Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1795 Your artillery is not strong enough

The simple reminiscing ends here. Both Malashenko and Gornakov still have work to do, and the German guys on the opposite side who are nesting in the cesspit must be sent to heaven as soon as possible.

Before that, Malashenko, who had just arrived on the battlefield, needed to understand the specific situation. The person responsible for explaining to Malashenko was Gornakov himself.

"The Germans on the opposite side have accumulated heavy troops of at least three infantry divisions. Fortunately, no enemy armored forces have been detected for the time being. Only the German infantry is deployed on the defense line."

Hearing this, Malashenko had an eloquent smile on his face. The reason why he saw no signs of activity by the German armored forces was already obvious.

"There will no longer be large numbers of enemy armor, at least not in the short term."

"Yesterday's battle basically wiped out all the German armored units in the nearby area. With four armored divisions and an independent heavy armored battalion, we fought an efficient battle of annihilation. Thanks to Comrade Commander, the entire front army was able to All the mobilized troops have been mobilized to help, otherwise we really wouldn’t be able to achieve this effect.”

Yesterday's battle was indeed very fierce and the effect was outstanding. Gornakov also heard a little bit about it. He smiled at Malashenko and gave a thumbs up before continuing.

"I think you have probably heard that our exploratory attack suffered a certain setback. An infantry battalion that was put in almost suffered more than half of its casualties in an instant. It was no longer able to participate in the next battle. I ordered it to withdraw first to rest. "

"The good news is that we have discovered the location of the Germans' hidden firepower points and marked them clearly. I have ordered the artillery to bombard the marked area. Unfortunately, you heard it just now, and I am not afraid of your jokes, Comrade General. The division of our division The artillery unit is a little out of control, and it hasn’t set up its position yet. When I talk about this, I get angry.”

Of course Malashenko knew that there was something wrong with Gornakov's artillery, otherwise he wouldn't have made the division commander so angry as before and ran away on the spot, but what exactly happened is worth wondering. of.

"What happened? Did the artillery have a big problem?"

Now that the family scandal had been exposed, Gornakov didn't mind explaining it in detail, and he blurted out these helpless words.

"The road conditions were very bad. The artillery troops took a shortcut in order to get on the road. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a swamp. The combination of grass and mud was extremely difficult. It would have taken a lot of effort to switch to a tank, and even more so for wheeled vehicles. Needless to say, both the tractor and the cannon were stuck in the mud, and all the artillerymen got out to help push the cannon, leaving only the driver to step on the accelerator."

"I was assured on the phone just now that the position will be set up within half an hour. This time it should be no problem. As soon as the shelling is completed, we will immediately take action against these fascist gangsters. This time we will definitely defeat them Tear it up!”

Gornakov's infantry division is a newly formed conventional infantry division this year. It neither has the title of Guards nor has it fought any brutal battles worthy of being recorded in history. Only some of the commanders, including Gornakov, were experienced veterans specially dispatched to form troops, and even the equipment they were equipped with was ordinary.

When he learned that the divisional artillery under Gornakov only had 12 traction 152s and 24 traction 122s, Comrade Ma made a subconscious statement on the spot.

"Is that all there is? Is this firepower too weak?"


Malashenko's words came so suddenly and unexpectedly that the bearded teacher blinked on the spot and didn't know what to say.

Isn't this what the artillery firepower of an ordinary infantry division should be like? Why do you say it's too weak? There are dozens of cannons placed here, which is quite a lot. Gornakov is really confused.

Before Gornakov could speak, Malashenko, who had already mobilized the divisional artillery under his command, spoke first.

"This firepower needs to be strengthened. My divisional artillery unit will arrive soon. There are two battalions in total. However, if they are not full, another attack unit of our division will take away part of it. There are a total of 36 ISU-152 self-propelled artillery and an equal number of Kalashnikovs. The Qiusha rocket launchers, all mechanized and self-propelled, with a high level of maneuverability and a total of 72 firepower units, will be in place soon and can launch artillery preparations together."


Commander Gornakov was stunned. He couldn't help but half-open his mouth and jaw. He blinked his eyes twice more and became speechless.

What? Two battalions of divisional artillery have 72 fire units? And it’s still a state of dissatisfaction and having part of it taken away?

Are they all capable of self-propelled and purely mechanized marching?

Is this how it works? Why have you never heard of it before? How come the artillery configuration of this division is just like dreaming after listening to stories?

"Comrade Division Commander, General Malashenko's troops have actually always been used as corps-level units, and they have the title of leader plus guard. You cannot compare them with ordinary division-level units. This is a special situation."


Seeing that something was not right with his comrade, the 211th Infantry Division's political commissar hurriedly went up to his ear and whispered a few words and reminded him. Only then did Gornakov's soul come back from the clouds. .

"Uh, yes, this is good, great! With the enhanced artillery firepower provided by comrade general, all the fascists on the opposite side will have to fly into the sky. Well, that must be the case."

If I had brought this idiot Iushkin with me, he would probably be hiding behind me and laughing at this situation right now, where no one else could see him? Comrade Lao Ma, who was quite touched by the scene in front of him but had no expression on his face, thought so.

The brief interlude came to an end, and the real drastic action was soon put on the table.

Malashenko is right. The divisional artillery unit of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division does have extraordinary mobility. Even if it sets off so late, it can arrive at the preset location before the divisional artillery unit of the 211th Infantry Division. Artillery positions.

Looking at the self-propelled artillery units lined up on the position, with their gun barrels and launchers raised high and ready to go, Gornakov, who made a special trip to inspect the artillery position, really felt like "ten thousand people" in his heart. The horse gallops through the grass and mud." I was deeply moved.

"If I hadn't known in advance, I would have thought this was a Guards Artillery Brigade. This is at least the equipment configuration only available at the brigade level. It's unbelievable! What kind of army is led by General Malashenko? ? The more I understand, the more surprised I am, it’s like a new world has opened up. ”

Before Gornakov finished speaking, the political commissar who was listening next to him glanced at the time on his watch, and blurted out his answer followed by a gesture to the division commander to cover his ears.

"It's better to feel than to sigh, Comrade Commander, it's about to begin, right now."

Soon, when Gornakov was just getting ready, the tsunami-like torrential bombardment officially came and kicked off with Katyusha's iconic scream.

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