Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1765 Heavy Artillery and Bait

The young lieutenant died, having died protecting his immediate superior.

For every lieutenant on the front line of the war, such a result would not be a surprise. It would be no problem to say that he died a worthy death.

But even if this situation would not surprise anyone, everything still came too suddenly.

Colonel Klose did not expect the result to be like this at all. It was as if a living person was standing next to you one second, and then suddenly fell down and died suddenly the next second. It was so fast that you were almost too late. reaction, let alone accept it calmly immediately.

"Have you confirmed it? Is he really dead? Is he really dead?"

Colonel Klose rarely questioned the truth and showed his unwillingness, but this time was an exception.

How could the two German soldiers, who had not had much interaction with the young adjutant and only knew that there was such a person, care about this? If they were still alive after being beaten to pieces by shrapnel, it could only be said to be a medical miracle.

"Stop asking these useless questions, Colonel, the most important thing is that you have to live! You have to continue to lead us!"

In this way, he carried Colonel Klose wordlessly to the back of a dirt slope far away from the dirt road and immediately put him down to hide.

A medical soldier who had been prepared for a long time immediately rushed forward, opened his medical bag, simply packed the most commonly used things from it, and immediately prepared to bandage Colonel Klose's wound. The division commander's right hand was hit by shrapnel on the back. Almost a large piece of skin was cut off, and blood was pouring out in a steady stream.

"Where are the rest of the division? Where are the staff officers? Give me a staff officer!"

Before the medical soldiers had finished bandaging, Colonel Klose, who was enduring the severe pain of applying the medicine, had already begun to scream at the top of his lungs. He couldn't wait to learn the latest first-hand intelligence and resume his command of the troops.

"Major Oldham reports, sir, what are your orders?"

The first person to rush forward to listen to the order was a communications staff officer directly under the division headquarters. He was also the type of person Colonel Klose needed right now. It could be said that he came at the right time.

"Have you figured out the situation? What is going on now!?"

Colonel Klose, who took some time to recover, has woken up from the aftermath of the bombardment just now. His head is no longer groggy and his ears are no longer dizzy. He is basically 80% to 90% away from fully regaining his command ability.

Facing Colonel Klose's loud question, Major Oldham, who knew how urgent the situation was, did not dare to delay too much, and immediately answered after organizing his words for a while.

"It's a direct-aimed artillery strike from the enemy's large-caliber heavy artillery! The range of the artillery strike is estimated to be within three kilometers or even closer. The time from firing to falling of the artillery shells is too short. Sir, the Russians have now installed bayonets on the heavy artillery, which almost hit it. The fire is on our faces! The enemy has mobilized at least one heavy artillery battalion! "

The 122mm main guns equipped on the heavy tanks of the Russians are indeed of a large caliber, but they are not large enough to produce the power that is almost as powerful as field artillery coverage.

Obviously, the only weapons that can make such a noise are the Russians' large-caliber field heavy artillery, which must at least start with 152 mm.

Being able to advance heavy artillery to such a distance and fire directly at close range shows that the Russians at least think they are sure of victory and do not need to consider artillery retreat, or they are serious about maximizing damage to the enemy regardless of tactical risks.

All in all, no matter what the reason is, it is not good for the current Grossdeutschland Division.


After hearing such a report, Colonel Klose frowned. He had already expected that the situation might be like this, but he never expected that the real situation was worse than he expected. The Russians put their heavy artillery directly in their faces to ambush them. How crazy a bastard must the commander of the Soviet army on the opposite side be to do such a thing?

Isn't he afraid that he will fight to the death, lead a counterattack, and eat his heavy artillery group on the spot in front of the position? It should be noted that he still holds most of the strength of the Grossdeutschland Division in his hands, and the main force is still there. I dare not say that he will completely defeat the enemy, but if he makes a counterattack and eats one of the enemy's units in the front, it will be very easy and complete. It can be done.

"The damn Russians, it seems they need to be discouraged before they can evacuate."

It is not crazy to have such an idea. After all, no one can march and evacuate under heavy artillery bombardment and barrage showers. If the Russian heavy artillery continues to be placed here, it will only waste more time. It is better to carry out a counterattack to take away the Russian artillery and then take action to achieve immediate results and save time.

But such a seemingly smart and good idea only existed in Colonel Klose's mind for a moment, and was instantly overturned by another ominous thought.

Why would the Russians place the heavy artillery group in such a conspicuous position forward? Don't they know that this is very dangerous, and if the enemy goes crazy, they will most likely lose valuable heavy weapons?

No, the truth should never be as simple as it seems on the surface. Colonel Klose did not believe that the Russian guy opposite could be so careless and stupid.

All the raids so far have been against themselves, and were definitely launched by the Russians' elite troops, plus an experienced and powerful commander. It is impossible for the enemy's ambush troops not to know what kind of opponent they are facing. They know very well what kind of strength the German retreating troops have.

However, under the premise of being so clear about the enemy's situation and having realized that the enemy had a large number of armored units with high assault power, they still placed the heavy artillery group so far forward, as if a fool and a rookie had committed a taboo in the military. This situation can be explained. If it works, there is only one last possibility left: the Russians are deceiving, using the heavy artillery group as bait to lure their own side to charge and achieve a certain goal.

What would be the purpose?

Colonel Klose couldn't figure it out for a while, and he didn't even have the heart to think about it carefully. There were countless abnormal, bizarre, outrageous, and unfortunate things he encountered in just half a day today, and he didn't care about them all. Then you want to make your head explode? At the moment, all we need to do is confirm that the Russian guy on the other side has a high probability of tricking our side and setting up a trap to try to lure him into taking the bait.

As for other issues, they are not important right now.

"What do we do, sir!?"

Seeing that Colonel Klose just kept observing with his telescope in his hand and did not respond for a long time, the anxious communications staff asked questions repeatedly. Colonel Klose, who had already thought of a countermeasure, issued another order.

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