Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1781 The aftermath of the earthquake (Part 1)

The Grossdeutschland Panzer Division was destroyed and was completely annihilated by the Soviet army on the Belarusian border battlefield. No unit escaped alive and made contact with the outside world.

Such news caused a major earthquake not only for the entire German army on the Eastern Front, but also for the entire Wehrmacht and even the SS. The earthquake was so strong that even those in high positions felt unsteady.

"The Führer was very angry. Those idiots in the Wehrmacht screwed things up so completely this time. Now the whole world is watching our joke. Germany's invincibility collapsed in an instant and became a laughing stock. I heard others tell me this. , even the Japanese monkeys sent a "condolence" telegram to Ribbentrop, expressing condolences for the annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division."

"Guess who leaked the news? Those Russians immediately publicized the matter. The newspapers and radio publicized it to the whole world."

A pair of dark, thief-like eyes flashed with a strange and fierce light under the small glasses, just like a habitual thief waiting for an opportunity to find a target to commit a crime. Just a casual glance is enough to make people tighten their wallets and feel uncomfortable.

Some people dared to call him a "chicken farmer", but looking at the whole of Germany, the people who dared to call him such a name and were not afraid of him even though he knew about it, after all, were only a very small minority among the very few, and they probably didn't even have two hands.

Himmler, the leader of the SS, has been in a very bad mood recently. The gentleness and gentlemanly demeanor he usually pretends to be are often destroyed recently.

Himmler himself didn't want to be like this, but sometimes and some things just don't develop in the direction and results you want, forcing you to get angry and curse others.

Himmler was already overwhelmed by the assassination of the Führer and the related follow-up investigations. Now he has received a new task assigned to him by the Führer: to investigate whether the order was not implemented properly when the Grossdeutschland Division was wiped out, and how many front lines there were. The general was disobeying the orders of the Führer, and even the remaining accomplices of Stauffenberg's stinky rat had not yet been found out.

There was no reason not to accept the task assigned to him personally by the Führer. Himmler, who was specifically called to the Chancellery Office to discuss the matter, could only nod his head to make assurances, and did not dare to say no to the angry Führer. But how to complete this tricky job next has become Himmler's biggest headache at the moment.

He sat behind his desk with his hand on his aching forehead and slowly shook his head. Recently, Himmler was often in a bad state of mind due to all kinds of troubles that caused him to lose sleep.

Himmler, who was busy investigating the assassination of the Führer but still had no complete results, really had no extra energy to take over new tasks. He had to find a reliable strongman to share the pressure, and the person he had already identified was standing in front of him at the moment. .

"Tell me your opinions and thoughts, Ernst, I need you to be responsible for helping me in this matter.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner, after Heinrich died in 1942, actually took over the power of the SS and was the second-ranking figure after Himmler.

Like his dead predecessor, "Hitler's blond beast" Heinrich, Ernst Kaltenbrunner was also a ruthless guy who would do anything to achieve his goals.

If necessary, killing someone is basically the same as killing a pig. Oh, it’s a little different from killing a pig.

Pigs are very energetic. When they know that you are going to kill them, they will fight hard and flop around.

But people are different. As long as you scare them silly and torture them to death mentally, even if their bodies are intact, they will not resist desperately before death.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner was very fond of studying how to kill people to such a state that they can make those who are about to be killed give up resistance and embrace death and despair. He called it "the murderous method" in his diary. Art", this bastard really thinks of himself as an artist.

Regarding the "request for assistance" from his immediate boss, Ernst, who had long been an expert in assassinations and underground investigations, thought about it for a while. It didn't take long to basically come up with a rough plan and blurt it out.

"This requires giving me great power. I must mobilize the SS and even other resources that need to cooperate with departments and forces. Only in this way can we find out the ins and outs of this matter and give an explanation to the head of state."

Ernst came straight to the point and made his words clear. Himmler, who knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense, replied almost without thinking.

"That's no problem, it's very simple! The head of state has given me full authority to investigate. The SS is qualified to use all power and necessary resources to investigate this matter."

"I can delegate power to you again, Ernst, but you have to tell me, how are you going to do it?"

It's not that Himmler was worried about the deputy in front of him, it was just that the matter was so important that it made the Führer extremely angry, and even the garden of the Chancellery was almost overturned in anger.

Himmler really did not dare to handle this matter with that kind of "non-interfering" attitude. He had to supervise and supervise the entire process to implement this important task.

The Führer has lost trust in the Wehrmacht. Himmler does not want such a thing to happen to the SS again. This is the capital for his livelihood. Without the Führer's trust, he is nothing. If he fell out of favor with the Führer, the enemies he had provoked before would immediately swarm in and eat him alive. Himmler had always known this all too well.

The uneasiness and worry of his immediate superior could be seen from the expression on his face that was obviously wrong. Ernst, who also knew the seriousness of the matter, spoke solemnly and gave an answer.

"Use all the power of the Central Security Service and the secret police to investigate, starting with the top brass of the Wehrmacht in Berlin."

"I even think that the current opportunity is the best, and it comes at the right time. We can use the assassination of the Führer as a cover to investigate the case of the Grossdeutschland Division together. No one will dare to hinder the follow-up of the assassination of the Führer. Investigative, if there is one, so much the better, the boys in the torture chamber can pull whatever we want out of these people's mouths."

Himmler frowned when he heard this. He knew very well what the "merger investigation" Ernst was talking about.

Recently, many people have been arrested and executed due to the assassination of the head of state, and Himmler can get the latest "death list" every day. Allowing Ernst to do this means that the length of this list is expected to increase several times or even more for a long time to come.

Himmler didn't care about the life and death of those people in the Wehrmacht who dared to kill corpses. This group of garbage who dared to kill even the Yuan Dynasty had more killing points to serve as a warning to others.

What Himmler really cared about was whether such a large-scale operation would cause dissatisfaction or even counterattack from some people. This bunch of high-ranking trash from the Wehrmacht don't dare to do anything to the Führer in person, but they still have the courage to do it themselves, and they're not small at all. If the matter gets so big that the head of state confronts him, but he still can't come up with a clear result, then the fun will be great.

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