Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1782 The aftermath of the earthquake (Part 2)

"This sounds like it will cause a lot of trouble, and we have to consider whether we can afford it. Reading the entire network of Berlin is more complicated than the sewer network buried deep under the city, and some powerful people have already With some dissatisfaction with what happened recently, we have to be more cautious, do you understand what I mean?”

Himmler himself seemed to hold great power, but he always felt like walking on stilts, and he could not help but be cautious.

The SS's investigation of the Wehrmacht is quite taboo in itself. If everything goes smoothly, Himmler actually prefers to stay on the same page with these guys and not provoke each other.

To put it bluntly, this bunch of bastards who were tied up by the old aristocrats even wanted to give them a small amount of face, and engage in a kind of cooperation that was like a transaction, using the glory that was given to them in the past in exchange for the expansion of the empire. The sword and loyalty of earth.

When dealing with this group of people, especially the Wehrmacht bosses in Berlin, Himmler tried not to provoke any of them, at least not to offend them to death, and to leave a way for him to meet each other in the future.

But this seemingly easy-to-do-hard-to-do thing actually conflicts with the current plan. It is estimated that Himmler can be a person who obeys the orders of the Führer in such a big thing as saving the Grossdeutschland Division. He is clearly on his list of "people he cannot afford to offend".

If I could kill this guy with one move, he would never be able to recover from the beating.

But if he was not killed in one move, Himmler was really afraid of the "counterattack and calamity" he would surely encounter in the future. Especially under the premise that the frontline battle situation was so unfavorable, Himmler could more or less have a premonition of bad signs of what might happen next, and he had to consider the issue of "fallback" for himself.

Himmler, who was thinking wildly and fearing everything, felt like his head was going to explode. He couldn't help but curse inwardly, why he had been handed such outrageous things recently, and he still had to take them. , the kind that has to be done and cannot be avoided.

Complaining will not solve the problem, and timidity and indecision will only waste more time.

After some careful consideration while tapping his index finger regularly on the table, Himmler seemed to have come up with a pretty good compromise and finally spoke slowly again.

"You can conduct a preliminary investigation, but if you encounter serious obstacles, as long as you think it is serious enough that there will be obvious resistance and cannot be broken through, stop it first."

"Detour and collect useful information and evidence from the side that can overturn this obstacle. When enough is accumulated, the head of state will make this obstacle self-defeating. The evidence to overturn the obstacle can be collected by any method you think is suitable. The higher the level, the more likely it is." Low, the more you can do it, the more you can do it. Otherwise, I don’t think I need to say more about what to do, you know what I mean.

With Himmler's words, Ernst roughly understood what he needed to do next. It was indeed rare to see such a cautious Himmler.

However, Ernst was still unsure about one thing and needed an accurate answer from Himmler.

"What evidence can be considered usable? It depends on whether it is manufacturing or origin, just like goods."


The topic unknowingly came to the most critical juncture. In fact, even Himmler has been considering this issue. This is obviously the most difficult of all problems. It is so difficult that Ernst even expressed it in a cryptic way. , cannot be explained clearly.

Himmler tapped his right index finger on the table and thought carefully for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he felt a sense of powerlessness, which was not consistent with his high position and authority as the number one leader of the SS.

"I will go find out the opinion of the head of state, but not now. I need to wait for a suitable opportunity. Some people really should and must be eliminated. They are deep-rooted and pedantic and have become the worms of the empire and the head of state. Obstacle, this will take a long time, and the most important thing is the opinion of the head of state.”

"Go check out those things that don't need to be manufactured. I will go to the head of state at the same time to obtain details that can guide your next move. This requires us to be extremely careful and cautious. Ernst, you and I both know that we are facing What, this is no worse than the Russians on the Eastern Front or the Americans on the Western Front, we are fighting an invisible war."

You chatted with me for a long time, and finally decided on a rough action plan and plan. The rest is to act cautiously based on the content discussed today.

Watching Ernst leave, exit his office and close the door, Himmler breathed a sigh of relief and felt as if he was carrying a huge mountain. His seemingly enviable position Work is really getting harder and harder to do.

"If the bomb had had other consequences that day, would everything have been completely different today?"

Standing by the window, staring at the night scene in the distance, Himmler silently thought about these secrets that he did not dare to say with his mouth, but only dared to think in his heart. However, in the end, he still shook his head slowly after thinking. , in vain.

"I was probably driven crazy to think this way. In that case, I would be ten thousand times worse off than my current situation. Who knows what would happen."

No matter what Himmler thought, some things had indeed changed dramatically since tonight.

This huge change is compared to the existing history, that world without Malashenko's existence, that timeline that has not been disturbed by time travellers.

No one knows what the subsequent impact of the "Gross Deutschland Incident" will be, not even Himmler himself, who was the direct investigator and held great power.

This incident happened to overlap and connect with the assassination operation carried out by Stauffenberg. The sum of the two was no longer as simple as "1+1=2". The entire Berlin was in the last stage before the big earthquake. Under the shroud of signs, no one below the head of state can ignore it and have nothing to do with it.

Interestingly, in the Kremlin in Moscow, which is also the heart of the country and the seat of the highest power, but thousands of miles away from Berlin, a completely different scene is taking place.

"Comrade Beria, you have been waiting for a long time. Comrade Stalin has just returned to the office after presiding over the meeting. He summoned you to come over immediately. Please follow me."

Beria, who was holding a briefcase in his hand, had been waiting in the living room for a long time, raising his hand to check the time three times.

This is not to say that Beria is impatient to wait, but he wants to judge the urgency of the Supreme Leader on the current matter based on time. This will determine what he needs to say and what he should say in the highest power office next. How you speak matters.

Under the leadership of the secretary, he walked through the long corridor and once again came to the door of the familiar office that he had stepped into countless times. Beria, who was sure that he was ready, took a breath and opened the door and entered.

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