Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1797 Ghost Heavy Cannon

Malashenko also had a premonition, a very strong one. ReadМ

Those Germans who gave people a strong feeling of uneasiness would never hide their artillery so easily. Malashenko didn't think the Germans would act like a fool and install a bayonet on a fragile self-propelled artillery fire and drive it so close to the front line. position for direct-aimed bombardment.

There must be a reason why the Germans dared to do this. At least the Germans themselves felt that this cannon could withstand fierce crossfire on the front line and provide powerful direct fire support.

In this case, Malashenko feels that there is a high probability that this will be a self-propelled artillery with omnidirectional armor protection, or something else that he has not yet guessed, such as an assault gun or even a large-tube tank gun. possible.

The truth of everything can only be witnessed after the German position is captured.

Before that, Malashenko reminded himself that he must not take things lightly or underestimate the enemy. Malashenko, who must be prepared in advance and keep good cards for unexpected situations that may arise at any time, and thinks so, of course actually did so.

The Katyushas, ​​who had exhausted their ammunition in the early salvos, have been ordered by Malashenko to replenish their ammunition as quickly as possible and be ready to fire again.

Once the unknown German artillery dares to show up again and continue to fire, Malashenko will not hesitate to let the Katyusha rain death fire towards the newly determined bombardment coordinate point. No matter what kind of artillery firepower the Germans have in their hands, it is nothing in front of Katyusha, whose explosive power has reached the Zenith star level of World War II.

Do you dare to play artillery with me? Then I'll show you what a real artilleryman is. Go to hell and regret why your mother made you, a bastard, so stupid.

When the last 152 mm high-explosive grenade fell on the German position and exploded, the main force of the division led by Malashenko was already rushing forward on the charge.

The assault group led by heavy tanks did not follow a large number of infantry. This was a special arrangement made by Malashenko.

He rashly dispatched a large number of infantry to follow the charge on foot. If those big guns of the Germans were to suddenly take advantage of him, Malashenko would have to add a lot of disgrace to his combat command resume. At least Malashenko himself would feel embarrassed. A case of "command error".

The first wave of infantry tanks to coordinate the charge can be left to his infantry. Malashenko has already explained to Varosha all the matters that need to be paid attention to and the specific situation, and his troops have become more comfortable in using them. The important thing is that Malashenko is full of confidence in his soldiers who are known as leaders and the most elite in the army.

"Attention all crews, maintain formation and pay attention to the spacing between crews! Don't be too dense!"

Malashenko, who was always worried about the Germans' tricks, held his hand on the commander's periscope and emphasized the order again. The inter-train radio transmitted Malashenko's order along the radio channel to the ears of every commander, extremely clear. .

That is to say, before Malashenko finished speaking and was about to press the call button to say something, the leading vanguard vehicle crew had already sent an alarm that war was imminent.

"The Germans are out! The infantry is moving on the position. There is an anti-tank weapon surviving. It's an anti-tank gun! One o'clock direction!"

With the warning words clearly echoing in his ears, Malashenko quickly turned the commander's periscope in his hand to confirm the target, and immediately found the anti-tank gun, which was being cleaned by seven or eight German soldiers. The order came out immediately.

"PAK43, it's Chang 88! A high-threat target, suppress it with machine gun fire and kill it!"

Among all the infantry anti-tank guns currently in service in the German army, the PAK43 is definitely the most powerful and threatening one, bar none.

This kind of power is equivalent to the power of King Tiger's heavy infantry anti-tank gun. As long as you aim accurately and destroy the IS6 head-on, it is not a problem. Although this is a job with extremely high skill and difficulty and a certain amount of luck, but let it be so It's definitely impossible for a piece of trash to open fire randomly and cause trouble.

After receiving the order, the two IS6 heavy tanks of the forward troops immediately slowed down. The black turrets simultaneously turned their muzzles to point. The coaxial machine gun's firepower covered them all and hit them all, surrounding the door that was half buried in the floating soil. When PAK43 tried to clean up the German infantry, several of them screamed and were swept to the ground.

The remaining German infantry also subconsciously threw them down without daring to stand. However, dodging machine gun bullets does not mean that they survived the catastrophe. More terrifying destruction is about to follow.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Target! Kraut's anti-tank gun!"


Boom boom——

Two rounds of 122 mm high-explosive grenades that used surface-based killing methods rushed out of the gun barrel and roared away. The power of this thing was completely different from the machine gun bullets that used point-based killing methods.

Two huge explosions that were connected one after another, and it was almost impossible to distinguish the sequence, raised a large amount of dust, and were accompanied by dazzling sparks like flying lightning, and tracers of tracers flying in all directions like a meteor shower. Break the sky.

"Beautiful, the cannon is finished! The ammunition exploded, hahaha!"

Even the gun crew and the ready-to-fire ammunition stored on the spot next to the gun position were all raised into the sky. There was no need for precise aiming, but the 122mm high-explosive grenade that only needed to be hit with a good accuracy. It was obviously very powerful and extremely sturdy. .

The huge advantage of large-caliber artillery shells when targeting soft targets and fortification targets is fully demonstrated at this time, wild and rough, without giving the enemy any chance to reason or regret.

"Is this the hidden cannon of those Germans? It's difficult for the comrades of the infantry to charge against this thing. It is the right choice to leave it to us."

As soon as the brisk-toned Iushkin finished speaking and before Malashenko even had a chance to answer, an unexpected emergency followed at this moment.


"Damn! The Kraut's big-barreled artillery, where are they!? I can't see them!"

Huge explosions bloomed in the center of the charge formation, one after another. The rapidly spreading wave of flames and the dust raised into the sky during the explosion, coupled with this deafening huge movement, no one at this moment would have the slightest doubt that the Germans on the opposite side What level of artillery did you use? Only a fool would believe that a small water pipe can make such a big noise.

But the scary thing is that even Iushkin, who has both keen vision and hearing, and was praised by Lavrinenko as "the best gunner in the division and better than me", was blown up at this moment. Confused and full of questions.

In his impatience, he had no idea where the shells from the Germans on the opposite side came from, and there was no sign of firing at all. There was no gunfire, no smoke from the muzzle, let alone finding the specific location of the gun emplacement. This was no different from seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

"Comrade Commander, I can't find the target, can you tell me where it is?!"

Iushkin, who had always been excellent at detecting enemies, became blind, but at this moment Malashenko was no better. Holding the commander's periscope in his hand, he quickly turned his head into a 360-degree camera, but I still couldn't figure out where the shells from this stupid German guy came from. No matter how calm I was, I could only barely hear the general direction of the sound of the cannon fire.

"Two o'clock direction! The sound of firing came from that way, but there is no target within visual distance! What the hell!"

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