Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1771 Crazy and desperate

"Keep attacking! Yes, I repeat it! Lavery, keep attacking!"

"The offensive cannot be stopped. There are only more than two hours left before dark. We cannot let these Germans linger until tomorrow! As the night goes by, you don't know how deep and complex positions they will dig out. The only time left for them is to take We are just kidding ourselves, if we drag on any longer, even the German reinforcements will come and cause trouble!”

"Kurbalov, step up the offensive! The Germans have almost used up all their broken vehicles, and the only infantry left is not worth mentioning! Let your tanks send the infantry up, and we will send them into the German defenses. We can crush them completely! We are racing against time now, withstanding the anti-tank fire! Yes, the only order is to attack!"

Malashenko not only had to direct the battle on his own side, but also gave orders to Lavrinenko and Kulbalov at the same time. He even had to coordinate and command his own crew to give orders. This was something he had never experienced before. Malashenko, who had this kind of "four-line command", was "enjoyed and very happy" for a while. ReadМ

But no matter how complicated the battle command is, what Malashenko cares about the most is not actually this, but the unexpected and abnormal changes in the German army.

If we let Comrade Ma speak for himself, he has been beaten so badly before. He dragged his family and a bunch of tired soldiers behind him and beat him for so long. He abandoned his armor and was beaten everywhere along the way. With casually thrown away equipment and the remains of destroyed vehicles, such a German army, even if it is an elite, should have lost its will to fight and its combat effectiveness.

The imminent collapse of morale can be expected, which can be seen from Kulbalov's feedback when he just fought against the remnants of the Grossdeutschland Division.

Kulbalov directly described the enemy in front of him on the radio as "confused and slow to react." Every move revealed exhaustion and low morale, as if a bombardment would eat them all within a few hours. Lose.

This is indeed a normal situation. Malashenko also believes that it is normal for German sticks to be beaten like this. If you are beaten to this point and are as smelly and hard as stones in the toilet, it is outrageous. Even those gangs of SS The elite of the military madmen is almost at this limit.

But I don’t know what happened, it was like a person who was about to die was suddenly given a shot of chicken blood.

When Malashenko led his troops to the battlefield, Kulbalov's side was like Lavrinenko not long ago, falling into a state of "I can continue to attack, but I am full" in front of the German army. "suffering and fighting" state.

The stubborn resistance of the Grossdeutschland Division was so crazy that it even gave Malashenko a feeling of "returning to the old days of Stalingrad."

With the cover of our own tanks, we broke into the German defense line with standard infantry and tanks and just stabilized our position.

Those infantrymen of the Grossdeutschland Division, who probably had their heads full of chicken blood, could immediately launch a counterattack, either in platoons or as whole companies, but they did not rush forward in a rush, but as usual As usual, we divided into multiple combat groups and coordinated the cover.

Even with its powerful direct firepower, the bulky IS6 heavy tank cannot cover everything. At most, it can only focus on the German attack in one direction and prevent it from moving closer. The other scattered German combat groups were like groundhogs who were not afraid of death. Even though their comrades were constantly being mowed down by random gunshots, they still continued to attack in an orderly manner, closing the distance at the cost of their lives.

The number of German troops within the defense line was large, while the number of Soviet troops who had just entered and established their position was relatively small.

As the battle went on, it was difficult not to have tilted variables. The crazy German infantry rushed to a very close position, using long guns, short cannons, various light weapons and anti-tank guys to go into battle, crackling with random gunfire and continuous fire. The constant banging and banging caused huge casualties visible to the naked eye to the Red Army troops who broke into the defense line.

The heavy tanks were destroyed one by one or paralyzed by close-range shooting. Without the cover of the tanks, the corpses of the Red Army soldiers behind the steel wreckage were scattered one by one, like harvesting wheat.

It was also at this time that Kurbalov finally realized for himself why Comrade Deputy Division Commander said that he felt that these Germans were too difficult to chew down quickly even if they tried their best.

Don't be afraid of lunatics risking their lives, but be afraid that lunatics who risk their lives will still have some quality and keep their minds clear.

I don’t know why this group of German soldiers are so excited and high-spirited to fight. They really understand the meaning of "battlefield price".

As long as he can hold the line of defense, he can do whatever it takes to fill this bottomless pit that devours human lives if you ask him to invest one infantry company after another.

A simple sea of ​​​​people charge is easy to deal with. The key to the problem is that this group of "elite gangsters" are not good at this trick. They use technical tactics and high-end offensive routines.

The tacit cooperation between the anti-infantry combat team and the anti-tank combat team is annoying. If one team is knocked out, another team will immediately replace it, leaving you no time to take a breath.

If you save the tank, you can't save the people; if you save the people, you can't save the tank.

This is the most realistic portrayal of the battle situation that the regiment led by Kulbalov personally encountered during the first stage of the battle when it broke into the German defense lines.

"Crazy, comrade division commander! These German guys don't know why, but they suddenly went crazy! I even thought they were a group of SS scum wearing the skin of the Wehrmacht! They used three or even four times the casualties They pounced on us just to drive out the troops who broke into the defense line, no matter the cost."

"But after they rushed out, they immediately stopped. They took back the missed defensive area and stopped moving forward. It was obviously a good opportunity for us to be repulsed, but they just stood still. It was like..."

Already tortured by this cruel and unexpected final battle, Kulbalov, who was giving a battlefield report and had not yet finished speaking, was directly interrupted by Malashenko's words.

"As if the land under their feet is absolutely inviolable, do they have to risk their lives to defend it? These German guys must have received some great news, and it is most likely a promise that is infinitely close to a blank check. Stalin At the time of Gullah, this was the reason why the Germans often fought back madly when they were on the verge of death, and it is still the same now. It’s true that dogs can’t stop eating shit.”

Malashenko will never forget his fighting experience at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. Until the last day of the battle, the Germans were still fighting to the death, fighting with their own side street by house. Every house they captured felt different from the previous one. The climax of the battle is no different.

Malashenko only found out the reason for this situation later. Co-author Paulus, that old bastard, was talking nonsense and making up lies until the last day before surrender.

They deceived the German soldiers who were already on the verge of becoming war lunatics by saying that reinforcements were just outside the city and would arrive soon. They continued to forcefully instill brainwashing lies into these German soldiers who were on the verge of collapse, and encouraged them at full capacity. This led to the end of the battle. But it was still so difficult, just like before.

The scene in front of him did seem familiar. After listening to Kurbalov's report, Malashenko felt that the German command might be repeating his old tricks again, lying around for free and endlessly concocting lies. With this "ultimate madness" Lavrinenko experienced firsthand.

No matter who is lying, and no matter what the specific reason is, Malashenko is convinced that the German's life-threatening madness will never last long.

How can you withstand the counterattack casualties that are three to four times higher than the Soviet forces that broke into the defense line? Now that all the main forces of the three regiments are here, I want to see how long you can keep acting like crazy here!

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