It is really a shameful thing to make an embarrassing joke on the battlefield and be seen by the enemy. read

If your level is not good, the enemy will laugh at you. More importantly, you will be exposed to panic and even bewilderment. Your every move will be seen and remembered by the enemy on the opposite side.

"These German guys, they hit us first before we opened fire. They are really stupid."

"This is a good thing, it means we can easily deal with them later."

"You're still called an elite at this level? Look at the rags. The gun barrels are all damaged. It's simply ridiculous."

Being able to see tank-sized targets clearly with the naked eye when entering a regular combat distance of one kilometer is not difficult for tank soldiers who mostly have good eyesight. Especially the gunners who hold the high-magnification main gun sight can see everything clearly and share it with their comrades in the same vehicle.

This resulted in the later radio channel being basically filled with the voices of the commanders happily mocking the German three-legged cat kung fu and laughing at the joke. No one would think that the enemy who was already in such a panic could still pose an unimaginable threat to oneself.

Even if these German guys are elites, they are only in the past tense. The specific time when they became the past tense is not important, what is important is the final result.

Now, they are just a group of idiots whose morale has been shattered and who are so panicked that they can't even standardize basic tactical movements and make a joke. If an army is reduced to this state, it is not far away from death.

"Keep quiet on the public channel. This is not the time for you to joke! All vehicle crews must be vigilant, attack the formation, keep the distance between vehicles, and charge forward! Hurrah!"

Kulbalov, who did not want his troops to be careless and underestimate the enemy, stopped this meaningless joke on the public channel. The enemy that could make the deputy division commander feel troublesome should not be dealt with carelessly. The key is to always be vigilant. What the whole army needs most.

The joke of having a car accident on the spot was just a small episode of the Grossdeutschland Division's emergency response. From a mainstream perspective, the majority of the situation was to quickly respond to change the direction of the vehicle and the turret, and at the same time aim at the direction of the enemy's attack.

Even after suffering various tragedies and catastrophes that lasted for almost a whole day, the Grossdeutschland Division still gritted its teeth and held on to its last breath to fight the enemy.

But how long can this last breath last? No one can say this well. The Grossdeutschland Division, which is on the verge of collapse, may be doomed at any time. Even Colonel Klose, the commander of the first division, is in a state of uncertainty.

"Organize the troops to defend in place! The infantry holds the defense line. The armored troops are not organized according to the organization. As long as they gather a certain number, they will immediately launch a counterattack. We must repel the Russian charge! Otherwise, we will be completely ruined. Use all the tanks that can be mobilized. , we won’t have another chance!”

Next to a newly arrived half-track command vehicle equipped with a high-power radio station, Colonel Klose, whose entire right hand was covered with bandages and wrapped like a smoked elbow, looked extremely embarrassed, but he was still facing him. A lieutenant colonel who came to report for orders issued the order.

"But Colonel, we don't have enough tanks. One-third of the tanks were left in the counterattack against the Russians, one-third of the tanks were left behind to block the attack, and the last third of the tanks suffered The sudden artillery bombardment and the number of tanks alone will not defeat the Russians. They have too many heavy tanks and our chances of winning are slim. "

"Are you questioning my order? Lieutenant Colonel!"

I don't know if there is a direct relationship with the death of the adjutant, but in short, the current Colonel Klose is a bit abnormal compared to before.

The big-brimmed military hat on his head had been blown away to nowhere. The two riflemen who risked their lives to bring him back didn't even bother to look for his hat and pick it up for him. .

The military uniform, which was almost wrinkled into a rag, was covered with dirt stains and an unknown person's blood. Anyway, it was not Klose's own.

There were so many scratches and peeling skin on a pair of long-leg military boots that they looked more like unearthed cultural relics. There were also several holes in the pants that had been hung up by something unknown. On top of his head without a hat, his hair is as messy as a chicken coop. Coupled with his injured right hand, which is wrapped like a pig's knuckle, Colonel Klose, who is currently in an abnormal state, even looks a little funny. .

Funny as it is, this has nothing to do with Colonel Klose's current real state.

Just from the tone and expression, it can be seen that Colonel Klose is obviously very angry now.

"I gave an order, and now I need people to carry it out. The sound of Russian tank engines can be heard with my ears, and I don't have time to waste time with you in military theory classes! Anyone who refuses to carry out the order will be prosecuted under military law. !”

Under the unbelievable gazes of the people around him, Colonel Klose directly took out his Walter pistol, which was crafted by a master gunsmith. He raised his hand and pointed the black muzzle at the lieutenant colonel's head. .

"These are extraordinary times, Lieutenant Colonel. Tell me your answer."

There was no anger, no mania, and no questioning or questioning. The tone of the final sentence was as calm as if he were discussing what to eat for lunch today, but it did not make anyone doubt that the index finger would do anything after getting a certain answer. Pull the trigger.

"Understood, Colonel. I will carry out the order and follow it through, as always."

"Very good, let's go now!"


Holding the gun in his left hand instead of his usual right hand made Colonel Crozier feel very uncomfortable. He awkwardly put the pistol back into the holster on his waist, and the back of the half-track car was as lonely as a sculpture, but But no one took the initiative to come forward to comfort him.

Everyone has something they should be busy with now, which is one of the reasons. Not wanting to get into trouble at this time is the more important factor. No one wants to rashly become the first gun of the Walter pistol, which is as exquisite as a handicraft. The souls of the dead.

"There are no friendly forces, no support, no aircraft, and no artillery assistance. The enemy is several times larger than me and has superior quality and quantity. How on earth should we fight such a battle!?"

Colonel Klose, who was mourning and aggrieved in his heart, had never been so frustrated as he was now. He felt as if he was really the one who had been abandoned.

A telegram asking for help has been sent, but so far there has been no response, let alone any substantive action.

Paulus could also get a lot of "blank check" promises in Stalingrad, which at least gave people comfort and a glimmer of hope that they could persevere.

But what about yourself? You have nothing now? Those bastards who have nothing to do with their corpses haven't even given themselves a blank check promise until now.

This place is not called Stalingrad, but it is even more desperate than Stalingrad.

In other words, this place may be the "Stalingrad" of himself and the Grossdeutschland Division.

Colonel Klose, who was sitting on a messy chicken coop, stared blankly at the black smoke-filled sky over the battlefield, thinking this with a blank in his heart.

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