Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1798 Close Evasion

Malashenko, who has been in battle for a long time, has never encountered such an unexpected situation. The roaring and roaring sound of the named enemy's artillery echoed in his ears, but he could not see the specific location of the target. Not even a trace of the majestic muzzle flash or smoke when the artillery fired could be seen.

"What a bloody fascist bastard!"

The noise of various firefights on the battlefield was even more exciting than the Chinese artillery fire on New Year's Eve. The complex noise pollution was intertwined and greatly reduced Malashenko's hearing ability.

Being able to barely distinguish the direction of the sound of the artillery sound is pretty good, but it is already impossible for Malashenko to hear the specific location of the sound of the artillery sound. Even if Comrade Ma has a pair of ears, it is impossible for him to do it. .

Malashenko is extremely urgent at the moment, and it is more appropriate to describe Comrade Ma's current state as anxious and angry.

They clearly knew that the Germans were using large-caliber heavy artillery to bomb them indiscriminately, but they couldn't find the specific location of these beasts.

Coming up with an effective countermeasure that can be implemented immediately is the top priority at the moment. With his head and eyes spinning in a hurry, Malashenko suddenly had an idea. A solution that was not a solution was already a solution at the moment. became the only option.

"Each vehicle crew accelerated towards the Germans' position and got entangled with the enemy! The infantry waited until they were close to the position before getting off the car! I want to see if these bastards dare to blow up their own people!"

Large-caliber artillery is an absolute first-class killer weapon on any ground battlefield.

It is often said that bullets have no eyes, but artillery shells are even less eye-catching than bullets. Large-caliber artillery shells are even less eye-catching and absolutely do not have eyes.

A large-caliber artillery of more than 100 mm will definitely explode a large area with one shot. In most cases, the range of AOE damage is beneficial to the artillery master. This can maximize the damage to the enemy's powerful soft targets. One large-caliber shot The shells smashed over and the explosive impact of the shells could mow down a large area of ​​infantry in an instant.

However, nothing is absolute, and large-scale AOE damage is sometimes not an absolute good thing. For example, when the distance of the artillery strike is too close, it is enough to accidentally damage one's own side.

An obvious reality is that the position where Malashenko is leading the charge at this moment is less than 500 meters away from the edge of the German position.

The charging distance of five hundred meters may be a big trouble for infantry, but for armored troops with strong guns and steel tracks that push forward, this is basically a matter of kicking the accelerator.

And once the troops rushed to the position and got involved with the Germans, Malashenko didn't believe that these bastards would still have the guts to shoot at him. It would be a lot of fun if a large-caliber artillery shot missed the head of one of your own, especially since artillery shells these days do not have precision guidance, and the accuracy of howitzers that shoot straight and high-throw ballistics can basically be said to be bad. In a batch, relying purely on quantity to make up for the lack of accuracy, one must never dare to fire randomly.

This method cannot be said to be very good, and it even has to continue to brave the fierce shelling of the Germans to move forward for a certain distance, but it is the only feasible solution at the moment. Apart from this, Malashenko really can’t think of anything better than This is a better and more immediate way to do it resolutely and without any hesitation.

The forward troops who received Malashenko's order began to accelerate and sprint with all their strength. The German positions that were already close at hand were shortened to this distance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It should be said that Malashenko's order was indeed timed. The German positions that had just been blasted by artillery fire did not have a strong ability to resist at the moment. A large number of firepower points were directly destroyed during the artillery preparations, but the prepared firepower points were not sent in time to replenish them. No matter how fast the action was, it still took a lot of time.

Malashenko, who seized this opportunity and issued the order to accelerate the sprint, made the correct judgment. The forward troops charging at high speed encountered almost no decent resistance.

The sparse German positions had very little defensive firepower and even anti-tank guns. Those German soldiers who were dizzy by the artillery fire were almost as if they were drunk. Many of them had just staggered from the ground. After getting out of the surviving artillery holes, they must immediately pick up the weapons in their hands and enter the fighting position, facing the Russians' heavy steel monsters with strong armor and sharp guns.

How much combat effectiveness can you expect from infantry in this state? The answer must be that you can’t expect it, so don’t expect too much.

After being bombarded by a group of heavy artillery for half an hour, you can still stumble into the position with a gun and prepare to fight. This kind of fighting quality is enough to give you face. After all, the flesh and blood of a mortal body has its limits.

"Russians, Russian tanks are coming! Bring your iron fists over here, hurry up!"

"They're all buried in the hole, where can we dig now!?"

"There must be more on the position! Look for it in the trenches. There may be something buried under the soil. Look for it quickly!"

Boxes of iron fists stored in the artillery caves were buried directly inside and could not be taken out. There were indeed some ready-made iron fists in the trenches that had been prepared. However, the number was scarce and could not meet the actual demand. Secondly, Russia The dust raised by the ferocious bombardment just now has buried quite a few of these iron fists in the soil, leaving no trace.

As a result, a very magical and somewhat funny scene immediately unfolded on the German position.

Seeing that the enemy's heavy tanks were about to rush into their faces, the German soldiers, one or two, panicked like rats whose tails had been stepped on. Instead of picking up the light weapons at hand to defend themselves against the enemy, they instead took folding engineer shovels or anything else that could. They found digging tools and even used their bare hands, desperately digging and groping in the shelled soil at their feet, trying to find the last life-saving straw.

The strange movements of the German soldiers were noticed by Malashenko. With a little thought, he could guess that the Germans were not digging for gold in the soil, but digging for buried weapons. Malashenko, who had a sneer on his lips, even felt that these fascist lackeys were a bit "poor".

Knowing that he was about to be destroyed and that there was no way to escape, but he still continued to do this useless work that was meaningless and deep in despair. It was unlucky enough to be in this state before dying.

"Don't stop the coaxial machine guns of each vehicle crew. If there are still living infantry on the vehicle, keep the roof machine gun output! Don't stop the tanks and machine guns. Press these fascist garbage and rush forward! Ula!!!"

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