Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1779 Premature Death

"Colonel Klose committed suicide. Before he died, he ordered us to burn his body. He didn't want the Russians to identify his body clearly, and he didn't want to be captured. He just wanted to die like this. read"


I found a German soldier from the prisoner pile who knew the details of the incident and asked him alone. However, the truth turned out to be quite shocking to Comrade Ma.

"Damn it, this bitch actually committed suicide? Is there such a thing?"

The more he thought about it, the more outrageous Malashenko felt. He planned to dig deeper and find out what was going on. After thinking for a while, he quickly asked the prisoner in front of him again.

"Tell me the situation clearly. This bastard has this black charcoal body. How did he commit suicide? What do you think?"

The prisoner who was singled out by Malashenko was just a young lieutenant. He was already frightened by Malashenko's unusually powerful aura, and now he was questioned in person like this. He was speechless for a moment. Stuttering is inevitable.

"He uh me that"

"speak English!"

Malashenko doesn't have much patience to talk nonsense here. He can stay here to figure out the problem purely out of curiosity.

Such a loud shout came out suddenly, and the German prisoner of war shivered on the spot, as if he had stepped on a high-voltage wire.

However, it may be that the spinning top really had to be whipped to spin. With Malashenko's loud shout first, the German prisoner of war immediately became much more fluent in his next speech.

"The colonel did commit suicide, using his own sidearm."

"He came to a few of us at the last moment and said that he could not be taken as a prisoner, not only because of his personal honor and oath, but more importantly because if he surrendered, his family would be implicated."

"Death is the only option, but he doesn't want to die in the hands of you Russians and would rather commit suicide."

"He was worried that you would recognize the body and use it to take photos and make a fuss about it, so he asked us to find gasoline to burn the body. But your tank rushed so fast that we didn't even finish pouring the first bucket of gasoline and we ran out of time. Then he lit the fire hastily, and then that’s it.”

"Just surrender???"

There is a saying that such a plot can definitely be called "déjà vu" for Malashenko, but it is not "déjà vu" in this timeline, but "déjà vu" in the distant future.

There are more than one German who died in a similar way, and the most awesome one is undoubtedly the one sitting on the throne of highest power, who can definitely be called a heavyweight.

This is not yet 45 years ago. There was a German Tiehanhan who died in this way. Except that he did not swallow a potassium cyanide capsule, all other details were exactly the same.

Sometimes it's like this, some sudden things will make you sigh that this world is so magical and wonderful.

No matter how unbelievable it was to Malashenko, the German second lieutenant in front of him looked frightened and frightened like a coward.

Look at the charcoal-like corpse on the ground. There is indeed a hole in the skull. The fire is obviously not the cause of death. There are no traces of the painful struggle on the ground like a person burned by fire before death. This is what happens after death. Burning corpses, nothing more.

The truth could not be more obvious. The German lieutenant did not lie. The body that was burned as black as carbon was indeed dead first and then burned.

As for whether this gang really committed suicide?

Malashenko thinks so, but who can provide the evidence? It's impossible for a field detective to come over and investigate the cause of death for you these days, right? What's more, this is no longer important to Malashenko. At best, it is just that a German division commander was not captured alive and committed suicide, that's all.

"Go down and take him away."

He casually waved his hand to signal to the escorting soldiers that they could take the German second lieutenant prisoner away. After all, he was a little regretful that he could not capture the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division alive. Malashenko sighed, and finally took a look at the corpse on the ground and decided. Put this matter behind you and stop thinking about it. It is better to think about how to fight tomorrow's battle than to dwell on such nonsense.

"Malashenko! You are here, I have been looking for you for a long time."


Just as he was about to go to the lower units to check out the casualties and battle losses, Lavrinenko came to the door before Malashenko actually started to take action, and ran up to Malashenko while shouting quickly. .

"Comrade Political Commissar sent a telegram that Commander Vatutin has returned. He knew the news that we had won the battle, congratulated him on the victory of annihilating the Grossdeutschland Division, and said that he would immediately report this to the High Command after he returned. The situation applies for rewards for us. Oh, by the way, we need to prepare and regroup the team quickly. The German army is on the way, and there may be a tough battle to be fought tomorrow. "

After reading the entire telegram, he put it into his pocket. It was a bit surprising that Vatutin did not come over in person to inspect the post-war situation. Malashenko originally thought that Comrade Lao Vatutin would definitely come over in person to take a look around.

However, this is not a bad thing. At least Malashenko asked himself that he no longer had to be busy waiting for the leaders and could have a good meal and rest after the war.

Not only did he need a good meal and a quick rest, but all the commanders, political staff and soldiers of the entire 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division also needed it. Today is definitely a day of high-intensity continuous rotation. Perhaps it is precisely because he knows that he needs to take a good rest as soon as possible that Vatutin returns to the front army headquarters instead of coming down to inspect.

Thinking of this, Malashenko really wanted to say thank you to Vatutin. Comrade Lao Vatutin was such a good leader and it was not in vain that he took such a big risk to save him.

"It's fine everywhere, but I still have this habit of running around on the front lines. Damn it, I don't even know where the division headquarters is, but he is better, he can find it more accurately than me, the division commander, and he can lead people directly He just rushed to the fighting area, really ignoring the danger.”

Escort prisoners, clean the battlefield, treat the wounded, repair equipment, and supply luggage

After the war, the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division had many things to be busy with. The high-intensity battle that lasted for a whole day had already ushered in nightfall as the sun set.

The field advance division led by Comrade Political Commissar has already joined Malashenko. The cooking team is busy with the delicious dinner that has just been cooked and put into lunch boxes. Big chunks of potato stew and beef are being eaten by Comrade Ma like a tiger. They feasted on it like a flock of sheep. When you bite into the fat and thin beef brisket, you can almost feel the juice coming out from between your teeth. It's so satisfying.

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