Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1761 Death Torture

Fierce close-quarters hand-to-hand combat continued, and the German army, which suffered heavy casualties, still refused to give up hope and surrender even now.

This made Lavrinenko, who stood at his post holding the commander's periscope and witnessing the scene with his own eyes, secretly marveling that the German army still had such capable troops, and at the same time became more determined to destroy this group of enemies here. The will of the Grossdeutschland must not be allowed to slip away.

"We can't let these bastards run away. Who knows how much trouble there will be when we replenish our troops and come back! We must kill these bastards here!"

An enemy that could make even Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division find it difficult, Lavrinenko did not dare to imagine what it would be like if it were replaced by an ordinary Red Army unit, even if another weaker Guards Tank Division came. Condition.

To put it bluntly, it may be hard to say whether we can defeat this great German division.

Lavrinenko clearly knew the combat power of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, which was extremely large and far exceeded the average troops of the same level.

In terms of the quantity of technical equipment and overall equipment level, apart from the lack of other technical arms, such as the divisional artillery regiment and self-propelled artillery unit, the regiment he leads is basically the main configuration of a conventional elite Guards tank division. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘAnd in terms of combat experience and overall quality, it is much better than the conventional elite Guards tank division.

With such a huge advantage, the battle is still difficult to deal with. This shows how difficult it is to deal with the Grossdeutschland Division, which is known as the elite of the Wehrmacht. Letting such a group of powerful enemies go is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain. To eliminate them here at all costs is the best option. Lavrinenko will win this battle as soon as possible even if he is carrying huge battle losses today. It's that simple.

"Second Battalion, move closer to the Third Battalion immediately! Help them attack to open a gap and then catch up. Your enemies in front of you only need to hold them back. Don't let them move! Use the front of the Third Battalion as the main breakthrough point. Fight, quickly!”

The offensive formation, which was already as sharp as a sharp knife, became even sharper after Lavrinenko issued the additional order, gathering and piercing the German's heart.

There is a reason why Lavrinenko issued this order now, not to allow the troops to concentrate on one point as soon as possible for a fierce attack.

The frontal breakthrough battle of the heavy tank group is very particular about the formation. This does not mean that the crowds of swarms rush forward and it is done. The left and right spacing between each vehicle, the distance between the front and rear, how many vehicles are placed in the first echelon at the front, and how the follow-up impact troops are deployed.

There are many twists and turns and tactical details, which are all valuable tactical experiences summed up through various previous fierce battles. However, only an overly concentrated assault formation will cause unnecessary casualties to the precious heavy tank troops. This point remains true and will not change much.

This is the reason why Lavrinenko did not order the troops to gather a sharper offensive edge again as soon as possible.

Focusing the offensive edge more sharply and intensively can bring considerable combat power, but this is not proportional to the straight-line battle losses caused by it. In other words, there is a high probability that the gain outweighs the loss.

In a battle that can be won with relatively small losses, no one would think of filling this deep hole with more human lives and losses in technical equipment.

But now there is no other way. Lavrinenko has no time to waste. He must make sacrifices in order to complete his mission goals.

Just like Colonel Klose, taking the overall situation into consideration, in order to ensure the survival of the large army, the strong man abandoned such a group of elite armored grenadiers and tank troops, staying behind to fight to death.

Showdowns between masters are often like this. When one party shows enough courage to influence the outcome and makes a major sacrifice, if the other party does not want to lose the showdown, it must come up with something commensurate with it. Something will do.

The Second Tank Battalion, which received the order from the deputy division commander, quickly adjusted its offensive strategy and retained a small number of troops that could continue to put pressure on the German troops in front of them. However, they charged forward in no hurry for success.

Just maintaining a uniform and ferocious fire suppression on the enemy forced these Germans to give up any idea of ​​following up and making corresponding tactical adjustments. They could only be nailed to this position and continue to fight the enemy in front of them. knock.

On the other side, the main force of the second battalion joined the assault formation of the third battalion next door as quickly as possible. The two steel torrents merged together instantly and became more majestic and unstoppable. In the eyes of the remnant German soldiers who were beaten half to death, it was as terrifying as a flood caused by a collapsed dam.

"Too many! There are at least sixty Russian tanks. We can't deal with so many!"

"So what if you can't deal with it!? No matter if it's thirty tanks or sixty tanks, you'll die anyway. It's just a matter of how fast you die. If you fight against these Ivans! You have to kill another Russian tank!"

"Left, right, and ahead! God, they're everywhere!"

"Then fire everywhere! We have enough iron fists!"

Your poor infantry are dying every minute, while my mighty torrent of steel is endless.

Two entire tank battalions were gathered together, and a desperate and frantic assault was launched towards a German defense zone with a frontal width of less than one kilometer, which soon had an immediate effect.

Although the losses of the Red Army's heavy tanks have been considerable, and IS6 heavy tanks that have been destroyed or paralyzed can be seen everywhere on the battlefield, the situation on the German side is obviously much more serious than this. .

Corpses everywhere are no longer enough to describe the heavy casualties of the German army. It is more appropriate to say that there are broken meat everywhere and blood flowing everywhere.

After the red-eyed Red Army tank soldiers eliminated the last remaining German tanks and annihilated them all, they directly stuffed high-explosive shells into the main gun barrels and looked at any moving Germans on the position, even if they were An ordinary rifleman could just blast him to death first.

Only a dead German is a good German. This is the most realistic portrayal of this battle at this moment for the Red Army.

Without the last remaining armored units to assist in the battle and attract direct artillery fire, they were like the remaining German infantrymen swimming upstream in the storm. This time it was directly equivalent to being hit on the head by a huge wave and completely knocked to their knees.

This battle, which had no suspense anymore, did not last long. The remaining German infantrymen who wanted to die soon came to their final end.

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