Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1777 The real hero

Kuoridubu is a name that will definitely be known in the future, and he is also the number one figure in the history of world air combat.

For Malashenko, a time traveler with a special status, Kozhidub is not only his comrade-in-arms and comrade in this timeline, but also someone he deserves to be grateful for before he traveled through his previous life.

In that exotic showdown with the world's most powerful capitalist enemy, the young pilots of the Soviet Air Force's fighter aviation unit led by Kozhedub fought bloody battles with an evenly matched enemy in the skies of a foreign land, covering the battlefield below. The group of communist comrades with different skin colors and different languages, but with the same belief and struggle for the common goal and righteousness, made the "Mig Corridor" famous and immortal.

Let those arrogant and powerful enemies of capitalism with their nostrils turned upward learn what the power of communist artillery shells is, and countless brave young Soviet air force boys shed their blood in the sky and bury their bones in foreign lands until Malashenko crossed over. In the twenty-first century in which we live, our loyal bones still rest in the land where the red faith continues.

This is a friendship and revolutionary comrades-in-arms forged with blood. Even many Chinese Air Force generals who will have outstanding achievements and outstanding military exploits in the future were once students taught by Kuoridub.

As the saying goes, the kindness of a teacher is unforgettable, not to mention the affectionate blessing of comrades who have fought bloody battles together.

In the gray and difficult years after Kozhedub passed away in grief and anger, it was these Chinese students who he had taught how to fight in air combat, who helped his wife, the widow of a Soviet hero, to survive. During that difficult time, even having a full stomach was a problem, until his death.

Malashenko in his previous life was not a personal experiencer of this history, but Malashenko in this life still cannot forget this profound memory he brought from the distant future.

Malashenko has very complicated and grateful special feelings for Kozhidub. This is a man who values ​​friendship, knows proportion, abides by the duty and honor of a soldier, and will never do anything he shouldn't do. An upright man.

Otherwise, based on his meritorious service in the Patriotic War, he could have become a marshal many years earlier.

Two independent individuals with similar personalities will attract each other, and those who should come together will eventually come together, regardless of love or friendship.

It is precisely because of the similarities in values, ways of doing things, and personalities that even Malashenko has not yet really met Kozhedub and had a historic handshake.

But Comrade Lao Ma is still very convinced in his heart that he can become friends with Kuoridub, just like the many bloody comrades around him, he can become the most reliable brother.

"The guy who flies this plane is really amazing. He dares to do it on the battlefield. He must be a master."

Iushkin, who is always cruel and treacherous, did not know when he opened the hatch on the other side of the turret, stretched out his upper body, and stood side by side with Malashenko outside the turret, looking at the sky overhead. Sky.

"You seem to know him, your eyes say so."

After following Malashenko for so long, Iushkin has more or less learned some advanced speaking skills, and this is how questions with high emotional intelligence should be asked.

"No, I don't know him. To be precise, I haven't met him once, so I don't know him."

Malashenko's answer is somewhat intriguing. Different people will have different understandings and perceptions after hearing it, just like there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand viewers.

"But I know his heroic story as well as I know the story of Paul Korchagin."


As he spoke, the wind was howling again and the roar was approaching. Kuoridub, who had turned the nose of the plane and readjusted the flight path, flew back with his war eagle, climbing at a much higher angle than before, towards the plane that had basically announced The air comrades who had finished their work gathered together and left.

The steel lion on the ground is still staring at the red eagle in the sky, unblinking.

As if he was aware of all this, Kuoridub, who was driving the War Eagle through the field again, waved the joystick in his hand and momentarily deflected the fuselage a little. The meaning of the action of shaking the wings towards the ground could not be clearer. Rao It was Iushkin who couldn't help but say something casually to Malashenko.

"Look, let me tell you that you two definitely know each other, and he is greeting you again."

Malashenko just smiled and did not say too many words or explanations.

Perhaps this is the sympathy and mutual understanding between heroes. At this moment, there are four Soviet Hero Medals between the sky and the earth on this small battlefield, two in the sky and two on the ground, belonging to each of the two heroes of the motherland. There are two of them, but they are all front-line war heroes who are accustomed to fighting bloody battles on the front line.

This is really a wonderful feeling that is difficult to describe in words, but Malashenko is sure that this feeling feels pretty good to him.

Looking at the back of the red No. 27 La-7 fighter jet going away, Malashenko's eyes returned to their former firmness and he once again focused his eyes on the battlefield ahead. His fierce eyes were fixed on him like an arrow. The German position in front of us was about to be destroyed.

"Call the rear artillery group. Their artillery shells should be replenished! Target the last doghouse of the Germans and cover it with maximum firepower for fifteen minutes!"

"Lavri, Kulbalov, fifteen minutes to prepare! Regroup your troops immediately. You only have fifteen minutes to prepare for the attack! As soon as the artillery fire stops, I want to see our tanks charging immediately. Go to the German position and end everything within an hour!"

The arrival of hope and the annihilation of despair come one after another, and they come so fast that people have no time to react too concretely.

Colonel Klose, who was sitting in the back of the command vehicle, was holding the newly arrived telegraph newspaper as if it were dead. The text recorded on it was enough to bring him, the most legendary and outstanding meritorious unit of the National Defense Force, into one. The abyss of hell that will never be restored, and will never be able to get over again.

"The reinforcements were heavily attacked by the Soviet army and were unable to arrive at the scheduled time. Please make sure to hold on through tonight, we are rushing at full speed to save you!"

tonight? Are you going to make it through the fucking night?

Colonel Klose, who looked haggard and had war stains all over his body, could only smile bitterly. He scratched his hair that was as messy as a chicken coop with his right hand and could only smile and curse.

"I couldn't even last half an hour, but these bastards let me survive tonight hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha without a bunch of losers or teachers who teach in the military academy?" Ha ha ha ha"

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