used as a bunker finally made some movement. The turret top hatch and the body chassis hatch were opened at the same time, and the two crew members immediately got out of the tank at the same time, one after the other. Abandon the car and escape.

"You are too courageous! You dare to escape through the roof hatch at this time? Do you really think the Germans can't kill you?"

The squad leader of the Red Army, who was busy replacing a new magazine for the AK in his hand, was complaining. The commander, who had rolled down from the turret as quickly as possible, was squatting next to him, playing with the AK with a folded stock and a shortened barrel. Rifle replied.

"Isn't he not dead? If he is not dead, he is very lucky! There is no need for other nonsense. Give me a spare magazine of yours. I will only bring out the gun and load this one."


The commander and the squad leader were not familiar with each other, and they didn't know each other, but on a battlefield where every second counts, they couldn't care less about the minutiae of "I don't know you, you don't know me." This was not the time to waste time talking. things to do.

Even the ammunition he had on his body was running low. Counting the new one he had just replaced, he only had three fully loaded magazines left. But the squad leader still took out one of them from his chest strap without hesitation. He also took out a pistol magazine from the ammunition bag at his waist, held both in his hand and handed them to him. The commander next to him.

"Don't say you're carrying a revolver. I don't like hearing that."

The commander, who had a sinewy face and a stocky and burly build, just grinned cheerfully.

"Tokarev, loyal and reliable!"

Soon, the team, which gathered four abandoned tanks and an entire squad of infantry, regrouped and regrouped. Following another IS6 heavy tank that passed by to meet him, he continued to engage in the battle.

No one knows how long this bloody battle, which is already considered a rare sight for Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, will continue. Only the German rear infantry and tanks, who were almost dead, were still using all means to resist desperately.

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