Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1778 The end of Great Germany

To completely destroy a person's will, the best way is to let him come into contact with the real hope of salvation when he is in deep despair, and then embrace this person in front of him. The hope in his arms was instantly torn to pieces. read

The best way to destroy the will of a person is this, and the best way to destroy the will of a group of people is the same.

The air support that was regarded as a life-saving straw was torn into pieces by the Russians' resolute air combat counterattack. The battlefield was littered with the burning wreckage of our own Stukas.

There was no longer any Stuka still flying in the sky, only the enemy fighter jets were left whistling and circling.

"We're done! Hans, it's all over now! Everything is over! The Russians will never let us go."

Boo hoo hoo——

"Damn it! It's not over yet! Get down now!!!"

The overwhelming artillery fire swept in immediately after the air battle, and the ground that was scorched by the residual heat of the air battle was not completely cooled down, but was immediately followed by secondary fire and continued to ignite.

Amidst the roaring sound of artillery, rockets and heavy artillery barrages were scattered all over the sky. The German soldiers, who had been bombed twice in a very short period of time, completely collapsed. This kind of thing can simply torture people crazy. The terrible bombardment was like a flood coming from a bursting embankment, one wave after another without stopping.

Whether he could survive the bombardment no longer seemed important. No longer enduring this terrible torture was more worthy of gratitude. Death was undoubtedly a kind of relief at this time.

No one knows exactly how long the Soviet artillery bombardment lasted, and the concept of time has long been blurred by this time.

But when the roaring sound of artillery and the successive explosions disappeared again, what brought the German army back to reality from the hell of despair was the roaring steel body that rushed towards them with a sense of oppression and incomparable despair.

Just as Malashenko expected

When the last straw of hope was torn into pieces and completely shattered before his eyes, the rest of the battle became completely different and much easier than before.

Colonel Klose no longer made up lies to deceive his subordinates, or it could be said that at this point, even making up lies was no longer necessary and had no practical significance.

Even the person who made up the lie is no longer willing to believe the lie. At this point, the matter has actually no longer any suspense, and it is considered settled.

Malashenko gave his two most trusted generals an hour, but the actual time it took to carry out the final decision in the battle was just over half an hour.

The final result of the battle is not that all the heroic Wehrmacht soldiers died in battle and sacrificed their lives for the Führer and the Third Reich. These most elite soldiers of the Wehrmacht are also human beings, made of mortal flesh and blood, and will also tremble in the abyss. I felt the most terrible and deep despair and fear.

In the end, the remaining German troops raised their hands and surrendered, but their numbers were so few that it felt like there were only a handful of them.

"Bah! A division with such a large establishment can only fight so few people. These Germans are quite ruthless. They are not only ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to their own people. They would rather die in vain than fight to the death to this extent. What a bunch of idiots for their stupid aggression and pig-headed head of state!”

Looking at the captive team with only five or six hundred people left in front of him, Lavrinenko, who had left his car and came to Malashenko's side, first spat hard, and then he was full. He spoke grumblingly and resentfully.

It can be seen that our comrade, deputy division commander, is still brooding about the difficulty of the battle and the huge casualties.

"But in the end we won. Today is the day for the Red Army, my brother."

"From now on, the German ace elite will no longer have the designation Grossdeutschland. If Hitler wants to rebuild a fake army and revive it, let it go. The soul of the army will be lost, and the core of the inheritance will be lost. It's completely lost, so what if it's resurrected and rebuilt? It's just an empty shell with the same name. There will never be such a difficult opponent to fight against the Red Army. "

Where there is a loss there must be a gain, and where there is a loss there must be a gain.

After hearing what Malashenko said, Lavrinenko thought about it carefully and thought that was the case.

If you think about it this way, this battle did achieve its original goal. It directly pulled out the most precious beam of the entire National Defense Force and smashed it to pieces.

The casualties are indeed not small, but if you dare to fight a tough battle, you must be prepared to pay corresponding casualties. Can a battle without casualties still be called a tough battle between ace and ace?

"What you said makes sense. It made me feel like we didn't lose at all."

Lavrinenko was telling the truth, as was Malashenko, who slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"It's true to talk about profit and loss in war. No matter which angle you look at it, it's us, Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, and the righteous Red Army who won today. This result is enough. As for the rest, Let’s put it aside for now, there will be other battles waiting for us tomorrow, and we will continue to fight.”

After seeing off Lavrinenko, who went down to compile casualty reports and reorganize the troops, Malashenko walked alone on the remains of the battlefield where the residual heat had not yet dissipated, taking a few accompanying guards to stop and look around. , looking for everything that might be valuable or meaningful in his opinion, and beside him were a group of dejected German prisoners of war who were escorted past like wilted leeks.

Soon, Malashenko found a place that interested him. It was surrounded by a group of soldiers cleaning the battlefield, and they were all pointing and talking. This aroused the interest of Comrade Ma, who then led him. People stepped forward to find out.

"What's going on? Comrades, what are you looking at?"

When they saw that the person was the division commander, the soldiers who were standing around and watching immediately stood at attention and looked a little reserved. Even the platoon leader who led the team looked a little nervous when reporting to Malashenko.

"A corpse, comrade division commander. But it has been doused with gasoline and burned beyond recognition. It was just burned in a hurry. We found some unburned things from the remains of the corpse's clothes, including this."


Malashenko took what the platoon leader handed over and found that it was a burned pamphlet. The outermost part has been dilapidated and pitch black due to the smoke from the fire, leaving only a few pages with burnt edges inside that can still be read.

"Uh, it's a military officer's certificate. What's the name? Klose? Or is he a colonel???"

"Wait, Colonel? Damn, could this guy be?"

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