Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1762 Traveling through time and space

"Shout to them! Get these bastards out of my way! I don't have time to capture them. If you don't want to be crushed into a pulp, just get out of here!"

The last remaining handful of hopelessly resistant German infantry finally surrendered, accompanied by Lavrinenko's angry and careless curses. read

Lavrinenko was right. He really didn't have any extra time to spend on capturing prisoners. The top priority was to rush forward and bite the tail of the Great German Division.

"Get away! Get away! Get away! Put down your weapons, avoid the tanks, stand in a row on the open ground and wait to be captured. If you don't want to be run over, get out!"

A commander who was relatively proficient in German received Lavrinenko's order, opened his turret hatch and poked out a large iron loudspeaker. The German infantrymen who had raised their hands in surrender shouted loudly in German.

The German infantrymen who had just put down their weapons were quite sensible when they saw this posture. They knew that the Russians never joked about driving tanks to crush people, especially not with the Germans who were their enemies.

If you don't want to be sucked into the tracks and ground to a pulp, you'd better move faster and avoid these Russian steel behemoths that are spitting out black smoke and charging towards you at full speed. This is not an urban arterial road with traffic lights and traffic regulations. The tanks can go as fast as they want, and there is no compensation or responsibility for running over a German.

"We failed. Shameful, right? Enrique."

For a recruit to survive on such a tragic battlefield until now, this is no longer something that can be summed up in one sentence simply by good luck.

Hearing what the familiar recruit next to him said, Enrique had already thrown the tank-killer bazooka on his shoulder on the battlefield. Enrique, who had probably been crushed into pieces by the Russian tracks, thought about this. I want to speak immediately.

"But at least you have hope that you can go back alive to see your mother. I think I can survive the years in the prison camp. You have to be careful with your small body. The Russians will not care about your life or death."

The Russian heavy tank cluster roared past twenty or thirty meters away. Groups of Soviet infantry had already boarded the tanks and followed them to charge. From time to time, there were several looks of hatred that could almost eat people alive. Throw in your own side.

It was as if the Soviet infantrymen sitting on the tanks could be shot to kill them at any time. This made the recruits who stood there with their hands raised feel extremely frightened. But in stark contrast, Enrique, who was standing nearby, continued to remain expressionless as if nothing had happened.

"How can you say it so easily? Aren't you afraid of those Russians? Aren't you afraid that being in a prisoner of war camp would be worse than death?"

"Life is worse than death? Ha"

Enrique smiled, raising his hands above his head in a French military salute with a sneer that was a bit funny, but it could still be seen that this expression was not false and was genuine.

"Ever since we lost the battle in Kursk, I knew we would never win this battle. Life or death has long been unimportant to me. I am tired of this war and this kind of failure. But I still feel like waiting to die every day. It’s just that killing people in a war can give me some excitement and fun.”

The young recruit couldn't believe that such words came from Enrique's mouth. He always thought that this guy with two golden tank armbands embroidered on his arm was a legendary figure and a battlefield hero, but he didn't expect that he was. Such a person is completely different from the SS soldiers who lived for bloodthirsty killings in his own impression.

No matter how the young recruit Dan Zi viewed himself, Enrique still had to pour out all the complaints he was holding in his heart during the last period of time before he raised his hands in surrender and waited to be captured.

"Now, I just want to see how the Russians treat the prisoners of war, and whether I can survive until these Russians are willing to let me go back. This is a challenge, I like the challenge best! I bet these Russians are in the prisoner of war camp Torture me to death, this is much more interesting than killing their garbage iron box."

"If I can go back alive, I can still write memoirs and sell some money, find a few more young women to play with, and make up for all the debts I have owed during the war. If you can go back alive, remember to come to me, maybe If I'm rich, I can buy you a drink, and then we'll talk about the wonderful life in the prisoner of war camp."

At this point, two soldiers holding AKs who came to escort the prisoners of war had already arrived behind Enrique.

Enrique, who obediently surrendered, showed no intention of disobedience and resisted. He allowed two big and thick Soviet infantrymen to hold down his arms and tied them on the spot with the ropes they had prepared.

Even so, Enrique, who was pressed down by his shoulders, was still sneering, and this smile was turning into a silent laughter in the eyes of the recruit Danzi at a speed visible to the naked eye. His grin was as big as It was as if he had just captured the Kremlin with his own hands a minute ago, kicked in the door of Stalin's office and captured him alive.

"Come on, brother! We'll see you there or not!"

"I never understood why Enrique was like that at the time. Of course, I never saw him again in the post-war years."

"I think this does not mean that he must have died in the prisoner of war camp, but I deliberately avoided looking for him again. My impression of him was that he was a very strong man with a strong mental power. He could not even face an enemy tank running over him. He is the best anti-tank rocket launcher in our battalion because he can keep his expression straight. I think the way he looked at that time was probably because he was venting the negative emotions he had suppressed for a long time. I'm not sure, I think it was something like this."

"Many of our peers of that generation have unspeakable eccentricities like Enrique's, either long-term or short-term. Even after I was released and returned to my hometown, many veterans committed suicide. , or the news of being imprisoned in a mental hospital appeared in the newspapers. I really hope that such a cruel war will not happen again. Peace is the most precious thing."

The gray-haired old man sat on a chair and talked about the past that had faded in his memories, but was still fresh in his memory. The young female reporter who gently closed the pen cap and small notepad and announced the end of the formal interview had one last personal question to ask. The Red Flag Medal pinned to her lapel was shining brightly in the sun.

"Well, thank you for being willing to be interviewed by our Deutsche Volkszeitung today, Mr. Müller. At the end of the interview, I have a personal question to ask you. We all know that the Grossdeutsche Panzer Division you are in was captured by Maratha The troops commanded by Marshal Shenke defeated and destroyed them. If you could see Marshal again, what would you like to say to him? "

The old man on the chair looked out the window. Although his eyes were cloudy, they sparkled with a glimmer of light, as if he could travel through time and space and recall the past.

"The Marshal and his troops completely defeated us. They defeated the most legendary Grossdeutschland Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht. They defeated us at both the soul and reality levels. This affected the trajectory of the rest of my life. All the confessions I made in the rest of my life were probably It all started when I realized that this army led by Hitler was absolutely unwinnable.”

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