Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1770 Containing the Storm

Political Commissar Petrov's explanation lasted for a full three minutes. Within three minutes, he used the most concise and concise methods and sentences to explain to Vatutin the latest first-hand battle situation currently grasped by the division, and completed the report. The next thing to read is What is the specific reaction from Vatutin's side? read

"So far, everything is going smoothly and according to plan. Malashenko is already conducting the final stage of encirclement and annihilation operations against the enemy's Grossdeutschland Division. Is my understanding correct?"

Vatutin's inquiry received a positive response from the political commissar, which was equivalent to announcing that the real situation was actually much better than Vatutin expected.

"This is good, very good! It proves that Malashenko not only dares to dream wildly, but also has the ability to turn this wild dream into reality. He can turn the battle like this in one day of fighting. It is really good."

Comrade Commander's evaluation can be said to be very high. Even a fool would know that if he could say this, he would definitely not be dissatisfied with Malashenko and prepare to severely punish him.

Although he didn't know what the specific situation was and what happened, Vatutin's state and performance somewhat relieved the surrounding personnel.

It can be seen that even though Comrade Commander made the trip in a hurry and prepared a vehicle urgently for departure, the actual situation did not reach the level of irreversibility and disaster. It seems that some people's previous speculations were somewhat untrue, and the actual situation we are currently facing is most likely still enough to be called "optimistic for the better."

"Where is Malashenko now? Can he be contacted immediately? How far is your forward division headquarters from his location?"

If you don't open your mouth, let it go. Once you open your mouth, you will throw out three consecutive questions. It is not easy to answer fluently in front of Vatugin, who values ​​efficiency. Fortunately, our political commissar is not a vegetarian.

"The current location of Comrade Division Commander is approximately here. Comrade Commander, it is less than ten kilometers away from the forward division headquarters where we are located. However, the mechanized tank unit led by Comrade Division Commander is progressing very quickly. We have The information was updated half an hour ago, and the current actual distance may be even further, and we are planning to continue to advance towards the division headquarters.”

"As for contact, you can try, but there is no guarantee that you will be contacted immediately. After all, it may be in a combat state. Comrade Commander, you also know what this means. Everything must be fought as the top priority. His and I The contact is mostly based on proactive contact from him.”

Comrade Political Commissar spoke very clearly and thoroughly. Vatugin nodded with satisfaction and was about to continue speaking.

"Comrade political commissar, comrade division commander, urgent call!"

Before Vatugin had time to say these words, the communications director of the division headquarters who hurried over had already handed the telegram in front of him. After receiving the telegram, the political commissar comrade also cast a questioning look at Vatutin, and Vatutin's response was simple and straightforward without thinking.

"Just watch and I'll listen."

The full text of the telegram is not long, it can even be said to be only a short paragraph. It can be seen that this telegram does not have too much time to polish and list the specific information in detail. It can explain the general situation quite well.

After reading everything at a glance, Vatutin did not wait too long. He combined what he knew and took a look at the map for final confirmation. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who immediately analyzed and analyzed the entire battlefield situation, immediately turned around and handed over the telegram and reported to Vatutin.

"The situation is very clear. Comrade Division Commander has cleared the obstacles along the way, arrived at the battlefield, and started exchanging fire with the last remaining main force of the enemy's German Division."

"Kurbalov's 1st regiment heading south from the north and Lavrinenko's 2nd regiment pursuing from the south have now been united. The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is now fully engaged, Carry out the final annihilation operation. The division commander is confident that the battle will end before sunset. It will be difficult for the Grossdeutschland Division to see the sun again. "

Vatutin, who glanced at the telegram and looked at it no longer, looked at the map again and concentrated. Commissar Petrov's analysis helped him understand the current situation, and the questions that followed immediately blurted out.

"There are still two and a half hours before complete darkness. Malashenko will not have a better chance than this, and this may also be his last chance."


The political commissar comrades who are not yet familiar with the latest strategic trends do not quite understand what Vatutin means. Why do they use the somewhat weird narrative method of "last chance"? Is it possible that there are some huge variables in the war situation that I am not aware of yet?

Comrade Political Commissar's doubts did not last long. The people accompanying him were either the core backbone of his headquarters or the trusted right-hand man. There was no need for Vatutin to continue to talk like a riddle, and he immediately made it clear. It is undoubtedly the best way.

"There is reliable intelligence that can confirm that the enemy's central army group has made strategic adjustments, and the new strategic core point is centered around the theater where the Grossdeutschland Division is located. There is a high probability that the enemy will launch a local counterattack to try to disrupt our offensive edge. To buy them more time to deploy their forces and reorganize their defenses, the follow-up situation is still speculation, but the new core points can be confirmed. "

As soon as Vatugin said these words, Comrade Political Commissar immediately understood what the situation was.

Needless to say, the violently turbulent battlefield changes very quickly, and may even be reflected on the battlefield at any time right now. On the battlefield where Malashenko is currently located, this is the last precursor before the arrival of a massive storm.

"My superiors are aware of this situation and have ordered me to make strategic adjustments in accordance with the latest changes in the situation."

"It is no longer important how the war situation evolved into what it is now. What is important is to deal with the greater changes that will follow. I will personally talk to Malashenko about the specific situation, but not now."

"I came here just to personally confirm the latest battlefield situation. Staying at the front army headquarters will always only receive second-rate or even third-rate information that is not timely, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Support from all sources are now rushing towards the theater where your division is located, and a large number of air forces led by fighter aviation are also on the way. The front army headquarters predicts that the enemy will most likely use the already suppressed air forces to try to intervene forcibly. , to stabilize the besieged German army and prevent the front from collapsing before subsequent reinforcements arrive, the primary target is this Great German Division."

"This is a prerequisite for them to launch follow-up operations. If the besieged troops in the encirclement are completely wiped out, the next strategic counterattack will lose most of its meaning and have no advantage. That Model knows what he is doing, and Knowing what needs to be done next, his counterattacks are all paving the way for better strategic defense, and his operation must be destroyed. "

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