Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1796 The Uncertain Enemy

The overwhelming barrage of rockets and heavy artillery shells came at the same time, which was a scene thousands of times more exciting than hail.

The German troops on the battlefield expected that the Russians on the opposite side would definitely not give up, and would definitely launch a more fierce attack again after regrouping, but they really did not expect that the Russians, who only had mortars to cover the previous wave of attacks, would launch rockets and heavy artillery in the second wave of attacks less than half an hour later. This gap is really too big, who could have thought of it?

"Artillery! Russians are firing! Take cover!"


Boom boom boom——

Before the loud words were finished, the crackling rain of bullets, which was more excessive than dumplings on New Year's Eve, had already fallen and exploded in an instant.

Those terrified German soldiers who were about to flee did not even have the last chance to save their lives. The overwhelming and crazy artillery barrage took their lives in just a moment.

Whether it was weapons and equipment or flesh and blood.

All the things that could be destroyed on the battlefield could not escape, and all the objects that could be thrown into the sky basically took off from the spot and flew straight into the sky.

Malashenko had long been accustomed to such scenes, but Gornakov, who had not seen such scenes many times, had a completely different expression at this moment, holding a telescope in his hand.

"It's hard to imagine that this is the firepower fired by the divisional artillery. A guards artillery brigade is no more than this. Those Germans must be finished now. Even if there are bunkers built in this open area without any cover, it will not be of much use in the face of such a degree of artillery bombardment. Ordinary civil engineering anti-gun holes can't withstand it at all."

In most cases, traditional geotechnical bunkers are the only shelter for soldiers to avoid artillery bombardment. Of course, this also means that it is effective in most cases, but there are still some exceptions, such as now.

Whether it is a 132mm Katyusha rocket or a 152mm high-explosive grenade projectile.

Any of these two bullets, as long as they hit the edge of a general infantry anti-artillery hole, can instantly collapse the trembling Germans hiding in the anti-artillery hole, even without a direct hit.

If they are hit directly, the fate will be even more miserable. In this case, even burying alive with a complete body will become a luxury. What a shitty anti-artillery hole and the people in the hole, go to hell. What will be left is only a huge crater covered with loose soil. Maybe you can find a few pieces of meat and weapon parts mixed in the loose soil. It's that simple.

Gornakov is right. Under this level of bombardment, there is no need to consider the issue of bunkers. If you want to survive this level of bombardment, you can only pray that you have a strong luck in this life. There is no other way.

The political commissar of the 211th Infantry Division, who was also holding a telescope and watching the German positions being bombarded by artillery fire, thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Comrade division commander, do you think such an artillery attack can solve the hidden firepower points of the Germans that have caused us a lot of trouble?"

The political commissar's words suddenly popped out as if there was no reason. Gornakov, who was a little stunned, didn't understand why his partner asked this, but he quickly gave an answer with a refreshing smile.

"Ha, what you said. Look at this firepower. What reason do those German guns have to survive such destruction? Whether it is a self-propelled artillery or a towed artillery, it must be over now. After we take the position later, I have to go and see in person what kind of rubbish has deceived us. I hope those Germans can still leave some parts and debris for me to see."

Is there anything wrong with Gornakov's words?

To be precise, from a general perspective, there is certainly no problem with this statement.

How capable were the German artillerymen to survive such a rapid artillery fire? Were they invincible or something? Moreover, they were a group of fragile artillerymen with high attack and low defense.

In theory, this was true, and the political commissar knew it clearly.

However, I don't know why, but there was always a kind of uneasiness lingering in my heart, as if the Germans on the opposite side were holding some trump cards, or that the true appearance of the trump cards that seemed to have been exposed had not been guessed and expected by our side.

"I think we still have to be careful, comrade division commander. It only takes one mistake to underestimate the enemy. Before we can see the enemy's hidden firepower point being destroyed, any so-called "destruction" is just our subjective conjecture. There is an objective inaccuracy. We cannot ignore this point."

"In short, we should prepare for the worst in the attack later and be ready to deal with various emergencies at any time. What do you think?"

The words of the political commissar sounded quite literary and philosophical. It seemed that senior political commissars would talk about this set of words. Gornakov was of course accustomed to it and was not surprised. After a little thought, the answer came out quickly with a nod of approval.

"Well, what you said does make sense. We should be careful to prevent accidents."

"You stay here with the artillery to keep an eye on and keep in touch. I will go back to organize and urge the troops to prepare for the attack. By the way, remind Comrade General to be careful and vigilant."

"Okay, let's do it."

Malashenko had no idea what Gornakov and his political commissar partners were underestimating and discussing. At this moment, Comrade Malashenko had returned to his post, holding on to his command vehicle and making final preparations. The time hand on the watch is almost approaching the expected end time of the bombardment.

"No matter what kind of cannons those Germans have hidden, they will definitely be finished now, and they will definitely blast all the junk into the sky!"

Similar to Gornakov's situation, Iushkin, who was holding his gunner's sight and watching the Western scene, was also very optimistic, but in contrast, Malashenko, who was in the commander's position, seemed careless.

"How can you confirm that it must be the artillery of the Germans? What if I say that it is not artillery, but an armored force and a heavy armored force? Do you still think that artillery preparation alone can handle everything?"


Malashenko's sudden words reminded Iushkin of the previous battle in which the division's artillery covered the German Tiger King.

In that battle, even though the artillery firepower was almost as powerful as the scene in front of me, it still failed to kill all the German Tiger King, not even half of them.

Unless those thick-skinned and fleshy Fascist armored monsters are directly hit by artillery shells or rockets, even if they are near-missed and exploded within a few meters next to the car, they will not cause any substantial damage. The tenacious resistance of the King Tigers who survived the artillery fire is a good illustration of the situation. Iushkin still remembers this scene freshly when he thinks about it now.

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