Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1768 Prelude to the Storm

Launching an armored counter-assault against the enemy to try to repel this wave of attacks was the only way Colonel Klose could think of at the moment.

While abandoning the baggage, it also abandoned all the towed anti-tank guns. The only anti-armor weapons that the Grossdeutschland Division can rely on now are Panzerfausts, tank killers, and the last part of the tanks in poor condition.

There was not enough defensive equipment, and the terrain was such that they were ambushed by the enemy halfway through the retreat. There was no danger to defend, and there was not even a decent infantry trench.

How to fight this battle? If some cowards come, they may have to say "surrender is the best option." Colonel Klose is very sure that this is the real situation, but he cannot do this.

What kind of army is the Grossdeutschland Division? This is a "living history" force that witnesses the re-growth of the Wehrmacht from scratch, from weak to strong, step by step under the heavy trauma of the Treaty of Versailles. It is the soul of the Wehrmacht and the benchmark for the most elite model force. .

Don't say that you don't have the authority to order surrender, even if Manstein or any of the other big guys are standing here, they don't have the authority.

The Grossdeutschland Division will not fall, and I will not fail! I have to regroup and cheer up! Even if one-tenth of the troops can be withdrawn, it is a victory, and the Grossdeutschland Division will definitely be rebuilt!

When people are desperate, they always need some support from faith or goals to continue to persevere. To put it simply, this is obsession with someone or something, and obsession is precisely one of the most powerful spiritual weapons based on human desire.

Colonel Klose firmly believes that his mission is to ensure that the Grossdeutschland Division can continue to exist. For this reason, he will implement his obsession with this goal at all costs and use his life to complete it.

It was also when Colonel Klose, who had made up his mind, had just stood up and was about to issue additional orders again.

The communications officer in the command car behind him, who had been wearing headphones and was responsible for liaison, suddenly turned around quickly and stopped Colonel Klose as he was about to leave, holding the latest telegram in his hand.

"Sir, we are saved! A reply from Marshal Model himself. Reinforcements are on the way!"

"What did you say!?"

As if Pikachu was instantly charged with electricity and unleashed his 100,000-volt ultimate move, Colonel Klose was so energized that his eyes were spitting fire and shining. He could hardly believe his ears. He was actually saved! ?

He snatched the telegram and read it at a rapid speed. Colonel Klose, who had read the entire brief telegram in less than a moment, was in such a state that he was like an addict who had been in withdrawal for a week and suddenly got the drug. Similarly, the overall condition of the person is bad and the body is weak, but at the same time he is relieved that the spirit is lifted. It is really an unusual contradiction.

At some point, the telegraph newspaper gently slipped from the hand and gently floated to the ground, face up. The core key content on the black and white paper that still smelled of ink was only one sentence.

"Hold on! I have learned all the details and situations that need to be known, and I am mobilizing all available forces of the entire Army Group Center to rescue you. Your persistence will be our initial victory on the road to strategic counterattack. "

We are saved! Marshal Model is mobilizing the strength of the entire army group to rescue us. This battle to annihilate the elite heavy armored forces of the Russians will become the initial victory on the strategic counterattack.

The news, specially condensed and compiled by Colonel Klose, quickly spread throughout the Grossdeutschland Division like an autumn wildfire.

Consistent with the inevitable situation and desired result that Colonel Klose believed would occur, the morale of the Grossdeutschland Division, which was on the verge of collapse, instantly regained a large amount of blood, just like a dying and seriously injured soldier who had been injected with a cardiotonic drug. Almost everyone is aware of the real existence of hope. Perseverance to the end means victory is no longer a hopeless empty talk at this moment.

"The second additional telegram has arrived. The air raid support is on the way! It will arrive soon! They will forcefully break through the Russian air blockade to support us. We must make good use of this precious support to complete the tactical objectives."

All kinds of good news came one after another. Colonel Klose was no longer in high spirits, but felt that he was almost moved to tears. He really had the urge to survive the disaster and wipe his tears on the spot. Although it was only a fleeting moment, it was so real that it really existed.

"Hurry up and cancel the counter-assault! There is no need! Mobilize all available troops to defend on the spot. The ground under our feet is our position. We will fight the Russians here to the death! We must hold on until reinforcements arrive!"

That is to say, at the moment when Colonel Klose was excitedly ordering the cancellation of the counter-assault and holding on to the original position, at the same time, on the other side, in the front headquarters of the Soviet Third Belarusian Front, there was something related to it, but it was something different. Landscapes in different situations.

"Can the news be confirmed? This is information that can determine the direction of the entire campaign. Is it really worth believing?"

Vatutin, who was sitting behind his desk with drawing tools and a war zone map spread out in front of him, was holding a telegram. His face was full of indescribable and frowning expressions. No one could tell exactly who the comrade commander was at this moment. What are you thinking about?

Standing in front of Vatutin's desk and looking across from him was the director in charge of intelligence at the front army headquarters. The telegram in Vatutin's hand was the latest important news he had just sent.

"Based on what I know, Comrade Commander, I can responsibly say that this information is true and credible."

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs spent a lot of manpower and material resources and unimaginable costs. The informant placed in the headquarters of Army Group Center used the important intelligence sent by the hidden code name for the first time after four months of silence. If we believe the intelligence If the comrades in the department are loyal and reliable, then this telegram is absolutely trustworthy. I believe you will understand the meaning. "


Having said this, the frowning Vatutin further realized the seriousness of the problem.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist. This is Vatutin's truest state of mind and opinion towards the telegram in his hand.

This short telegram only expressed the most important core information.

"Model, commander of the enemy's Central Army Group, has adjusted the direction of strategic focus and is trying to conduct a counter-assault-style strategic counterattack with the Grossdeutschland Panzer Division battle area as the core."

"All the armored units and reinforcements that can be mobilized are converging towards the Grossdeutschland Division, which already accounts for more than half of the troops that can be mobilized on the front line. Relevant combat orders have been issued to all units participating in the war, which will definitely be The enemy regards it as the next strategic breakthrough point."

"Please do not try to contact me, I am destroying the radio station, and the SS Gestapo is knocking on the door outside. Long live the motherland! Long live Comrade Stalin! Long live the great proletarian communist revolution! Victory will belong to us!"

Looking at the original copy of the telegram that had been translated with encrypted pronouns again, Vatutin took a deep breath and picked up the phone without hesitation. He put the phone to his mouth and gave the order without hesitation. .

"Prepare the vehicle and go to the headquarters of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division!"

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