Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1766 Two black panthers, run fast, run fast~

"Let all the troops who can still move withdraw quickly! Don't worry about the Russian artillery fire. There is no time to care about this. You have to withdraw despite the artillery fire! Back to a safe area and maneuver, quickly!"

The Russians' artillery fire shouldn't last long. I judge that they won't have enough artillery shells to support long-distance bombardment. The enemy and our troops are all moving at high speeds. We all abandon the baggage and supplies just for speed. At this point, What ability do the Russians have that they can confidently block us with their families and a lot of bottles and cans?

This is what Colonel Klose really thinks in his heart. No one can deny that there is a certain amount of "gamble" involved in fighting, or it can be said that it depends on luck.

Colonel Klose firmly believed that his judgment was correct, and the Russian artillery fire on the opposite side should stop soon. Among the various battlefield signs, there is almost no evidence to support "the Russians are capable of carrying out long-term and large-scale artillery bombardment."

Kulbalov, who had returned to his car, still kept his upper body leaning out of the car, holding a telescope and looking into the distance from a well-placed tank hiding spot to observe the battlefield situation.

This is an excellent hiding position that cleverly takes advantage of the relative blind spots of the German army. It can just use the rolling hills to hide the huge body of the IS4 heavy tank under Kulbalov, but it does not affect the height and visibility. Kulbalov, who was far away, leaned out of the turret to observe the battlefield with a telescope. It was really a rare "feng shui treasure place".

"Comrade Commander, the enemy doesn't seem to have taken the bait. They don't seem to have any intention of charging towards us."

The familiar voice of his deputy partner came from the earphone embedded in the tank cap. Kulbalov, who could also understand the situation on the battlefield in front of him, smiled disdainfully. It was not a big deal for the German to have such a reaction. Beyond expectations.

"Don't underestimate them too much. These guys make even the deputy division commanders feel troublesome. They are one of the most elite integrated division-level armored units of the National Defense Force. To deal with them, we must be fully prepared. Anything can happen."

The roaring shelling overhead continued, and I realized that it was useless to use tactical deception. The effect of the shelling was also weakening as the German army reacted and retreated one after another. There was no need for the few shells to continue to have effect. Decreasingly wasted.

Kulbalov pressed the communication button of the microphone in his hand, quickly brought it to his mouth and gave the order.

"Execute the second backup plan! Inform the self-propelled artillery to cease fire in one minute. Their mission is completed. Now it is our turn to take the field! Each battalion is ready to fight!"

Kulbalov knew that the elite Germans he was facing were difficult to deal with. This was a group of elite bastards who had fought with the division commanders back and forth in 1941. Now they have replaced shotguns with cannons and upgraded to armored divisions. You can't be careless, you must be fully prepared.

If the plan failed, there was another plan, but Kulbalov, whose first plan to lure him into the trap failed, had to admit that the German commander on the opposite side was quite thoughtful.

Despite the crackling 152 heavy artillery, he could still keep his head and analyze the battle situation carefully. In the end, he would rather retreat under the gunfire than launch a counter-assault charge that seemed easy but was actually a dead end.

From the perspective of commanding troops, Kulbalov admired the fascist leader and bastard leader opposite him. Soldiers naturally worship the strong and admire those with strength. This is the nature of soldiers from all over the world.

However, this did not prevent Kulbalov from rushing forward with his regiment and crushing the German leader whom he quite admired into a pulp. These were two completely different things, and they had already been decided.


"it is finally over"

Just as Colonel Klose guessed, the Soviet heavy artillery bombardment came and went quickly. It was probably because the small amount of accompanying ammunition was not enough to support the long-term indiscriminate bombardment.

But no matter what, this is the best news for Colonel Klose. It means that the large German troops that were bombed indiscriminately and suffered heavy casualties can finally get back on the road and continue to retreat. No matter how capable the Russian artillerymen are, is it possible that they can push the cannon's roller and charge forward with bayonets attached to the muzzles? There is no threat of pursuit at all.

Many times, it is not a good thing to oversimplify things. Colonel Klose guessed correctly that "the Russian artillery cannot catch up", but he did not guess that "the artillery is just an appetizer, the real thing" This is just the beginning of this even bigger "surprise".

"Tank! Found the tank! At the twelve o'clock direction, many Russian tanks are rushing over!!!"

The half of the ISU-152 self-propelled artillery battalion he brought with him can only be regarded as an add-on. To be serious, Kulbalov has just warmed up and entered the state.

They never expected that at such a time, they would suddenly encounter a Russian tank force that had rushed out of the way. The German army, which had been bombarded to the point of crying and suffering heavy casualties, was now even more panicked.

The German tanks that wanted to get into combat positions hurriedly turned, shifted gears, and stepped on the accelerator. However, the severely poor visibility inside the vehicle made it impossible to see any obstacles in the blind spots at close range. Without infantrymen gesturing outside to command, it was just like a human being. Like a blind man.

There was a loud "click" sound, and the gun barrel of a Panther 2 that was turning in place with a dual-stream transmission directly hit the back of the turret of another Panther 2 that was also turning.

You turn right and I turn left. The two forces are exactly opposite. This further increases the power and damage when the two tanks collide physically.

Although the speed is not fast, it cannot withstand the huge follow-up force exerted by the machine standing here.

The drivers of the two Black Panther 2s were half a beat too slow to react. They were so panicked and nervous that they didn't have time to stop and brake on the spot.

The final result was that the muzzle brake of the long 75mm main gun of a Panther 2 was directly blown away, knocked off the barrel and fell to the ground.

The situation of the other Panther 2 was also not good. The muzzle brake that was knocked off was forcedly removed from the muzzle after it was stuck on the commander's hatch. The entire commander's hatch, which protrudes outwards and is equipped with the commander's periscope, is now completely deflated and completely deformed. It is the kind of tragic situation that occurs after the gun barrel is swept against the top of the scalp.

Looking at this posture, don't tell me that the commander's sight cannot be used or that the field of view is lost. These are actually trivial matters, because even whether the severely deformed cover can be opened from the car has to be debated.

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