Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1763 The most wanted criminals

The black iron stream was squirming forward quickly on the ground like a winding and crawling python. Although this speed was not slow by human standards, the anxious Colonel Klose still felt that it was not slow. It's not fast enough, and the heart that has been hanging has never let go from the beginning to the end.

"Approximately how far have we withdrawn?"

Sitting in a modified and fully sealed command half-track vehicle with a roof, he raised his hand and looked at his watch and found that Colonel Klose, who had been on the road for more than half an hour, asked again.

"About ten kilometers, sir. We've left those Russians far behind. We're safe now."

"It's only ten kilometers? No, you're wrong, that's not enough! Our speed is too slow! The level of mechanization of those Russians is quite high. Once they remove the obstacles blocking their progress, we will be able to do it in less than twenty minutes. See the Russian tanks in front of you, I promise you."

Colonel Klose was as pessimistic as ever. At least in the eyes of the young adjutant, his immediate superior was a bit too negative.

The troops who stayed behind were already strong enough, and it wasn't like the two hundred and five men on the street and the stinky fish and shrimps. How could those Russians catch up so quickly?

"Sir, with all due respect, we have left behind half a regiment of rear troops, and they also carry a sufficient number of heavy weapons, tanks, and anti-tank equipment. It is impossible for those Russians to catch up so quickly and want to eliminate such The rear troops cannot be achieved in a short time, you should be more optimistic, the troops also need you to maintain a clear and rational command. "

It would not be wrong to say that Colonel Klose was frightened at this moment, but his state of always being on tenterhooks and looking forward and backward did affect his ability to command and judge to a certain extent. It was precisely after the young adjutant was keenly aware of this that he persuaded and proactively reminded him. Colonel Klose, who was also aware of his poor condition, just sighed.

"Inform the troops to continue to speed up the progress. The earlier we meet, the better our chances of winning and the sooner we can get out of danger. Before we meet, our situation is far from safe. The Russians may come from unexpected places at any time. Come out and kill us."

"Ok, I see."

After giving the order, Colonel Klose sat in his seat and made no other movements. The adjutant who received the order turned and bent over to the correspondent at the front of the carriage to prepare to relay the order.

The interior of the car was closed and dark, and Colonel Klose could not see what was going on outside. Even though there was a hinged window for looking outside, he had no intention of looking. His restless mood and the roar of the mechanical engine simply made people feel sad. The smell was indescribable, as if the whole person was pressed into a big pot and steamed like a bun, and the whole body felt uncomfortable.

"These German guys are quite fast. If our offensive hadn't gone smoothly, they might have really had to escape."

Behind a hill about two kilometers ahead, two tall men holding telescopes were crawling on the grass and observing the distance. The rolling incoming direction of the German army ran straight in front of the two of them. If they wanted to carry out an ambush and surprise attack, there would probably be no better opportunity and terrain than this.

"Now that you're here, don't leave. Just leave these fascist scum here!"

"Inform the troops to prepare for battle! According to what we just discussed, we will cut off the head and tail and eat the middle. Wait until the Germans completely enter our ambush line before firing. The first wave of charge will cut the Germans' long snake formation into several pieces. ! Divide and encircle them and defeat them one by one. They don’t have enough troops to attack us. The first wave of raids must cut off at least half of the Germans. Action!”

After receiving the order, the major immediately retreated and retreated to the rear. Kulbalov, who did not retreat immediately but kept observing, let out a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he could already see the Germans waiting for a while. How miserable his death was.

"The Grossdeutschland Panzer Division? Yes, it has a great reputation! Killing these fascist bastards will definitely make the division commander happy for at least three days!"

Kulbalov is not an old man in Malashenko's core team. He is a "half-way monk." Joining Malashenko's core leadership team is already a thing of the past. There had been many big battles before, and Kulbalov, who had never experienced it with Malashenko, later heard others describe how Malashenko was in danger and how difficult the fight was.

Therefore, Kulbalov did not personally experience the bloody battle that broke out in 1941 between the troops commanded by Malashenko and the predecessor of the Grossdeutschland Armored Division: the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment.

But this does not prevent Kulbalov from taking the initiative to understand and listen to other people telling this story, and becoming familiar with it.

Now Kulbalov knows that the Germans in front of him, who were beaten like lost dogs by the deputy division commander and ran away all the way, have long been on the "wanted list" of the division commander. They belong to the kind of people who are once If you encounter them on the battlefield, you have to fight to the death. If you can, try not to let go of the "most wanted criminals" who can be wiped out.

"One of the most important goals of our division is to find and annihilate the so-called elite elite troops of the Nazi fascists on the battlefield. Every time a beam is removed from the Germans, the battlefield risks faced by the comrades of the friendly forces are also reduced. It will be greatly weakened. All fascist troops with special titles are our hunting targets. Remember, there is no need to be merciful to these bastards. "

"The blood of Red Army soldiers on their hands is much more than that of ordinary Germans. These bastards always like to fight annihilation wars against our friendly comrades. Well, since they want annihilation wars, We will give him a battle of annihilation! It’s just that those who will be annihilated will be these fascist scum, not the steel elite of the Red Army who are named as leaders.”

Kulbalov could not remember exactly which division-wide mobilization meeting the above paragraph was delivered by Malashenko, but the content of this speech was engraved in his bones and remained fresh in his memory. .

The German troops that had accelerated their march were about to rush into their faces. Kulbalov, who knew that he didn't have much time to stay any longer, decided to do so simply. After secretly retreating down the slope, he stood up and ran away, running towards the direction where he thought the car was. However, the running movement with a prosthetic leg on one foot really seemed a bit lame and inconvenient.

"It has been confirmed, sir. They have sent a response force to meet us. They also said that the scouts have discovered the movements of other Russians nearby, and more enemies may soon surround them. It is recommended that we meet up immediately after Breaking out to the west is the only option."

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