Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1793 The Rampant Master

Malashenko's plan is very clear and has only one simple one: mobilize all the artillery firepower that he can currently muster, cooperate with the divisional artillery of the 211th Infantry Division, and hit the target area of ​​the German defense line that has exposed its firepower points. Plow it once, and then launch a fierce attack to level the German positions and solve the problem.

If possible, Malashenko even wants to call in the Guards Artillery Division that helped him a lot yesterday and blast the German positions. It would be so damn good to fight with the help of these guys. !

Unfortunately, the experience card of the Guards Artillery Division in providing Malashenko with on-call and precise services has expired, and it only lasted for one day.

As a battle-level artillery unit belonging to the front army, these guys were transferred to other combat directions that require heavy fire support today. Malashenko guessed that he might have gone to beat up the Germans in the encirclement. After all, according to a rough estimate, the number of Germans trapped in the encirclement was in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division was transferred away, and the Red Army troops that encircled and annihilated the besieged German sticks lacked a vital armored force.

If you can't even get reliable and abundant artillery support, and you just let these two-legged infantry divisions, relying on a few pitiful tanks, encircle and eat the Germans who have less than 100,000 people, you don't know how big they will be. of casualties. After all, the besieged Germans were on the defensive waiting to attack and waiting for work. Without some decent heavy fire support, there was really no way to quickly kill these Germans with low casualties.

Fortunately, Malashenko's own divisional artillery force is not a vegetarian. One battalion of Katyusha and one battalion of ISU-152, plus the divisional artillery of the cooperating infantry division, are enough for those who do not know how to live or die. The German guy drank a pot.

Malashenko, who issued an order to the political commissar to quickly assemble the artillery, stepped up his actions and completed the rendezvous with the 211th Infantry Division not far ahead before his artillery arrived.

As the young battalion commander said, at this moment, the 211th Infantry Division is still in a suspended state of attack, but it is indeed making every possible preparation for the next round of offensive.

The fully-organized infantry units are assembling and preparing for the attack. The soldiers are handling their weapons for final inspections. The grassroots company and squad first-level officers are conveying orders and arrangements to their respective units at the assembly site. Tactics and explaining the battle plan later.

After seeing the roaring and roaring convoy of huge steel behemoths, many warriors stopped what they were doing and turned to look at them in shock or concentration. This is the first time in their lives for most people to see such a majestic and visually impactful heavy tank unit. This is a deep shock that cannot be accurately described in words.

"Have you heard? This is General Malashenko's unit, the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division named after the leader.

"Oh, I swear to Stalin! I have never seen so many heavy tanks, not even in my dreams!"

"Those bastard fascists are finished! General Malashenko is invincible. No German unit can survive wherever he goes. The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is the most invincible unit of our Red Army. Elite! Victory will belong to us, comrades!”

Well, the last words were spoken by a man dressed as a political commissar, with a tin trumpet in his hand. It was obvious that these morale-boosting words were spoken very excitedly, and of course the timing was just right and precise.

"It seems like wherever we go, the brother troops are like this, what do you think?"

Iushkin, who also witnessed this scene, added just the right thing. Looking at the soldiers who were shouting and shouting at their own tank column and whose morale was high, Malashenko, who smiled faintly, just said casually and happily.

"This is a good thing, isn't it? The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is a spiritual totem, representing the Red Army's invincibility and a symbol of victory. It can also cause great shock and psychological pressure to the enemy. The so-called ace elite, That’s how it should be interpreted.”

The tank column advanced all the way to the core forward area of ​​the offensive starting position before it stopped. After ordering the accompanying Kulbalov to take care of the troops and prepare the preparatory formations before the offensive starting as planned, Malashenko immediately went non-stop. He turned around and rushed to his next destination: the headquarters of the 211th Infantry Division.

Um? Wait, it seems like this is really a "horse" that doesn't stop? I don’t know if Comrade Ma himself realizes this.

Wherever Malashenko went, there was no obstruction. Although he was not in his own unit, almost the entire 211th Infantry Division had just seen the spectacular scene of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division tank column coming to merge. Of course, I also know what Comrade Stalin’s commander of the 1st Guards Tank Division, who is often in the newspapers, looks like and can recognize.

Therefore, even though Malashenko still habitually wore an ordinary tank soldier's combat uniform without any rank markings, he was saluted and saluted when he was supposed to be saluted, and he was let go when he was supposed to be allowed to go without any problems along the way. Even the commander of the security company at the entrance of the 211th Division recognized Malashenko at a glance and took the initiative to greet Comrade Ma with a smile.

"Comrade General, our comrade division commander has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me."

Following the steps of the captain of the division headquarters security company, Malashenko had just entered the tent of the field division headquarters. Before he could see what the comrade division commander looked like, he heard a roar with a voice comparable to thunder. roar.

"What? The position hasn't been set up yet!? What do they do for food?! Even the stupid bears in Siberia are smarter than you Sukkas! You can't even serve two big cannons. Why don't you go home and farm? You can’t even use a four-wheeled carriage!”

The man from behind who was running rampant on the spot with a phone in his hand was probably the commander of the 211th Infantry Division, Malashenko guessed.

Because generally speaking, in an infantry division, there is only one comrade, the division commander, who dares to openly go berserk and curse at the division headquarters like this.

He grabbed the guard company commander who was about to interrupt and signaled that it would not be too late to wait until the grumpy division commander finished making what sounded like an urgent call. Malashenko, who was still a little curious, spoke up. , asked casually.

"Is your teacher always like this? He has a pretty good personality."

"Ah this"

Malashenko's sudden and irrational question actually stopped the commander of the security company on the spot.

There is a saying that the teacher and comrade who is so eager to serve and hangs around him all day long does have this temper on weekdays. But is Comrade General the leader of the guest army who came here specially to help, or is he a tank hero with such a famous reputation? Isn't it a bit of a family scandal to openly admit his division commander's bad temper?


"These losers make me so angry!"

Before the hesitant company commander could figure out how to answer Malashenko's words, the division commander threw the phone away and cursed fiercely, suddenly turned around. The furious look just now disappeared without a trace in an instant. When he saw Malashenko standing at the entrance of the division door, Yi Lian immediately rushed towards him with a bold smile and open arms. .

"Haha, look who's here? Our motherland's strongest tank hero is finally here. Those fascist lackeys on the opposite side are dead now!"

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