Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1799 I won’t do the business at a loss

Malashenko has been observing the battlefield situation, and while issuing orders, he is also aware of the overall situation and every change on the battlefield.

Malashenko eagerly wanted to know where the bottom line of these German artillery bastards was, the last bottom line that could be tolerated in order to avoid harming friendly forces. This is both the German's bottom line and his own safety line. After crossing this line, he no longer has to endure the annoying and disgusting bombardment. After that, the next step is to actually press the German to the ground, rub and beat him.

In terms of close combat, Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division has never been defeated by any German army. Whether it is the SS or the Wehrmacht, they can kill him and return with a huge defeat, and this time is no exception.

Finally, when Malashenko led his troops to the last less than two hundred meters away from the German position, the annoying and hateful shelling finally stopped and stopped roaring.

"Two hundred f*cking meters, these idiots can really keep their composure! The heavy artillery group's bombardment did not stop until the last two hundred meters away from friendly forces. What a bunch of lunatics!"

Malashenko, who was cursing secretly in his heart, vowed to make the German artillerymen look good to the German artillerymen who dared to show off in front of him, but first, taking down the enemy's German positions was the top priority.

Once the protection of the heavy artillery cluster is lost, the strength of the German king in front of him is not enough to fill his teeth.

Just when he was about to spread his arms and officially start the killing, Malashenko suddenly thought of a very important thing, an issue that is very easy to ignore and omit, which may cause very serious consequences and extremely bad troubles. It must be dealt with as soon as possible. Malashenko grabbed the radio transmitter hanging at hand, which was Malashenko's first emergency action.

"I am Malashenko! Don't charge with the large follow-up reinforcements. I repeat it again! The Germans' hidden artillery fire points have not been found and cleared. The large follow-up reinforcements are on standby. Don't charge yet! Wait for my order!"

According to the scheduled combat plan, Gornakov's troops will immediately follow up after Malashenko's troops form a frontal breakthrough, quickly pour in from the opened gap in the German position, consolidate the breakthrough point and further penetrate into the German defense line. Expand results in depth.

The final victory was won under the cover of the powerful direct firepower of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, at least that was the original plan.

But now, as the field commander, Malashenko had to temporarily change this order and suspend the subsequent follow-up charge of large reinforcements.

Where exactly the hidden artillery fire points of the Germans are, and how these bastards survived the artillery preparations, all kinds of uncertain and bad situations are still unknown.

On the premise that they had already rushed to the position and got involved with the Germans, it was even more impossible to call in artillery support from their own side to clear the ground again towards the suspicious coordinates. The Germans' artillery weapons were afraid of hurting friendly troops. The same was true for Malashenko. Once they entered a state of close combat, it was equivalent to banning direct artillery support from both warring parties at the same time.

The option of artillery support is never available unless you intend to die with the enemy.

Without taking care of the Germans' hidden artillery firepower, ordering follow-up reinforcements to launch a charge was an act of suicide.

Gornakov's unit is just a newly formed ordinary infantry division that does not even have the title of Guards. Not to mention the low degree of mechanization, it does not have a single tank, and it is a pure infantry unit.

Although he left some medium tanks to provide cover for the accompanying charge, Malashenko knew clearly that these medium tanks could not save the infantry shrouded in artillery fire. Even the Tianling Cap of a heavy tank can't withstand a large-caliber artillery bombardment. If a medium tank is hit, it will be unable to protect itself. In this case, talking about the protection of infantry is pure nonsense.

If Gornakov did not realize the seriousness of the problem and launched the charge according to the original plan, Malashenko estimated that the number of people who would die under the heavy bombardment of the Germans in this wave would have to be reduced by a thousand. Injuries are counted separately.

Thousands of lives were wasted in the face of the stubborn resistance of the Germans who were already destined to lose. We, Comrade Ma, would not do such a loss-making business.

Malashenko firmly believes that the main strength of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division can cope with the current situation.

The Germans' resistance indeed became more intense as the assault deepened, but this intensity was not stronger than their own heavy direct fire support.

Fascism's firepower is not weak, but the Red Army's firepower is stronger!

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about this kind of close-quarters fighting. The competition is about the stronger firepower pouring ability of the other side. As long as my firepower is strong enough and I can form an overwhelming advantage, I can kill you with fucking shells and bullets. This is an overwhelming strength advantage that is completely unreasonable.

It is obvious that, just like most of the battles experienced by Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division in the past, the overwhelming strength advantage once again stood on the side of Malashenko or the Red Army.

Da da da da da——



"Stop! Stop everyone! The German machine guns have blocked the traffic trench, don't rush!"

Cleaning up all the traffic trenches and trenches that spread across the entire position like a spider web is a must-have battle scenario when a position is fortified. Infantry offensive and defensive tactics revolve around this battle topic and many offensive and defensive tactics are applied.

The German guys opposite were obviously not just minions on the roadside. The machine gun bunker built at the end of a straight-line traffic trench was extremely tricky.

The continuous burst of fire suppressed the enemy's head and face, making any idea of ​​crossing this communication trench an unfeasible idea, but other than that, there was no other way to the deeper parts of the position. Jumping out of the traffic trench and charging will only lead to faster death. Behind the machine gun bunker is the actual control area of ​​​​the Germans, and countless black holes are waiting for the Red Army soldiers.

This disgusting machine gun bunker must be taken down, even if it is equipped with dual machine guns to ensure uninterrupted firepower output.

Through the first failed charge just now, we have learned how strong the German machine gun bunkers are. Ordinary grenade attacks have no effect at all. The machine gun bunkers reinforced with layers of civil structures are enough to withstand the explosion impact of grenades. Unless you can throw a grenade into the machine gun hole, but under the current situation and distance, it is basically equivalent to trying to eat shit.

The Iron Fist can definitely blast this machine gun bunker, and the range is sufficient, but the problem is that the crazy machine gun barrage that covers your face doesn't even give you a chance to aim. The Iron Fist cannot turn, so it is a proper direct-aimed shooting weapon. But as long as you dare to step out and take aim, you will definitely be torn into pieces by the extremely fast-shooting twin MG42s in the next second, and there will be no chance.

After much deliberation, there was only one solution left. He looked back and nodded to the deputy platoon leader who was following closely behind him. The two platoon leaders who led the assault took them off his waist at the same time. The grenade is just a round columnar shape that is very different from the commonly used lemon grenade.

Of course, you can't expect two smoke bombs that can only spray white smoke to cause any substantial damage to the Germans. It's even more unthinkable to use smoke to block the road in an attempt to break in. Such a narrow traffic trench is still empty even if it is sealed with smoke. Farting in pants is the same as unsealed pants.

But, who says that this smoke must be used to block the view?

Smoke can play many roles and has a wide range of tactical uses. For example, it can summon several powerful IS6 heavy tanks, use the main gun to load 122mm full-caliber high-explosive grenades, and fire concentrated fire at the area where the smoke disperses.

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