Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1776 Two Heroes in the Open Space

The Stukas, who were driven out like a wolf into a sheepfold, were completely panicked. The Luftwaffe Ground Attack Wing pilots who were busy with crazy air strikes did not expect that the Russians The guy's fighter jets can actually come so fast and so accurately. They can catch one's own flaws and beat them up without saying a word.

The Stuka, whose flight performance has long been outdated, is no match for the La 7. There is no comparability in flight performance between the two models.

The ruthless Soviet fighter pilots were extremely efficient. They achieved a lot in the first wave of dives and dispersed the entire German Stuka fleet at the same time, putting their own ground troops out of danger temporarily.

The Soviet fighter pilots who went on a killing spree, under the leadership of their deputy commander, tried their best to catch the heavy Stuka one after another. .

Stuka, which had no power to protect itself, could only desperately make evasive maneuvers to try to resist death, but how could the aerodynamic shape of this heavy and heavy body like a pregnant seagull be flexible?

Being held down by a Soviet fighter jet is considered lucky. Some unlucky Stukas even have to face a Soviet two-plane formation at the same time, with the lead aircraft and wingman firing their bows at the same time.

Even if the aircraft body was beaten into a sieve and fell out of control, it would be fine. However, there were many unlucky ones who had their wings broken on the spot, spinning and falling towards the ground, and some even got blown up in mid-air. The fuel tank exploded into a fireball in the air.

The high-speed aircraft body fragments were blown away by the violent explosion, and even the Soviet La-7 fighter jets that followed with tail-biting strafing and caused this victory were caught off guard and accidentally scratched the skin and damaged the fuselage. The metal cuts on the wings were torn.

It is naturally impossible to say that this damage has no impact on the flight performance. Damage to the aerodynamic shape will inevitably have a greater or lesser impact on flight performance, whether it is serious or not.

However, propeller fighters are still low-speed aircraft after all. The damage to the skin of the aircraft body that has a greater impact on supersonic jet fighters. In the case of propeller fighters, as long as the entire skin is not blown off by the roots, the impact on flight performance is only superficial. , it doesn’t matter if you open a few more holes in the wings, you can still fight.

Therefore, the injuries of a few scratches on the wing skin can only be regarded as minor battle damage, which did not affect the Soviet fighter pilots who were full of fighting spirit and continued to kill the German sticks.

Killing these helpless Stukas really doesn't improve your skills, and it doesn't do much to improve your air combat skills.

But this kind of one-sided battle is quite satisfying, isn’t it?

The war eagle flew up and down, maneuvering non-stop, pouring the cannonballs filled with vengeful fury onto the opponent, tearing the clumsy and slow fuselage full of holes in an instant or even breaking it on the spot, exploding into a ball in the air or falling to the ground. A violently turbulent fireball.

In this era of scarcity of material life and very few means of entertainment, this is a good stress-reducing game, enough to make every real man and pure man excited about it!

For these Red Army pilots of the Fighter Aviation Unit, there is no more stress-relieving entertainment than killing these hated Fascist bastards. It was this bunch of bastards who spread death and plague in the sky, burned the fire of war across the land of the motherland, and turned all the beautiful things and memories into a living hell on earth.

There is no need for any mercy at all for the fascists in the sky, especially those fascists who drive Stukas and throw iron bombs every day.

Kozhidub, who held the joystick in his hand tightly and calmly piloted his No. 27 La-7 fighter jet, was still fighting, even though the butt he had spanked was smoking and swaying as if it was about to disintegrate in the air. , the Stuka's flight altitude continued to drop sharply, and Kozhidub had already achieved his fourth victory.

Calculating that his ammunition stock was running low and he needed to use it sparingly, Kozhidub, who had acquired four aircraft, immediately swung the joystick and stopped pursuing and shooting. It would not be long before the aircraft's body was severely damaged beyond repair. The Stuka will fall down on its own.

But if the machine is damaged, it may still be possible to save it, but if the machine is seriously damaged and the butt is smoking, then there is really no way to save it. It was either a mid-air fire or the end result of the engine overheating and burning out, which didn't take long at all.

The experienced and skilled Kozhidub knew this very well. No matter what the outcome was, it didn't matter. It was enough to know that this Stuka would definitely die.

With a sudden swing of the joystick in his hand, Kuoridub drove the War Eagle across the battlefield at low altitude. He deliberately maneuvered sideways at ultra-low altitude and painted the red stars on the wings and the Guards logo on the nose of the aircraft. The whistling and violent wind passing by at low altitude were completely presented to the friendly comrades on the ground.

The soldiers of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, who were still enduring high-intensity air attacks by the Germans, could not have expected this scene and huge changes.

First, he was dumbfounded by the one-sided and murderous aerial battle in which "Stuka dumplings" kept raining down from the sky. Then, he was stunned by Kuoridubu, who was performing stunts at low altitude. His brain circuit suddenly shut down. After coming back online, cheers like a mountain and a tsunami echoed over the battlefield in an instant, with each wave rising higher than the other.

"Ula! Ula!! Long live the Red Army Air Force! Ula!!!"

"Kick the butts of these fascists, come on! Lavochkin! Knock them all down!"

The deliberate maneuver of passing through the field at low altitude, forcibly driving and boosting morale is still continuing. Kozhidub, who accurately controls the joystick in his hand, intends to fly across the entire battlefield and then change his path and pull up.

But just when he was about to fly to the end of the war zone, the sharp-eyed Kuoridub just glanced inadvertently, and with his excellent eyesight, he saw a special and huge heavy tank with a striking shape that stood out from the crowd. There was a mere Just by exposing his upper body to the turret, it was enough for people to see that he was a tall man looking towards his position with a focused gaze.

Among tank soldiers who are generally short in stature, it is rare to see a man as tall as an iron tower. Coupled with the huge heavy tank with a special shape and standing out from the crowd under him, the curious Kozhidub inevitably slowed down the throttle valve tightly held in his left hand and slowed down the speed of passing through the field to take a second look. .

It doesn't matter if you don't see it. If you open your eyes and take a closer look, the moment Kuoridub passes over the end of the war zone at ultra-low altitude, you can immediately see the eye-catching white numbers printed on the side of the turret of the huge heavy tank. Head.

"Car No. 177!? Is it him? Is it General Malashenko!?"

The name of the tank hero has spread throughout the motherland, and everyone knows it. Kozhidub also knew before taking off that when he received the combat mission, the friendly forces on the ground he wanted to support on this trip were led by Malashenko. Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, the most elite heavy tank unit in the Red Army in the name of its leader.

The number 177 has long been closely linked to Malashenko's name. In the form of photos, along with the huge man of steel, it has appeared on the front page of Pravda many times.

Those inspiring scenes of the frozen battlefield have long been imprinted in the hearts of countless Red Army soldiers in the form of black and white photos, inspiring morale. Of course, Kuoridub is among those who are so inspired.

Similarly, Malashenko, whose entire upper body stood outside the turret, was also casually saluting the ultra-low-altitude Tongchangla-7 fighter jet above his head that had just passed by.

Regardless of whether the pilot could see this salute, at least Malashenko could see clearly the red and white number "27" on the side of the fuselage. The name related to it in the memory of the distant future has never been seen from beginning to end. forgotten.

"Thank you, Stalin's Eagle."

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