Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1764 Those who must survive

"Breaking out to the west? Hahaha, it's so funny and ridiculous. Read"

Colonel Klose not only muttered something incomprehensible, "funny," but his actual expression was a helpless, forced smile. The young adjutant couldn't quite figure out what it meant.

"Obviously we have four armored divisions and an independent heavy armored battalion, and we are obviously here to rescue the surrounded friendly forces. Why do we still use the word breakout now? Only half a day has passed since the battle. Isn't this too much? Is it ridiculous?"


Hearing Colonel Klose's self-deprecating rhetorical question, the young adjutant didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yes, this change did come too fast and caught people off guard.

This morning, we were marching all the way to the tune of triumphant songs, vowing to rescue the friendly troops trapped in the encirclement. Half a day had just passed and it was the afternoon. How could the huge mechanized force of four armored divisions be destroyed so quickly? Defeated to defeat? Need to choose a main direction to break out?

Is it true that one's own combat effectiveness is poor due to too much stretch in the crotch? The young adjutant felt that this was obviously not the case and that this statement was difficult to establish.

Whether it's the Grossdeutschland Division or the 505th Heavy Armored Battalion, either one of them is a ruthless character, one of the top elite armored units of the Wehrmacht.

Although the remaining three ordinary armored divisions with only numerical designations did not reach this level of combat strength, their organizational structure was not complete, and they went to the battlefield with the accumulated battle losses that could not be replenished in time. But these are three armored divisions of the National Defense Forces. Taken individually, they can be regarded as the main force in a large offensive direction.

How come so many main forces are now gathered together to try to open up the situation and reverse the situation, but they are slapped in the face by the cruel reality and become unworkable?

The young adjutant really couldn't figure out the reason. He guessed that with his military experience and combat experience, he couldn't figure it out even if he tried hard, so he quickly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to think about it.

When I accidentally raised my head, I saw Colonel Crozier's cracked and dry lips.

He realized that Colonel Klose had not taken a sip of water from the beginning of the retreat to the present, or that he did not care to drink, forgot to drink, or was not in the mood to drink, whatever you want to say.

All in all, when the young adjutant reached out and took down the kettle that was placed next to the seat, and was about to unscrew the lid and hand it to Colonel Klose to persuade him to take a few sips, an unexpected change suddenly occurred at this moment.

Boom boom boom——

call out--


"Artillery bombardment! Artillery bombardment—"

"Russian cannon! Take cover!"

"Get off the car, get off the car quickly!"

The shelling that hit their heads and faces was so sudden that the extremely tired German soldiers in the marching column, who were dozing in the truck compartments, did not even have time to react. Then he was directly hit by a cannonball that was bigger than his head and overturned the truck. In a violent explosion of fire, all the parts and pieces of meat were thrown into the sky.

The large-caliber heavy artillery shells with such a short interval from howling to actually landing on the ground that people have no time to react can only explain one problem: the Soviet artillery fire is quite close, and it can even be said that this is not a long-distance parabolic straddle at all. , but firing at a close range with almost direct aim. Only in this way can such an effect be achieved that leaves no one with time to react.

Some German veterans who had realized the seriousness of the problem had already left their vehicles and hid as far away from these vehicles as possible, finding a relatively secluded bunker to hide on the spot. Everyone knows that the value of blowing up a car is much higher than blowing up a person. If you still think about hiding in front of the car at this time, you are a fool. And those German veterans who have survived to this day are obviously not fools.

"Sir, we can't stay here any longer. Get out of the car and leave! The Russian cannons have locked onto us. Get out! Hurry!"

Everyone knew that the current situation was that they had been ambushed by the enemy, so there was no need to say anything. The young adjutant just wanted to fulfill his responsibilities and quickly escorted Colonel Klose out first.

Colonel Klose, who was also stunned by the bombing, reacted quickly. For an old man in his fifties, he escaped from the car quite quickly, not as fast as a young man. How many.

"Quick! This way, sir, let's go over there and take cover!"

The young adjutant stood behind Colonel Klose in a standard guarding action, lowered the officer's body, and tried his best to cover Colonel Klose's back with his taller body to protect him. Even if he is killed, it is better than the commander of a division being blown up by a Russian cannon. The Grossdeutschland Division must not lose its brain in such a critical situation.

But sometimes it's really ironic in this world. There are too many bad times, that kind of annoying despair where the more you fear something, the more it will happen.

The young adjutant had just taken Colonel Klose and ran out two steps when a high-explosive projectile burst through the air and hit a location not far behind him.

What's even more terrible is that the final impact point of this artillery shell is exactly the front power compartment of Colonel Klose's command half-track vehicle. The huge projectile hit the power cabin cover and exploded on the spot, shooting out a huge and terrifying fire and flames. The violent shock of chemical energy blasting instantly tore the poor lightly armored car into pieces and turned it into pieces. Component.

This sudden explosion was so powerful that Colonel Klose and his adjutant, who ran out nearly a hundred meters away, were all blown forward together.

Colonel Klose felt that his vision was blurred and his head was buzzing. As he struggled to get up, he vaguely saw a few soldiers noticing the situation here, and immediately said nothing. He jumped out from behind the bunker and ran over to save himself at great risk to his life.

Colonel Klose felt like he was being picked up and carried forward, and all the muscles in his body were limp, but he still cared about one thing.

"Franz, Franz was also blown down, go and rescue him too, go quickly"

Even now, Colonel Klose has still not forgotten his adjutant, who is indeed a competent and outstanding young man.

It's just that he lacked experience when he was transferred to the front line from the General Staff Headquarters. After learning and training with him more and giving time, he will definitely become an excellent front-line grassroots commander. Colonel Klose sincerely hopes that he can grow up and attaches great importance to him.

But the principle of good fortune and misfortune seems to apply at any time. The soldiers who carried Colonel Klose and carried the STG44 assault rifle to a safe and hidden place shouted the truth without hesitation.

"He's dead, Colonel! The shrapnel the size of his hand almost cut his waist into two pieces. He sacrificed his life to protect you! He will protect you until he dies!"

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