Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1794 Revisiting old memories

The man in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

But no matter how hard Malashenko thought, he just couldn't remember it. It must be that it had been too long and he had forgotten where he had seen him. Read М

In contrast, the division commander with a big Stalin-style beard laughed at Malashenko's doubtful expression.

"It seems that Comrade General has forgotten me. We fought side by side in Stalingrad. Have you forgotten?"


Malashenko's memory was brought back to 1942 and 1943 in an instant. The cruel and hellish Battle of Stalingrad made Malashenko still remember it vividly. It was a purgatory-like battle that reached the extreme of both physical and mental torture.

Dead people were just as common as air in the city of Stalingrad.

It was not uncommon to use corpses to build bunkers and fill the gaps in sandbags. The streets were full of corpses and blood, day after day. There were so many corpses that the corpse collection team couldn't collect them all. When the war was at its most intense, no one cared about the corpses. The corpses that had been dead for many days were left on the streets for many days and rotted and smelled.

It's not that they did it on purpose, but under the premise that the living were still in danger, it really didn't matter what happened to the dead.

Even now when recalling this memory, Malashenko could still smell the rotten stench and strong smell of blood filled with rotten corpses.

For those who have personally experienced this cruel bloody battle, this is an experience that is absolutely unbearable to look back on. But from another perspective, it exists in parallel with glory and brilliance, and must not be forgotten, otherwise it would be a betrayal of those who died heroically.

Malashenko, who recalled too many things in his mind, took a deep breath. When he was about to say something, the bearded division commander who did not intend to hand over the right to speak to Malashenko spoke first.

"Mamayev Kurgan, Chuikov's army, have you forgotten? At that time, you were assigned to take charge of the attack on Mamayev Kurgan. Our division had just crossed the river and had not yet assembled. I stood on the commanding heights of the port and watched your tanks charge with a telescope. I will never forget that scene. Your heavy tanks were chased around the hills like rabbits."

"Oh, by the way, I was still a regimental commander at that time. I was promoted to division commander this year. At that time, our division was ordered to take over the defense of Mamayev Kurgan. At that time, Mamayev Kurgan had already been You have already taken it down. You were transferred to other directions in the city to fight, and we went to take over the position. I saw you at that time. You were standing on the turret commanding the troops to go down the mountain. I stood on the roadside and saluted you, and you saluted me back. Do you remember it? "


The bearded division commander described it all vividly and emotionally. Malashenko was sure that this would never be a lie.

But our old comrade Ma really forgot about it. To be honest, he didn't lie. He really couldn't remember that there was a person in front of him who saluted and greeted him.

Although the fact is like this, Malashenko must not speak out this matter so straightforwardly, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, right? People are so enthusiastic, but you forget it. If you really say this, it will inevitably hurt feelings.

"I think I remember it now. I will never forget the charge on Mamayev Kurgan. We were the only organized heavy tank unit in Stalingrad at that time. I have forgotten how much pressure I was under. It was as if the whole city and all the comrades in the city pinned their hopes on me. Fortunately, we completed the mission in the end."

Malachenko's words also evoked the memories of the bearded division commander. The memory of continuous artillery fire and blood will never be forgotten as long as you have experienced it personally.

"Who said it wasn't? When I went to the division headquarters for a meeting, the commanders below didn't have much confidence. The situation in Stalingrad was so bad that everyone thought the city would become the second Kiev."

"At that time, our division commander told us that Comrade Malashenko, the most elite heavy tank unit of the Red Army and the tank hero of the motherland, was leading his troops to charge Mamayev Kurgan. As long as Comrade Malashenko's troops are charging, victory will soon belong to us. Everyone should cheer and encourage, maintain morale, and be ready to support Comrade Malashenko at any time. Mamayev Kurgan must not fall into the hands of the Germans."

"To be honest, the effect of this statement was somewhat average at the time. I was probably the only one who raised his fist at the division headquarters meeting The leader stood up and shouted a few slogans. But everyone's view of you was very different afterwards, especially after you captured that old bastard Paulus alive and humiliated him severely. It was so satisfying! "

"Ha, I cut out all the photos published in the newspapers at that time and put them in my notebook. I would take them out and look at them when I was in a bad mood. What a shitty German marshal? That's all. You really did something that everyone wanted to do but couldn't do. It's really amazing. This is a hundred times better than those useless empty slogans. A photo can boost the morale of the whole army!" The bearded division commander was obviously a person who couldn't hold back his words. Once the chatterbox of memories was opened, he couldn't stop talking a lot.

However, Malashenko does not find this disgusting. It is definitely a good thing to have an old comrade who has fought side by side to catch up with the past. The comrades who survived Stalingrad together are now far apart. Even if they are still alive and continuing to fight on the front line, they are not in the same war zone and are difficult to touch. Opportunities like this to reminisce are indeed very precious.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I haven't introduced myself yet."

The bearded teacher, who was in high spirits, slapped his forehead suddenly, remembering the incident he had forgotten, and immediately introduced himself to Malashenko.

"Colonel Ilyich Gornakov, commander of the 211th Infantry Division, reports to you, Comrade General. Our department has been ordered to assist you in the next offensive. The superiors have asked me to obey your command, so please give the order and lead us to victory. "

Gornakov, this is indeed a name that he is not familiar with, but now he can be regarded as a real acquaintance. The two big hands that stretched out towards each other immediately held each other tightly.

"This is inevitable. Victory is very close to us. This battle will drive the Germans out of our motherland in one go! Then, it will be the turn of these fascists to fight on their own land. It will definitely To let them taste the taste of the motherland being ravaged by war, the pain we have endured must be doubled.”

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